...and now you know why I have a Tizoc avatar :V

(Images courtesy of Fighter's Generation and the SNK wiki...and google images)
Released in 1999, Garou MotW was the latest entry in the Fatal Fury series. Taking place nearly 10 years after the events of Real Bout: Fatal Fury 1, a martial arts tournament is held in Second South(town). Terry returns to his home city to participate and help his protege, Rock Howard, learn about his past.
This is gonna be a repost of a huge write-up I did months ago, so hopefully you'll enjoy reading it and get an idea of the game. As is the game is available on Xbox Live, but the online is pretty weak, though the port itself is good.
Intro videos 1 and 2
Gotta love that uplifting samba-like theme that plays in the 2nd intro~
Garou: Mark of the Wolves was perhaps the first Dreamcast game Ive ever seen and played. The graphics and effects were very impressive from what I had seen, though at the time I didnt realize it was a Fatal Fury game.
None the less once I got my hands on the game and been able to play it, I spent HOURS AND HOURS playing it, and experimenting in Training mode.
Heck I even made .TXT files of my findings in regards to damage scaling, etc. but sadly that got deleted over the time I switched computers and lappies @_@.
What I DO remember from my findings:
BJ, Hokutomaru and Hotaru all take 10% more damage
Tizoc and Grant take 5% less damage (not that itd help Big Bird much )
Damage scaling was based on hits, not attacks (like SF4s) and min. damage from any attack will do 50% of its base damage.
To this day Im still waiting patiently for SNK to have Garou released on PSN or Steam with good net code.
For many KoF or SNK fans, Garou is the swan song of SNK, a game that few have every played or watched match vids of, but always hearing of how good it is.
As is, many a new KoF newcomer via KoF 13 may even hear of Garou, but all the time theyve spent in KoF 13 wont prepare them for it.
Garou is a lot stiffer than the usual SNK fighter from the period, Id say the game feels more like Street Fighter Alpha/Zero games if youve ever played them. Humorously enough, Garou is very lenient with its command inputs, you could do QCF, Hold Forward for half a second, input the next QCF and the super will come out after having walked forward a few steps. Like various SNK fighters, it utilizes 2 Punch buttons and 2 Kick buttons. Furthermore, charge moves, like Kains, only require holding the direction for 1 second (or less!), rather than a long-ish charge time like in Capcom games.
Many refer to Garou as SNKs answer to SF3, though their most prominent similarities are having a defensive technique as well as being the latest game in that series with fluid animation.
Game play wise, Garou is a very easy game to learn its mechanics:
The meter at the bottom of the screen is used for one thing and one thing only- performing your super move. Heres quick breakdown of supers in Garou:
Supers have 2 levels: S. Power is Lvl. 1 & P. Power is Lvl. 2
S. Powers do an average of 25% damage, P. Powers do an average of 40% damage
Supers are performed as QCFx2+Punch or Kick, and each character has 2 supers, with Rock, Butt, B. Jen
S. Powers are performed with Light Punch or Kick, while P. Powers are performed with Hard Punch/Kick.
Interestingly enough, one of your 2 supers can function as an anti-air.
Thats about it for super moves in Garou, Ill write a little more about them when I write about the characters. With supers out of the way heres a quick rundown of its main game play systems:
Pressing A+B (Light Punch+Light Kick) will do a Universal Overhead attack. It has a slow ish start up but some characters can link combos after it in some situations (like Grant)
Pressing Down+A+B will do a Universal Anti-Air, Ive not seen this used much in matches for such a purpose since those characters have better anti-airs prob., but this can be combo-ed into and is cancelable into specials or supers (even Grant and Tizocs you just gotta be fast)
A staple of the Fatal Fury series (I neglected to mention them before but will do an upcoming addendum) is retained in Garou: Feints, these are down by Pressing Down or Forward with both Punch buttons. Feints are used to extend combos and are one of Terrys most effective tools in Garou.
Feints will make the character do the starting animation of a super or attack, and in Garou can be used to combo normals together (Garou has chain combos but only for a few characters and most are not cancelable), in Terrys case he can do Standing C>Feint>Crouching C>Feint>Crouching C>Super/Special.
Those wondering if infinites are possible with it, then it is possible but you will almost never see it in matches due to the pushback from attacks and that using Feints for infinites is more effort than its worth.
Like many fighting games, it helps to know how much damage your combos into supers do, this way you can know when a combo youll be doing is gonna KO an opponent, and can help for saving meter if you just want to get a life lead.
Just Defend is the games defensive mechanic, and is a lot safer than Parrying in SF3. Many would be familiar with it from Capcom vs. SNK 2, but it made its debut in this game.
Just Defend requires the player to simply block at the very last second as an attack is about to hit them. If they succeed they will flash blue and recover a very very small amount of health, and like Parrying you can JD multiple hits to recover a decent chunk of health.
