Also, Terraria Wii U almost didn't make it into the Top 50. Wasn't expecting to sell >that< poorly.
They are? I thought retailers manage to restock a while ago.I know about 3 mil install base of Wii U won't disappear suddenly, but having "out of stock" sign of Wii U itself at almost all of electronics store sure isn't helping.. I mean it's been like that for weeks, or even months.
You joke but I might actually want thisPersona spinoff Multiplayer Hero Shooter ala Overwatch.
I know about 3 mil install base of Wii U won't disappear suddenly, but having "out of stock" sign of Wii U itself at almost all of electronics store sure isn't helping.. I mean it's been like that for weeks, or even months.
You joke but I might actually want this
Do you think I ever joke? I'm a very serious person.
Expected drop for p5?
The fact that it only registered 3-4 days of sales might smooth the drop
Im thinking, 70% give or take
Finally the Persona x Splatoon everyone was waiting for, this way which one sell better will not matter since they will be in the same game.
2.5M LTD seems like a reasonable target, 500k for Persona, 2M for Splatoon
I'd argue doubling down on cheap ports and remasters (rather than new AAA games) is more a sign that Capcom's deprioritized the west than anything. That they have more upcoming new titles for 3DS than PS4 & Xbox One is telling.I would still say capcom .
There are not doing all those remasters for Japan .
Most companies in Japan don't only depend on there market .
Persona spinoff Multiplayer Hero Shooter ala Overwatch.
Are they? Just this year Capcom has released SFV, RE:UC and Sengoku Basara and will release DR4 and RE7 in the future. For the 3DS, Capcom will have MHS, an untitled MH, DGS2 and whatever that other 3ds game is. SFV and DR4 will more than likely outsell everything they'll have on the 3ds bar a proper MH and then RE7 will outsell that unless it turns out to be a major disaster.I'd argue doubling down on cheap ports and remasters (rather than new AAA games) is more a sign that Capcom's deprioritized the west than anything. That they have more upcoming new titles for 3DS than PS4 & Xbox One is telling.
Are they? Just this year Capcom has released SFV, RE:UC and Sengoku Basara and will release DR4 and RE7 in the future. For the 3DS, Capcom will have MHS, an untitled MH, DGS2 and whatever that other 3ds game is. SFV and DR4 will more than likely outsell everything they'll have on the 3ds bar a proper MH and then RE7 will outsell that unless it turns out to be a major disaster.
The west hasn't had a basara since 2010. If that poster with his deprioritizing statement goes all the way back to 2010(when Capcom had all those western made titles in production) then sure but I'm pretty confident he means in recent years.Is that not more proof that they're deprioritizing the west lol? An IP that hasn't made it over here in years?
Are they? Just this year Capcom has released SFV, RE:UC and Sengoku Basara and will release DR4 and RE7 in the future. For the 3DS, Capcom will have MHS, an untitled MH, DGS2 and whatever that other 3ds game is. SFV and DR4 will more than likely outsell everything they'll on the 3ds bar a proper MH and then RE7 will outsell that unless it turns out to be a major disaster.
I said upcoming. You have to go back to last FY to include SFV, which was subsidized by Sony to even happen anyway. You're also leaving out AA6 then if you're looking backwards towards earlier in the year.Are they? Just this year Capcom has released SFV, RE:UC and Sengoku Basara and will release DR4 and RE7 in the future. For the 3DS, Capcom will have MHS, an untitled MH, DGS2 and whatever that other 3ds game is. SFV and DR4 will more than likely outsell everything they'll have on the 3ds bar a proper MH and then RE7 will outsell that unless it turns out to be a major disaster.
VaporwareThey also have in development for the PS4:
Deep Down
Monster Hunter Frontier Z
Resident Evil 2 Remake
For the Fiscal year. MH4 and MH4U's 4.1 m sales are their LTD sales.I said upcoming. You have to go back to last FY to include SFV, which was subsidized by Sony to even happen anyway. You're also leaving out AA6 then if you're looking backwards towards earlier in the year.
Capcom's expecting only 4m for RE7, which is less than MH4 and MH4U each sold. Like I said RE6 was a turning point for the company. And the other 3DS game is Megami Meguri.
These days Nippon Ichi does. If not for NISA, the entire company would probably be out of business.![]()
Capcom's expecting only 4m for RE7..
I know about 3 mil install base of Wii U won't disappear suddenly, but having "out of stock" sign of Wii U itself at almost all of electronics store sure isn't helping.. I mean it's been like that for weeks, or even months.
I was speaking towards games with some semblance of a release timeframe. I wasn't even considering the mystery MH (which is undoubtedly on at least 3DS) just MH Stories, Megami Meguri and DGS2 versus RE7 and Dead Rising 4. RER2 could happen on PS5 for all we know given how prematurely it was announced (before planning stage even) and DD is pretty obviously dead as we knew it. Capcom's shift away from the west coincides pretty directly with their shift out of AAA development and their future as a major worldwide publisher.For the Fiscal year. MH4 and MH4U's 4m+ sales are their LTD sales.
