back to ME3 pls.
Tomorrow night and Wednesday I will be grinding away at ME3. Awesome game so far btw.
back to ME3 pls.
Onyx Rank 1 Looking for some teammates! Send me a message ob live - xCliQuEx
I haven't read a single comment on the lack of friendly fire lol. What are your thoughts that you can't betray teammates now?
Go in to MM in teams of 4 and travel in a pack = instna win
What tier?This fucking ranking system.
343 pls.
Win and be top on team -> +9
Lose and be top on team -> -19
What tier?
343, PLEASE add YY aiming back.
.the radar needs to go
From gaming side:
"This beta is amazing. As someone who's never liked Halo MP, this one is fantastic. Reminds of CoD4's raw gun-on-gun action."
You got one 343! Way to go on the ADS!
Weird. I'm gaining and losing an equal 14 for win/loss in Gold 1.Silver 3
As a COD fan who wanted to get into halo but didn't like the slow speed/shields this feels great. Players die a lot quicker, aim down sights lets me be more accurate like in COD and the movement feels a lot like Advanced Warfare. Guns feel more like modern weapons instead of the lame Sci Fi stuff that halo used to have as well. Probably going to buy this now!
Edit: Kill Cam is awesome too, part of the reason why I didn't like the past Halo games.
From gaming side:
Guns feel more like modern weapons instead of the lame Sci Fi stuff that halo used to have as well.
Anyone want a semi pro rank? Ill trade for gold or lower.
This ranking matchmaking system actually does its job for once. I just wanna dong on scrubs but keep getting matched against good people![]()
After playing in the preview weekend and today here is my list of changes that I would like to see:
1. The SMG is too overpowerd with the scope. Either remove the scope (unlikely, but preferred) or at least make the scope have a greater spread. I think unscoped the SMG is great as is because it dominates in close quarters as it should. Although I hope that the SAW is not returning as I feel the SMG mostly fills its role now.
2. The animation for scoping should be increased in speed, because it feels like it is too slow especially when using the sniper.
3. I am actually fine with the sights they have in the game, but I would prefer if they removed the physical gun model yet kept the same hud elements that bringing up the scope currently has because those look great.
4. I would like for scopes to be removed from the weapons that traditionally do not have them as I feel it extends their range beyond what they should be. The AR is already good at a decent distance, it doesn't need a scope to further improve its range.
5. Again, not really necessary but I think kill cams should be removed. If they are not, they should extend the time before death that it displays, because currently you only see the last shot or so that killed you. This makes it really hard to determine where grenades or people came from when using the kill cam.
6. Remove the intro and exit sequences or change them from their current form as they are too dude-bro. In the same vein, I love spartan chatter but would prefer they remove lines that say "snipes" or "power weapons" as this makes the chatter feel more gamey and not like a squad of military personnel.
Most of these are pretty minor things and I am actually incredibly happy with the rest of the games. Audio and visuals are great, as is the feel of shooting a weapon and the reduced aim assist. All of the spartan abilities also work well and I do not feel any are overpowered. Map design is also really good, artistically and gameplay wise.I really can't wait to play more and see how the rest of the weapons are coming along. I hope the covenant weapons become more competitive in this game because I love the audiovisuals associated with them but I feel that they are pretty ineffective in halo post combat evolved.
Hey guys, Josh here, this is me reading your posts on matchmaking
Anyone want a semi pro rank? Ill trade for gold or lower.
This ranking matchmaking system actually does its job for once. I just wanna dong on scrubs but keep getting matched against good people![]()
Hey guys, Josh here, this is me reading your posts on matchmaking and ranking.
I'm not w/ 343 anymore, so I just have some "outsider" comments I can make.
First, at a match level, the matchmaking looks good. I've seen a lot of really close matches, and heard from you folks that you're having a lot of close ones.
Yeah, you do get some noobs on your teams sometimes, and lose because of it. But this happens randomly to everyone. The other team will get baddies just as often as you do. If it really just is bad luck, it'll wash out as you play more.
Condescending Soapbox: In my experience, just being able to kill better than anyone on your team doesn't make you a winner in a "team" game. Getting the rest of your team to play their best together (no matter how bad that is) is part of that winning skill. Though I agree it's probably impossible to do without voice.
Now, onto ranking. I totally understand the comments about personal performance vs. team performance, and losing more points than it feels you deserve.
It's actually a lot harder than just giving a few more points to the top performers if you want to have a simple ranking system without:
- huge and easy to use exploits
- encouraging players to compete against their own teammates (stealing kills, etc)
Both of those would have a huge negative impact on the game, and design is often about compromising on a bunch of points. No system is perfect.