Upon JDing the player can do a Guard Cancel into any of their special moves or supers, or to their TOP Attack (explained soon). Simply Just Defend and then immediately enter the command for the move you want to perform and youll perform your Guard Cancel.
A sub-system in Garou is the TOP (Tactical Offensive Position I think ), after selecting your character, you will be asked to assign it in a location on your health bar. When your health is in the TOP area, you get an attack boost, and will slowly recover your health but only within the TOP area. In addition, when in TOP, Pressing C+D (Hard Punch+Hard Kick) will have your character perform a TOP attack, which functions as extra special move. Each characters TOP attack has its own properties but need to be carefully used due to their slow recovery.
TOP offers, by default a 25% attack increase, and it covers 1/3 of your health bar by default as well. You have the TOP area either at the first, middle or last third of your life bar.
Pressing Up or Down at the TOP menu will reduce its size but increase the damage output, you can get a whoppin 75% extra attack power by reducing the size of the bar so it covers 1/10th of your life bar, but no one bothers with that since 25% attack increase is fine as it is and balanced. Blocking TOP attacks can be risky as they can put your guard meter in the red from blocking them a few times.
Oh and the health bar consists of 120 points for every character, and there are no super cancelable moves.
One neat feature in the game is Breaking; each character has at least 1 special move which they can stop its animation early on, by pressing A+B, to extend a combo or in case it gets blocked, or just whiffing it for meter.
Using Terry as an example, his Break-able move is the Power Dunk, so you do the motion, Press A+B to Break it, then follow with a super or another Power Dunk.
Counter Hits in Garou are interesting, where in KoF, Counter Hits result in your combo or attack doing more damage, in Garou theyll either stun the opponent for a short while or juggle them into the air. In case of the opponent getting juggled, if you just let them fall to the ground, they can be hit OTG, and with a Super even! Juggles via Counter Hits also allow for certain combos that are normally not possible (like connecting 3 Power Dunks with Terry if the first CHs and is then Break-ed).
The game also has a hidden Guard Meter, if you see your character flashing red after blocking too many attacks, then you should be careful as it means an upcoming attack you block will break your guard leaving you open to a combo.
Id say thats it far as Garous game play goes, if its all too much to take in just re-read it again and youll get it memorized.
Much like how Capcom only brought back Ryu and Ken for SF3 (then Gouki and ChunLi), SNK decided to go a similar route, except they only brought back Terry with certain characters being legacy characters to pre-existing ones. One legacy character that takes the center stage in this game is Rock Howard, Geeses son who is seen in Terrys RBS ending and in various games Terry appeared in. Furthermore, Terry himself was redesigned losing his trademark cap and long hair, but keeping his legendary English accent.
Garou MotW takes place 10-15 years after the events of Real Bout Special, with Geese gone from peoples lives, the city of Southtown prospered in peace and has now expanded into Second Southtown, where the events of the game take place. Rock and Terry are invited to participate in a tournament by a man named Kain.
Many consider Garou and KoF 2000 to be SNKs swan song released during the final years of SNK, and in case of Garou it shows.
Visually speaking the sprites are colorful and animate really well, the backgrounds are colored in a somewhat different style making the sprites stand out. but in typical SNK tradition, the backgrounds are very well detailed and look beautiful and dynamic for the most part. The Neo Geo was said not to be able to produce 3D images, but SNK have tinkered with it in past games and in Garou the KO message is drawn with a pseudo 3D animation.
One neat little feature SNK added to the game that many may not know about has to do with Taunts.
First off after winning a round you can do extra 2 taunts by Holding Forward or Back then pressing Taunt. Now in some stages something happens when you taunt, its not anything major but props to SNK for adding more novelty to the game.
During arcade mode, before fighting your opponent a short cut scene will show the location or the character you will be fighting, such as Butt and the Kyokugen Bear doing a flying kick at each other ala Hokuto no Ken.
The music is another high point of Garou as it properly reflects the characters and their personalities, it should be noted that its perhaps the only fighting game that I know of at least, that has a different theme play depending on how you defeat your opponent, but the best has to be when winning with a super move:
More on the music and stages when I write up on the characters.
The main artist on Garou: MotW is TONKO (Senno Aki) who was the main artist on Last Blade 2, she also did promotional and cover artwork for SNK as well.
Garou MotW consists of 14 characters (2 can only be select by entering their respective codes), and each with their own unique play style and characterization, allowing for anyone to find the character whose design or play style suits them. Furthermore, instead of a generic icon to state how a player won the round, each character has a unique symbol to show how many rounds theyve won in a match. A very nice touch that I do not believe has been done in any other fighters Ive played since.

