Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
I think 98% of the Xbox One userbase have a 1080p TV.
I think 98% of the Xbox One userbase have a 1080p TV.
I think 98% of the Xbox One userbase have a 1080p TV.
Yes, they have to work around shity tech descisions. But it appears that 1080 is also doable on the XBone, see Forza.900p fits into the ESRAM nicely
Actually that still remains 720p for HD sets.
The moment that the big hubbub about resolution in this thread was when a junior said he expected it was at 900p, he provided no evidence. Frank's statement is basically a sidestep from giving a reply to the 1080p question. That is kinda weak but doesn't warrant needless speculation.Hmmm... (the following quote is in the post above yours but you must've missed it)
O'Connor is Frank O'Connor, franchise development director at 343. I think he has knowledge of the actual resolution.
If that Elite model is their definition of improved assets, I rather stick with what Bungie gave us.
After playing Watch Dogs at 900p, it's incredibly noticeable to me in difference.
They broadcast in 720p because they are going for the lowest common denominator. And because most people dont give a fuck anyway as long as there is a tiny HD logo in the corner of their screen.And if Microsoft had their way, 100% of the One userbase would have an internet connection. Still wouldn't have meant that 100% of the population has an internet connection.
It's almost like most of the owners of the consoles currently tend to be hardcore purchasers that tend to buy hardware at the outset.
Still doesn't change the fact that the general public install base that I was referring to are majority 720p television sets. ESPN, a large driver of HD set purchases, still only broadcasts in 720p.
Are you aware that the majority of flat panel displays in consumer households are 1080 displays?
There are still people with CRTs around...why not just stay at 480 then?
They broadcast in 720p because they are going for the lowest common denominator.
Yes you can support a lot of devices when you go for 720 or 480. Both consoles can downsample from 1080 to 720 for example though. Downsampling has a positive effect on your iq while upscaling destroys your picture.Currently sold YoY, but not by adoption rate. There's still a bunch of tube and projection and previous flatscreen HDTVs sold and sitting in homes which are 720p or 1080i. And a 720p image has more unique lines (720) per screen refresh than 1080i (540) meaning you can just about get 1080i for 'free' out of a 720p render target.
They're much smaller base and HD content scales down to them anyway. All the TV stations switched to HD long ago, so tube TVs just have black bars when watching them. The PS4 and Xbone do both support 480p.
This is my entire point.. the lowest common denominator = the most adopted TV resolution.
Who cares about the amount of P's when we will be able to play at 60 fps on dedicated servers!!!!!!!
.Who cares about the amount of P's when we will be able to play at 60 fps on dedicated servers!!!!!!!
Would people be upset if they barred party chat in ranked play lists so their can be that sense of community and communication returning once again? I know I'll do my part as I want to hear that glorious shit talking in the post game lobby again.
I don't see why the two engines need to run at the same time, just make the H2A and H2 campaigns seperate options like the rest, the switching is a gimmick, especially poor choice if it means lower resolution
I don't see why the two engines need to run at the same time, just make the H2A and H2 campaigns seperate options like the rest, the switching is a gimmick, especially poor choice if it means lower resolution
I don't see why the two engines need to run at the same time, just make the H2A and H2 campaigns seperate options like the rest, the switching is a gimmick, especially poor choice if it means lower resolution
Man, I hope there's no party chat.
For years I've been talking about proximity chat in Halo being so much a part of the experience.
I have 0 interest in listening to other people on the internet who are not my friends. No offense.
If there are specific lobbies or whatever where party chat is disabled I'm totally fine with that, you guys have fun. But to have it off by default hell naw.
I really don't understand how it's silly for this particular game though, it's a remaster... lots of people will be double dipping, seems like the improved IQ is the biggest draw, no?
We will have cinematic pixel counts.
They already promised the whole package would run at 1080p/60 on stage, that's why a lot of people are already pissed off.
Man, I hope there's no party chat.
For years I've been talking about proximity chat in Halo being so much a part of the experience.
I'm disappointed that Halo 3 won't be getting a graphical overhaul like the first 2 games. I can understand Halo 4 not getting it, because it still looks awesome, but 3 looks super dated now, i would have loved to have gone back through that campaign with newer graphics.
But i doubt i'll care too much when i have that sweet, sweet 1080p 60fps goodness.
Curious how Halo 1's MP will use voice chat. Halo 3 had proximity chat only in social games. Playing Halo 2's Assault and Flag games with proximity chat was fun times.Man, I hope there's no party chat.
For years I've been talking about proximity chat in Halo being so much a part of the experience.
including the re-mastered Halo 2: Anniversary, all at Xbox One visual fidelity
Curious how Halo 1's MP will use voice chat. Halo 3 had proximity chat only in social games. Playing Halo 2's Assault and Flag games with proximity chat was fun times.
So any and all references to 1080p seem to be removed from official pages. Instead, check this out:
"Xbox One visual fidelity." That's some impressive say-nothing soft wording right there.
So any and all references to 1080p seem to be removed from official pages. Instead, check this out:
"Xbox One visual fidelity." That's some impressive say-nothing soft wording right there.
Because resolution is more important.
There it is! The rallying call!
Have you got it in you, guys? Can you build up enough energy to be truly outraged? Extra kudos if you never had any intention of buying the game and still manage it.
Man, I hope there's no party chat.
For years I've been talking about proximity chat in Halo being so much a part of the experience.
They're little tiny squares. If the game looks good - and Halo 2 Anniversary already does, I think - why does it matter how many little tiny squares it has?
Extra kudos if you never had any intention of buying the game and still manage it.
