I'm planning to sell my 3DS XL online. My XL has about 15 eShop games. Now the only problem is that my 3DS NNID is linked to my Wii U NNID. So if I sell it with the eShop games, they can also have access to my Wii U account (right?) Is it possible to unlink the 3DS NNID from my Wii U NNID? So they can keep the 3DS NNID + eShop games and I can change my Wii U NNID? If it's not possible what's the best solution? Because I've read that if you delete your NNID on 3DS, your Wii U NNID will also be deleted and I definitely don't want my Wii U games deleted. I don't know why Ninty is making this so complicated but does anyone have a good solution? Thanks!