Terry Bogard is the only returning Fatal Fury character now sporting a cool jacket and changing up his English vocabulary. For some reason I personally prefer his new look over his trucker look but both are cool in their own way. Terry gets his popular BUSTER WOLF super in this game and its special effects are beautifully colored.
Some of Terrys moves have a volcanic colored aura in his fist when he performs them, such as his Power Wave, B. Knuckle, Power Dunk, Power Geyser and BUSTER WOLF. I found this to be a nice touch, and fits in well with his explosive personality. Terrys TOP Attack is a tackle to a Power Dunk, has a slow start-up but if it is blocked Terry will be left open for combo.
In the events of Garou, Terry is more of the Deuteragonist. I feel as if the events of Garou take a look at his actions in his struggle against Geese instead of being about the character himself. It is unfortunate that the games poor English translation fails miserably in letting the player figure out just WTF his ending is about.
Terrys win icon is a Star, and his stage takes place on a moving train, reminiscent of his Fatal Fury 2/Special stage. Round 1 start with the train moving and the sun can be seen rising in the background! The train is traveling on its way to a train station, which is the setting for Round 2, where you can see some passengers in the waiting area cheering on the fight. In Round 3 the train has left the station passing by a bridge in the background.
Terrys theme in Garou is aptly titled Sunrise On The Train, and the theme really fits with his stages background as the first few seconds coincide with the start of a new day/the sun rising. I find that Terrys Garou theme also reflects how he doesnt give up and will keep on fighting.

Rock Howard is the games main protagonist and who the game revolves around. Were Geese looked menacing, Rock appeared more bishi. How he came to learn moves similar to Geese are unknown, but he has uses a few of Terrys moves as well. His TOP has him jump to the air and do a stomp.
Funnily enough Rock resembles Kaede from Last Blade and K from KoF, but I blame this mainly on their body build.
Rocks aura color in Garou is light blue in contrast to Terrys volcanic color.
Rocks supers are the Raging Storm and Shinning Knuckle, the latter being Terry inspired, and its P. Power ver. would be given to Terry in KoF 02. Rock can also do Geeses Deadly Rave which results in an interesting victory pose if he wins a match with it.
Rocks theme is Spread the wings which resembles Robert Miles Children. Rocks stage is a parking lot of a club at night time. Taunting in his stage will cause something to occur in the background. His win emblem is a wing or pair of wings.
Apparently Rock is one of the weakest characters in the game but isnt too hard for beginners to use.