Also, a previous poster corrected me and we still have DD and RE2:R(which is a full on remake so I don't care if you think don't it doesn't count) so that's 4 vs 3, 3 vs 3 if you want to discount DD as vapourware and they still all have more worldwide appeal.
Let's take a look at the titles in terms of sales potential.I was speaking towards games with some semblance of a release timeframe. I wasn't even considering the mystery MH (which is undoubtedly on at least 3DS) just MH Stories, Megami Meguri and DGS2 versus RE7 and Dead Rising 4. RER2 could happen on PS5 for all we know given how prematurely it was announced (before planning stage even) and DD is pretty obviously dead as we knew it. Capcom's shift away from the west coincides pretty directly with their shift out of AAA development and their future as a major worldwide publisher.
Going back I think a similar argument can be made for Konami as well. They're not a strong 3DS supporter by any means but they've also more or less abandoned PS/Xbox as well and prioritized the domestic mobile market above everything. Sega, Square Enix, Nintendo and Sony really strike me as the only Japanese publishers who you could make an argument for prioritizing the west over Japan, and even then I think it might not really apply for SE and Sega either unless you're looking exclusively through a console/PC lens.
This is what devil summoner is for. Both are in the same universe as well.An action-RPG Persona would be pretty cool, but definitely not as a mainline entry. That's what spin-offs are for, after all.
Capcom's major breadwinner in general on any platform is Monster Hunter at this point. MH4+4U+Gen has brought in well over 10m sales in the past several years, it's literally what's been keeping the company afloat. And that's not even factoring continued stable revenue from Frontier, mobile hits like Explore or spinoffs like Nikki DX.Let's take a look at the titles in terms of sales potential.
DR4 will be released on 3 platforms this time albeit at different timings. The last one sold 2.1 m on PC/X1.
Despite the RE6 debacle, it somehow still manages to climb in numbers based on the Capcom rankings after all these years. I don't think RE7 will do as well as RE6 but it'll still do pretty well in general.
A guaranteed 3m+++ seller.
MHS doesn't look like it's gonna do well based on pre-orders. DGS is a sequel to an spin-off that underperformed. MM looks niche as hell.
All in all, while the 3ds may have more games in terms of sheer numbers, Capcom's major breadwinner in Japan is MH. Overall, I'd say that they still heavily rely on the western market. Even MH is doing pretty respectable numbers there now. If you say that Capcom doesn't rely on the west as much as the other publishers then yes, I agree with that.
They are? I thought retailers manage to restock a while ago.
From their annual report:
- Capcom has added 500 new development staff since 2012, and intends to add 500 more by 2020. These are largely college grads added annually, so there's a bit of a warm up time as they learn the ropes, but we should see a major spike in their output soon.
- I covered this in the previous thread, but they're also trying to hire more diverse staff, and now have 20% women in development and an unspecified increase in international staff.
- Capcom notes "We cannot ignore genres such as shooting and strategy games with massive numbers of players when considering Consumer, Online and eSports market growth potential." I'm going to make a separate thread about this one so people can have fun speculating, but I'll include it here for posterity as well.
- Capcom talks about how they intend to dig up some of their old IPs and either reboot or re-imagine them. I'm putting this here since the later parts of this make it clear this is a split idea between both console and mobile.
- There's a lot in here about how they like to make multimedia stuff these day.
- This is a side note, but they mention the video game market (all platforms) is expected to exceed $103.2 billion in 2018, up from $68.8 billion in 2014.
- Here is what Capcom's income breakdown currently looks like by product category. To note, traditional PC games (like Dragon's Dogma on Steam) count in the console/download segment (indicated by the controller icon), whereas things like Dragon's Dogma Online are part of the PC Online segment (indicated by the monitor):
Capcom's Divisional Structure:
- "Division 1 creates global contents including Resident Evil."
- "Division 2 works with online games such as Street Fighter."
- "Division 3 develops contents for Japan, including Monster Hunter and Sengoku BASARA."
Console/Traditional PC Specific:
- Capcom's console game division has 1500 staff.
- 20% of Capcom's console game division is working on new IP.
- Capcom is making a third try at putting games on a 2.5 year development cycle. This time, their approach consists of having way more staff, and having a rather complex looking development structure where everyone's time is utilized more productively across various projects.
- Capcom is putting a big focus into both VR and eSports as corporate objectives. Resident Evil 7 and Street Fighter V are their two current examples for those categories, with more coming in the future.
- Capcom's current digital sales ratio is 29.8% (projected) for this year. They would like to reach 50%+ in the medium term (generally this means 3-5 years).
- Capcom hopes to make catalog sales (sales of games released in previous fiscal years) an increasingly large part of their business through long tail product support. Capcom's catalog game sales have increased from 3.9 million in 2013 to 7 million in 2016, and this represents 46.7% of their income, so the plan seems to be working.
