Me too. But I feel like the logo should have maybe less detail/noise?I made two versions. I like the gray one more. But it's your logo Dawg, so it's your choice.
Me too. But I feel like the logo should have maybe less detail/noise?I made two versions. I like the gray one more. But it's your logo Dawg, so it's your choice.
I posted this in TLOU OT but it's dead in there, so I'll post it here instead...
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| Why don't Kojima love me, man?
I posted this in TLOU OT but it's dead in there, so I'll post it here instead...
I posted this in TLOU OT but it's dead in there, so I'll post it here instead...
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| You were expecting a release date but it was me, ToraShiro!
I posted this in TLOU OT but it's dead in there, so I'll post it here instead...
it was torashirooo all along gaffff
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| We filled over 100 pages to get this OT title
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| We filled over 100 pages to get this OT title
I posted this in TLOU OT but it's dead in there, so I'll post it here instead...
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| Fuck this OT title.
The text looks off and the transparency is away.
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| ...What a load of bullshit.
Transparency is fixed, but the text looks off because warping is a precise thingy.
Feels like you blurred the thing too, because text is more clear.
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| ...What a load of bullshit.
dawgs and cats working together what is this jill sandwich hoh mai cod
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| [Angry Joe humps air while Kojima watches]
Feels like you blurred the thing too, because text is more clear.
That should be better.
That should be better.
Maybe it's just me but I kinda like the left one more, imo it fits the overall image better.
Maybe it's just me but I kinda like the left one more, imo it fits the overall image better.
That's because he changed the colors.
Did he? hm... looks the same to me.
Man, these thread titles... Lol you people are truly insane
Sneak attack or dont engage. Havent played grounded but even on hard I got my ass handed to me if I engaged them directly. Molotovs are your friends. Use guns only if they already know you are there. How far along are you in the game? Use spoilers just in case.
stealth.stealth.stealth. get the shiv upgrade so you can shiv them by sneaking up and grabbing them. or hit them with a bottle/brick and run up on them and hit them with a bat or 2x4. molitovs are good too. do NOT try to take them on by alerting them and shooting them.
otherwise, just sneak around them without alerting them at all. remember, they can't see you at all. they are only alerted by noise, so if you keep your distance and stay crouched and move slowly, you can just maneuver around them
TLoU is a fantastic stealth experience on grounded without listen mode
Stay on topic!
Try to draw as many of them away from you with bricks or any distractions and never get into direct combat with them.jk ('u')
:O you should have played it on Normal or Hard mode!
Thanks a lot guys!Grounded mode is meant for players who are already familiar with the game and know the levels inside out. I would never recommend that difficulty for someone who plays the game for the first time. That difficulty is brutal for new players.
I played the game on Hard the first time (I couldn't select anything higher on PS3 version). And it was a good challenge in the early parts of the game. I would recommend Survivor if you are good at stealth.
And I disagree with shiv upgrade. If you are stealthy you should never get grabbed by a clicker. First things to max out are Health and Weapon Sway. Ignore crap like craftingspeed/medkit healing speed or whatever. Don't waste parts on handguns. The only handgun that you should upgrade is El Diablo. Use most of your parts on the Hunting Rifle and Shotgun. Bow is good enough without upgrades. When fully upgraded the Hunting Rifle is by far the most powerful weapon in the game.
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| but it's dead in there, so I'll post it here instead...
lol these OT titles in the last pages ;_;
Happy V for victory day, MGSGAF.
Did he? hm... looks the same to me.
He means that I changed the black skull into a gray skull.