Got a question regarding that Chrome extension app for loadouts.
How safe is it?
They are asking for PSN id and password...
How safe is it?
They are asking for PSN id and password...
D'awww. My partner is sick of my Destiny talk! Not jealous. No. Not at all.
Hehe I always have a mic and feel like such an idiot when nobody else does.
"Hello? Hello? Hello? Argh! Sorry. Thanks for the revive!"
Thanks! Yeah it seems Loadouts is a better designed and native iOS app whereas Tower a Ghost is just a ported web app or something.
Got a question regarding that Chrome extension app for loadouts.
How safe is it?
They are asking for PSN id and password...
I told you last time we spoke that I'm only 40 mins away from Manchester.
Edit: We've even got two scousers in here, BlazeUK and ScouseFury. I've never met them though.
Yep, I think tower ghost is great as a chrome extension, but the same system doesn't really translate well into iOS. It's just a webapp, maybe in the future they will do something better.
Loadouts, it all the way an app though
It's safe, you are still loggin in through PSN.... They only store the login cookie so you can do your moving/transfering around.
Need one for Trials, anybody interested?
PSN: ManxWraith
I didn't follow IB news much: will the gear be light level 42?Just a refresh of what the IB gear will look like:
Just a refresh of what the IB gear will look like:
Just a refresh of what the IB gear will look like:
Is the First Light map not in the Control Crucible playlist anymore? How do I complete my Grimoire now?
It should still be there, but since the Dark Below maps are now free for everyone (and seem to have extra weighting) the chances for it are reduced
Destiny...Wow, didn't know there would be a new set of IB gear?
Damn, guess I'm not getting away from Crucible any time soon...
Just a refresh of what the IB gear will look like:
I plan on doing a series of these strats for uh, the 34 bosses as they come back around. Which I mean, we're on week 2 so I guess that means Urrox 34 will be the lost episode to be aired on another day.
Wow, the guy in that video is super annoying for some reason.
So what light level is the new IB armor?
Raises handNew Iron Banner gear? OK, maybe I will play some banner if I can find a fun group. I miss six-person activities.
Alright time for some ToO. Just playing till I have enough wins for the boots. Already have all three buffs.
Anyone interested?
Anyone have a link to the new iron banner gear for light levels and perks?
New Iron Banner gear? OK, maybe I will play some banner if I can find a fun group. I miss six-person activities.
ok so its not possible for them to go into my PSN account and get creditcard details or even delete all my gear on my destiny account?
Nami, you might need to console this one.Drop husk of the pit goddammit!
If you move something that you have equipped, it needs to replace it with something else already on that character so that there isn't a blank slot left. Just unequip it before moving, though I actually like that it replaces the gear I'm moving. I think it opts for the lowest leveled item in that slot.I'm trying to use tower ghost to help manage my inventory, but it wants to automatically swap stuff out. Is there any way to turn that off?
Oh my goooooood, well I'm at 2 hrs lolNami, you might need to console this one.
Marvel he farmed it for 12 hours... straight
Sent you a friend requestYup. I don't have any buffs though. PSN: Duebrithil
Keep farming, guardian!Drop husk of the pit goddammit!
I believe in Marvel! He will get that Husk!Nami, you might need to console this one.
Marvel he farmed it for 12 hours... straight
Thank you! Didn't see it haha, thread moves too fast.
Those were 12 glorious hours!Oh my goooooood, well I'm at 2 hrs lol
Getting close, so:
OT23◇|A House Divided
OT23◇|Nobody Saw That
OT23◇|Mercury or Bust
If you move something that you have equipped, it needs to replace it with something else already on that character so that there isn't a blank slot left. Just unequip it before moving, though I actually like that it replaces the gear I'm moving. I think it opts for the lowest leveled item in that slot.
The lack of Vault space is getting to ridiculous levels for me now. I have no room for bonds or armour anymore on my Warlock. And the Vault is filled with things I don't want to get rid of. Ugh.![]()
Getting close, so:
OT23◇|A House Divided
OT23◇|Nobody Saw That
OT23◇|Mercury or Bust
Getting close, so:
OT23◇|A House Divided
OT23◇|Nobody Saw That
OT23◇|Mercury or Bust
Ask ZobaWhat's "Nobody Saw That" referencing? I don't get it. I also remember something that replaced Mercy with Mercury that I thought was funny, but I can't remember the whole thing.
Raises hand
I second this.
|O◇23| ToO Hard
Nothing else will do for me !
Raises hand
Count me in. jayforone PSN. Will be running Iron Banner all week trying to get to Rank 5 on my Warlock and Titan.
I want to play too
Team Iron Wafer.
OT23| Beg for Mercury
So here is Kor's experiences from the weekend.
Because I know you all care deeply about my thoughts and opinions.
Trails of Osiris was not as fun this week. For a multitude of reasons, but they all related to the map itself. There were only two real options for paths to take at the beginning. Top and Mid.
We won at least 8 rounds (3 against the same team) where the enemy team just hung out at their initial spawn point. We just sat in the middle and waiting for the cap, which we got uncontested each time. I have no idea if this was a strategy or fear.
No one ever went low, except for the heavy round.
Got the Arc Pulse Rifle from Mercury. I actually like it a lot. It may dethrone my Fang as my Primary Arc weapon.
Yesterday a group of 3 of us took on Skolas. We killed him twice, yet both times the mines bugged out and killed us anyway. This was incredibly frustrating. I watched as I dismantled the last mine with 11 seconds remaining, only to see the screen go red and Variks start yelling at us. This was so disheartening. Especially because it happened TWICE!
Bittersweet ending at least, since myself and another at least got the Elder Cipher from the first Skolas kill. We still never saw the treasure chest at the end because of it. 3 hours and 30 minutes invested. I mentioned this is the podcast, but the difficulty spike in this encounter is insane and really needs to be reworked.
I'm taking the Sidearm from the Elder Cipher. Hopefully it doesn't take too many keys to get it. I've only got 3 currently and am not in the mood to farm for more.
I'm sure I've got more to talk about but thats it for now.