They're little tiny squares. If the game looks good - and Halo 2 Anniversary already does, I think - why does it matter how many little tiny squares it has?
No offence taken but It's not really about that, you'd still be playing with friends, you'd still talk to them.
Just that in games, you'd hear other players as you got close to them, you have to keep quiet when approaching a bomb plant / flag capture in case you're heard. You can say loudly so hopefully the other team hear "I'm going to go through the teleporter with the flag!" then do something different.
Other people like the post game zings but I'm not so fussed about that.
Party chat's great for being social and I use it all the time, I think it's a good feature. Not having it on Halo MCC would make for a better online Halo experience. It might mean more people would play it too.![]()
So any and all references to 1080p seem to be removed from official pages. Instead, check this out:
"Xbox One visual fidelity." That's some impressive say-nothing soft wording right there.
900p fits into the ESRAM nicely
You can make anything sound ridiculous when you oversimplify an issue to absurdity like that. Halo 2 Anniversary looks decent, but it doesn't look drastically better than H1A did on the Xbox 360. So that makes it especially disappointing that it's running at such a low resolution. 810p is only 56% of 1080p - that's a drastic and noticeable reduction in image quality.
Given that a lot of us are double, triple, even quadruple dipping in buying a remake of a game we already own in a package that's selling point is updated graphics, it's really disappointing to see it not looking as good at should, especially after Microsoft lied at E3 to build hype that media outlets are still reporting on.
So yes, it might look "good." But it doesn't look as good as it should, as good as we were promised it would, or meet a lot of people's expectations for a remake of content we've already thrown hundreds of dollars at.
I'm not oversimplifying it because I haven't said anything that wasn't true: pixels are tiny little squares that you can't see unless you're really up close to your TV screen.
I can most definitely understand being upset if you were promised one thing and not the other, but at its most basic if a game looks good and looks noticeably better than a game from last-gen, which H2A does to me, then putting so much on pixels isn't productive to me.
I'm not oversimplifying it because I haven't said anything that wasn't true: pixels are tiny little squares that you can't see unless you're really up close to your TV screen.
I can most definitely understand being upset if you were promised one thing and not the other, but at its most basic if a game looks good and looks noticeably better than a game from last-gen, which H2A does to me, then putting so much on pixels isn't productive to me.
Maybe if I had images side by side, sure, but I've never been able to tell what's say, 900p or 1080p just by looking at it.You can't see individual pixels but you can tell the difference in image clarity and sharpness they result in if you have eyes worth a shit. You are oversimplifying the situation to the point of demagoguery.
I suspect you're right but do you have a link to the maths behind this?
So any and all references to 1080p seem to be removed from official pages. Instead, check this out:
"Xbox One visual fidelity." That's some impressive say-nothing soft wording right there.
You can make anything sound ridiculous when you oversimplify an issue to absurdity like that. Halo 2 Anniversary looks decent, but it doesn't look drastically better than H1A did on the Xbox 360. So that makes it especially disappointing that it's running at such a low resolution. 810p is only 56% of 1080p - that's a drastic and noticeable reduction in image quality.
Given that a lot of us are double, triple, even quadruple dipping in buying a remake of a game we already own in a package that's selling point is updated graphics, it's really disappointing to see it not looking as good at should, especially after Microsoft lied at E3 to build hype that media outlets are still reporting on.
So yes, it might look "good." But it doesn't look as good as it should, as good as we were promised it would, or meet a lot of people's expectations for a remake of content we've already thrown hundreds of dollars at.
I doubt there's many, if any, people in this thread who were never interested in buying the game, given that this a niche fan-service game and thread.
Not entirely true, someone found out that the E3 footage was rendered at 810p, so they asked 343i, who in turn confirmed that the current resolution was not 1080p yet and they were aiming to get there, which hardly sounded as confident as the 1080p/60fps all around they announced at E3.
It's not the ten year anniversary of Halo 3, and like Frank said, it still looks good enough that only a resolution boost and frame rate are warranted. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for making things better, but 343 needs to draw a line in the sand. They're not going to remake two games with full new cinematic and sounds and then keep it at a singular price point too. Maybe in 3+ years when it's actually the ten year anniversary for Halo 3.
I would like to see the split screen field of view be given instead of the current wide-screen FoV.
I'm disappointed that Halo 3 won't be getting a graphical overhaul like the first 2 games. I can understand Halo 4 not getting it, because it still looks awesome, but 3 looks super dated now, i would have loved to have gone back through that campaign with newer graphics.
But i doubt i'll care too much when i have that sweet, sweet 1080p 60fps goodness.
I'm disappointed that Halo 3 won't be getting a graphical overhaul like the first 2 games. I can understand Halo 4 not getting it, because it still looks awesome, but 3 looks super dated now, i would have loved to have gone back through that campaign with newer graphics.
But i doubt i'll care too much when i have that sweet, sweet 1080p 60fps goodness.
Well fuck.
What a disappointment.
H3 does not look bad.
Glad to see this has turned into "Concern Trolling" The Thread.
H3 does not look bad.
Selling point for whom? They don't have to make a single graphical change to the multiplayer of CE and H2, and I'd still buy it. So, the selling point for me and I'm sure many others is the multiplayer and online co-op.Given that a lot of us are double, triple, even quadruple dipping in buying a remake of a game we already own in a package that's selling point is updated graphics, it's really disappointing to see it not looking as good at should, especially after Microsoft lied at E3 to build hype that media outlets are still reporting on.
mhmmmI'm not oversimplifying it because I haven't said anything that wasn't true: pixels are tiny little squares that you can't see unless you're really up close to your TV screen.