Trust me (or don't?) I've tried it. I've tried a ton of different systems on both real players, real data, and simulated data.
I could probably come up with some *really* complex systems that did an OK job at this, but at that point players would have no idea what was going on with the rankings, and lose confidence in them. At least this way, you know players with high ranks have eventually won their way to them.
Also, think of it this way. Imagine you have a team of Pros. Imagine each of them is much better than most of you will ever be (sorry!). But, imagine that part of their main strategy is to feed most of their kills to one player, resulting in him having the best spread and and the rest having a lot of assists. A system too focused on personal performance would end up giving you some really weird rankings where that player is far ahead of the rest of his team, despite them all actually being really close in skill.
My personal feeling on ranking systems is to try and have them fit the game. If this was a more casual BTB with lots of solo folks running around and having little impact on the win, then I like systems that are more personal (like BTB CSR in H4). But I like the team-focus for arena.
I know it sucks when those individual experiences happen, but they will wash out if you truly deserve the higher ranks and play enough games to remove the randomness.
So, anyways, I'm enjoying the posts. It's good stuff. I'll lurk around some more.
Holy crap the kids I'm getting paired with are SO BAD.
Also AR and SMG are too strong imo, but of course the morons on waypoint and reddit will just say "xdddd omg ur just mad that the br isn't the be all end all anymore"
so do you guys want the AR to be completely shit or for it to be good cuz no matter what yall complain
Hey guys, Josh here, this is me reading your posts on matchmaking and ranking.
I'm not w/ 343 anymore, so I just have some "outsider" comments I can make.
First, at a match level, the matchmaking looks good. I've seen a lot of really close matches, and heard from you folks that you're having a lot of close ones.
Yeah, you do get some noobs on your teams sometimes, and lose because of it. But this happens randomly to everyone. The other team will get baddies just as often as you do. If it really just is bad luck, it'll wash out as you play more.
Condescending Soapbox: In my experience, just being able to kill better than anyone on your team doesn't make you a winner in a "team" game. Getting the rest of your team to play their best together (no matter how bad that is) is part of that winning skill. Though I agree it's probably impossible to do without voice.
Now, onto ranking. I totally understand the comments about personal performance vs. team performance, and losing more points than it feels you deserve.
It's actually a lot harder than just giving a few more points to the top performers if you want to have a simple ranking system without:
- huge and easy to use exploits
- encouraging players to compete against their own teammates (stealing kills, etc)
Both of those would have a huge negative impact on the game, and design is often about compromising on a bunch of points. No system is perfect.
Trust me (or don't?) I've tried it. I've tried a ton of different systems on both real players, real data, and simulated data.
I could probably come up with some *really* complex systems that did an OK job at this, but at that point players would have no idea what was going on with the rankings, and lose confidence in them. At least this way, you know players with high ranks have eventually won their way to them.
Also, think of it this way. Imagine you have a team of Pros. Imagine each of them is much better than most of you will ever be (sorry!). But, imagine that part of their main strategy is to feed most of their kills to one player, resulting in him having the best spread and and the rest having a lot of assists. A system too focused on personal performance would end up giving you some really weird rankings where that player is far ahead of the rest of his team, despite them all actually being really close in skill.
My personal feeling on ranking systems is to try and have them fit the game. If this was a more casual BTB with lots of solo folks running around and having little impact on the win, then I like systems that are more personal (like BTB CSR in H4). But I like the team-focus for arena.
I know it sucks when those individual experiences happen, but they will wash out if you truly deserve the higher ranks and play enough games to remove the randomness.
So, anyways, I'm enjoying the posts. It's good stuff. I'll lurk around some more.
As someone who's not a moron (nor on Waypoint or Reddit), I think they've got a point. Watching competitive Halo 2 matches (including H2A), basically all that gets used is the BR and the power weapons (excepting Ninja). And honestly? That's kind of boring.
The AR is finally, for the first time since CE*, viable. It can work at mid range, and is strong at short range. That's not overpowered, that's just finally having a place in the sandbox. The SMG is strong, yes, but it's also limited to an on-map pickup, and only works at short range unless scoped. They could stand to reduce the number of them on the map, but other than that, I don't think they should change a thing.
*And even then, it was more of a boost to the cloak than a weapon in its own right.
Dunno if you're allowed to post it.
But i'm mostly interested in what the metrics are behind the performance increase.
Like what makes it a +23 game when I go +2 and a +3 game when I go +20? Does everyone on the team get the same performance increase?
Hi Josh! <3
shut up tashi
so do you guys want the AR to be completely shit or for it to be good cuz no matter what yall complain