Bbbbbut that price... bbbbut its Vanillaware..
This is a crisis of ship-girl proportions.
oh wow, I didn't even realize his helmet comes off. He's so dreamy.
Bbbbbut that price... bbbbut its Vanillaware..
This is a crisis of ship-girl proportions.
Poly resin, holy fuck. Gonna have to pass.. Looks decent.
What is polyresin like? Is it fragile like polystone?
Dragon Toy's Ikkitousen Sonsaku alternate color (NSFW)
I missed out on the original so might go for this.
The agony.HIMEJI preorder up at GSC official store
glorious 18.8k
HIMEJI preorder up at GSC official store
glorious 18.8k
Watch her be exclusive to GSC's store.April release. Nice!
Come on Ami, where my waifu at?
Watch her be exclusive to GSC's store.
I know she isn't, but imagine the rage.
Watch her be exclusive to GSC's store.
I know she isn't, but imagine the rage.
Same here. I'm honestly surprised she isn't.When I saw the price I thought she was going to be that Wonderful Hobby Selection bullshit again.
I'm in.
Himeji Castle at BIJ for 14,620 yen.
Still a "no" for me.
Edit - Damn it, sorry about the Double Post. ~_~
Oh, and AmiAmi [14,600 yen].$pagemax=40$getcnt=0$pagecnt=1
Secret AmiAmi/Ninja skills!Chrono-kun, where do you find Ami links before they show up on the main page?
\o/Ah, okay. Himejijou ordered!
I got my Himejijou!
Hooray Himejijou!
I'm still resisting. I'm proud of myself.
I'm still resisting. I'm proud of myself.
/bowI'm proud of you.
Damn right.Yeah, but we both know you're going to be the Admiral of an entire fleet of boat girls. Let's not even kid ourselves.
stuff that is pretty cheappp
4.7k Maka$pagemax=70$getcnt=0$pagecnt=1
Really tempted by that Aty. She's not EMS only is she?
Apparently this is ems only, and shipping is 3,360. If it wasn't for that I'd definitely grab her, but gonna have to pass.
hobbysearch said its salable
Good lord, did the entire line of flying pantsu girls not sell?
I edited the post. It's 2 vs 2, so it's hard to say what mandarake will do. Gonna pass unless she goes on sale from a place that does list her as salable again. Really pissed off I missed the hobby search deal, but it sold out before I even saw it.
woah castlegirl up on amiami
only 14.6k jpy
i don't know what to doooo
wait a minute; looking at the source material there's other girls i'd rather have a figure of :x maybe i can hold out for those lol
Price is better than I thought. Sadly Racing Miku is the same not sure...yet.
Boat Girl > Castle Girl. Stick with Yamato, IMO.*looks at april 2015 orders*
oh yeah, racing miku and yamato >.>
Welcome to #TeamBoatGirls.Nendoroid Amatsukaze and Medicchu Shimakaze pre-ordered. Can't resist cute.
Tempted by pre-owned Selvaria...
They're not all DFC. Some of them are quite well-equipped.more like teamdfc
They're not all DFC. Some of them are quite well-equipped.
Nothing wrong with a little "DFC variation" amongst your figures, IMO.i meant tempy's order
Nothing wrong with a little "DFC variation" amongst your figures, IMO.
I do believe there's an ancient proverb stating as such.
And wise choice it is!I think I-168 will fulfill that ancient proverb for me!