- As might be obvious from the above notes, part of Capcom's plan to increase digital revenue and tail end sales is to run many of their games as services with a variety of post launch cosmetics, add-on content, etc. If you look at Street Fighter V, you'll get the idea. I imagine Resident Evil 7 has a season pass as well, but we'll see.
- Capcom notes "If we are unable to continue generating content qualitatively equal to global AAA titles, Capcom has no future as a company specializing in games."
Mobile/PC Online Specific:
- Capcom's mobile/PC Online department has 500 staff.
- Capcom has finished merging their mobile departments, and now their mobile games will overwhelmingly consist of games using Capcom's internal IP that target a global audience.
- The first four games made entirely under this new strategy will release next fiscal year (starting April 2017) and consist of games based on Mega Man, Monster Hunter, and Sengoku Basara. Presumably one of these brands has multiple titles. I once reported these are releasing this fiscal year. My apologies, I didn't quite understand the timeframe from the report from 3-6 months ago.
- Capcom considers Monster Hunter Explore to be a hit, but their other recent mobile games to not be hits. They are dedicated to remedying this situation.
- Toward this end, in addition to the above reforms, Capcom is looking to buy mobile developers to strengthen their mobile offerings.
- Capcom is also focusing a lot of effort into growing mobile expertise internally because they feel it's critical they have this knowledge given where the market is headed. Or, explained more easily, if they only partner with external developers, if those external developers go work with someone else instead, Capcom would be in bad shape if they didn't have internal mobile talent.
- There's a lot in here about how they intend to work with various Asian partners to expand their reach into the rest of Asia. Pretty much every Japanese third party is doing this these days.
Additional Notes:
- There's an analyst interview printed in here where an analyst asks good questions about everything Capcom is struggling with, and Capcom gives a bunch of not-amazing answers. It's kind of amazing. Of course, since this is Capcom's official report, the analyst gives a polite "Good job with your answers Capcom!" summary box, though does note that they should consider partnering with expert mobile studios to expand their mobile line-up more effectively.
- There's a bunch of developer interviews in here near the bottom. Most of them are flufff. However, in one of them, it's implied that Dragon's Dogma Online is seen as the sequel to Dragon's Dogma as done by Dragon's Dogma's development team, and they talk about their long term plans for the game, so I wouldn't hold my breath for Dragon's Dogma 2.
Capcom's new head of game development said:Going forward, as we aim to become the world’s number one game developer, we feel that while it is of course necessary to advance and expand upon existing content, it is also necessary to take on new challenges. We cannot ignore genres such as shooting and strategy games with massive numbers of players when considering Consumer, Online and eSports market growth potential. We will make use of our strengths and keep a close watch on market trends while moving forward with the kind of game creation only possible at Capcom. The new challenges have only just begun.
You can look at what they promise, I'll look at what they've actually done. Only 4% of employees outside Japan doesn't exactly strike me as a company who favors the west over their domestic market either.From the PDF:
"In terms of the proactive employment of non-Japanese citizens, Capcom is making efforts to strengthen overseas expansion capabilities including creating an English hiring website. We currently employ 91 foreigners (representing 4.0% of our employees). Going forward, we will create a system for improving motivation in an attempt to increase the ratio of foreign employees, including the support for career advancement and the promotion of non-Japanese citizens to management positions."
Clearly Capcom is deprioritizing the western market.
Oh, thanks for the clairification.It's 91 foreign born employees working in Japan, not 91 foreign employees total at Capcom.
Capcom Vancouver itself is over 200 employees and appears to have 247 employees on LinkedIn with Beeline having 69.
It's 91 foreign born employees working in Japan, not 91 foreign employees total at Capcom.
Capcom Vancouver itself is over 200 employees and appears to have 247 employees on LinkedIn with Beeline having 69.
That said, compared to the era when they were mass hiring Western studios to make games for them, they have less investment in foreign studios.
It's probably worth mentioning that not Japanese doesn't necessarily mean western.
Capcom's new head of game development said:Going forward, as we aim to become the worlds number one game developer
When you read this how can you take that report seriously.
Persona 5 will probably sell twice as much outside of Japan than in Japan. At this point I'm sure many Japanese companies see the foreign market as more important than the domestic one.
They also have in development for the PS4:
Deep Down
Monster Hunter Frontier Z
Resident Evil 2 Remake
Capcom has hired 500 devs since 2014? Really don't feel that way. What are they working on? Deep Down and RE2?
Capcom has hired 500 devs since 2014? Really don't feel that way. What are they working on? Deep Down and RE2?
P5 will sell over 1 million outside Japan?
2 week (__) [PS3] Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (Level 5) - 65,659 / 65,659
14. (03) [PS3] Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (Level 5) - 19,678 / 85,337 (-70%)
Why not?
I think, Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is a good example. Also, "niche"JRPG.
Bandai Namco shipped over 1.1 million copies worldwide as for March 2014.
So Atlus will start giving Persona 5 for free like Ni no Kuni?
P5 will sell over 1 million outside Japan?