Kim Jae Hoon is the youngest of Kims sons, who have been around since Fatal Fury 2/Special and can be seen in his stage in those games. Jae Hoon shares his fathers view on good and evil, right down to saying his trademark Aku wa yurasun! against evil characters. It is interesting to note that hes quite mature and actually polite, such that if he wins with a super move he will run towards his fallen opponent to check up on them.
Jae Hoon uses similar moves to his dad, but with the distinction of having flame effects to them. Game play wise, Jae Hoon is a good and easy to use non-projectile character, whose combos do decent damage although I find that his mobility to not suit me a lot. His TOP is the axe kick Neri Chegi, which stuns on Counter Hit. Jae's win emblem is a flame.
Jae Hoons stage appears to be a market place or Korean neighborhood with banners and various people in martial arts gis watching the fight. If Jae Hoon is fighting anyone but Dong Hwan, then Dong will appear in the background. Taunting will cause something in the background to occur.
Jaes theme is titled Too honest which may as well be the Kim family anthem. It has some really beautiful guitar in it reminding me of Kim Kaphwans Wild Ambition theme and his FF2/Special theme for some reason.

Kim Dong Hwan is the older brother of Jae Hoon, and whose personality is the complete opposite. He much prefers to have fun and goof around and is a lot more cheery than his younger serious brother, albeit rather cocky.
Where Jae Hoon is fire, Dong Hwan is Lighting (a lightning bolt is his win emblem). Dong also uses some moves of his fathers and has much better footsies than Jae Hoon IMO, as many Dong Hwan players utilize his high jump, dive kick and pressuring with Dong. Dongs TOP attack has him hop and spin his body towards his opponent, but like many TOP attacks, the recovery is terrible.
Dongs supers are an overhead thunder kick and a dive kick super. The LP dive kick super will juggle and can even be combo-ed to another one if your timing is good.
Dongs theme is Loose Genius which is a fast paced theme that reflects Dong Hwans personality. Dong is fought in front of a casino at Night time, and in the background a short obese man wearing glasses is seen, who may or may not be Cheng from previous games.

Gato uses Chinese kenpo and participates in Kains tournament in search of the man who killed his mother. Gato is a quiet but cold and ruthless fighter whose style focuses on crushing his opponents body.
Game play-wise Gato is one of the best in the game, and his Punch super has one of the fastest start-ups in the game as well, such that he can combo into it from various attacks.
Part of Gatos popularity comes not only from being one of the best characters in the game, but also for being a badass kung fu guy who snaps your neck with no fucks given. Its sorta the same with why Gouki is popular.
His theme is Heartful: A Groan, which is orchestral and invokes the discipline of martial arts. Gato is fought by a waterfall and his win emblem is a Fist.

Hotaru Futaba is Gatos young sister, who he abandoned in search of his father. Her fighting style is lighter than Gatos violent style, and fits well with her non-violent personality. Based on one of her intros she is loved by animals. Hotaru is accompanied by her pet sable, Itokatsu, who recognizes Gato during their fight intro.
I dont have much to say about Hotarus design TBH, as she didnt strike me as being anything remarkable. Game play-wise she would be ranked mid tier, but has some useful tools. Her win emblem is a Ribbon, and her TOP attack has her do a back flip which can juggle opponents.
Hotarus stage is oddly titled Philanthropy Belfry, which I am certain is a mistranslation, as her stage takes place in the belfry of a church. Taunting will cause something in the background to occur as well. Her stage also transitions from day to night, and replaces the birds during the day time with bats when its night time.
Hotarus theme is titled Fullmoon: Heartful which is a lighter and cheerful theme unlike Gatos which is bolder. I really like the flutes used in her theme.