Well fuck, I'm in.
Plot twist:
It's actually a Rockstar/Ubisoft collaboration.
Red Dead 3: Assassin's Creed.
Set in the old west.
So I spoke to an insider at Rockstar who confirmed that Rockstar is indeed developing a sequel to Red Dead Redemption for PS4/Xbox One.
Don't have a lot of concrete details but expect co-op to be integrated and focused on.
Excited as fuck? ☑
Edit: Bish approved.
So rockstar is making a sequel to a game that reviewed and sold well?
Thanks OP.
maybe you should post more information. There's not much to discuss. Everyone Pretty much expected this.
OP, did your friend at Rockstar say anything about the PC or whether Red Dead will be getting a PC port finally?
Walter Goggins as lead please.
When I first played it, I was going for the save your horse achievement and so I couldn't risk anything happening to it and so I walked everywhere. I even had to go from the first major fort area and cross into Mexico on foot, and man, I never killed so many wolves as I did then. By the end, I had like 28 new wolf pelts to sell.
Red Dead Redemption is one of the greatest games of all time, easily in my top 7-8 games of all time personally.
Day one for me.
3 main characters, switch them instantly, call them the good, the bad and the ugly
Bullshit that its not coming to PC *again*.
And it wont live up the first game anyway. It'll be cool, but the freshness of the concept has passed. I know a lot of people want this, but I still would have rather them tried to take on a new era or setting. We could have had something really fresh and new...
The narrative and player characters should stay serious (and at least one be woman).mm mmm you can just taste the cliche
The only way I see RDR coming to PC is they decide to make a remastered version for PS4/XB1.