As someone who said he would tweak it if numbers need it, I'm not sure why you seem to be separating the two. The reason I said I trusted Froggy is I expected him to listen to the feedback and make a judgement based off that, no that he would just do whatever he felt like it and that would be great. I think there's been an issue of mixed messages here. People see people on Reddit etc bitching in a ridiculous manner, they say it's dumb, then the more reasonable people who are just having a normal discussion think they are talking about them and get defensive and now people are making lots of posts putting words in each other's mouths.
Sorry I'm not trying to separate the two. All I'm saying is if someone says, "Icefrog knows best, he'll tweak it if he needs to!" Then they can't turn around and say, "Wow valve tweaked it way too fast, I'm sure they caved to le reddit!" Just gotta be consistent is all, and the post isn't directed at you.
reposting the 6.82 bounty system table after the tweaks last night:
her passive scales well in to the late game, and she is a late game carry.
I'm aware. But she gained 12% winrate over night and it seems to have not moved since the changes today.
Not enough data since the changes, give it 12-24 hours and you'll see the trends from the gold changes start to appear.
Played for the first time since the patch. Haven't seen skywrath once. sogood.gif
Lycan still seems pretty good guys.
So when is 6.83?
Skywrath is pretty much just as good as he was before.
i don't think so, since early game doesn't matter much anymore, and it's when he thrives, at least for me.
That pa 5th pick was one of the worst things I've ever seen. Into a venge/chen/lycan/viper/BM? She's literally useless lol.
The latest bounty change toned things down a lot. Early game should be pretty important again.
i don't think so, since early game doesn't matter much anymore, and it's when he thrives, at least for me.
deathball strat is still alive =/
deathball strat is still alive =/
After playing a few more games, the comeback isn't noticeable at this point. Still that armor buff to towers pretty much slaughtered any early pushers.
It's still a little more than 6.81. Some dude on nadota crunched all the numbers and what it comes down to is pretty much: if the game goes late, one fight is huge and the comeback system kicks in if the networths are far apart. In the early/mid-game; however, the leads usually aren't going to be significant enough to kickstart the comeback system (so it's much closer to 6.81, but still a little bit more). So instead of seeing the top networth player on one team give the other team (let's assume his team is up by 25,000g) let's say a 1200g infusion to 3 players. He'll now give something more reasonable like 600-800g to each.
Here's a table that better illustrates the post patch bounty change:[IMG][/QUOTE]
Values are too low now IMO but we'll see.
I was defending it because Icefrog knows better than literally every person who was arguing against it. We had 24 hours of data and people were bitching their mouths off with preconceived notions, misunderstandings, and plain stupidity.
The community as a whole deserved to give it a better shot than they ever did.
I don't think I mentioned 6.81 once.
qojqva LC... mm.
Was against some team called Fab 5 or something.Where?
Was against some team called Fab 5 or something.
~130-140 Duel damage, went treads-blink-blademail.Aww, I clicked on that stream but it was already overHow did he do?
~130-140 Duel damage, went treads-blink-blademail.
are valve and ice frog known for caving to public pressure? i dont think so
did they have as much data during testing as they did during the 24 hours it was live to the whole world? i dont think so
the values needed to be tweaked, and as such, they were
They don't usually cave, centaur was pretty broken for a good 2 weeks before icefrog finally nerfed him. There was some pro outcry during that time as well. Most likely he just wanted to test the changes in a live environment before changing them.