Swimming underwater or on top?
Hint:Underwater. It's f*ckin terrible!![]()
Hint:You can use the jet frog creatures to swim around underwater faster
Jet frog?! o_ô
Well, after a hectic weekend, I finally found some free time for this game. Time to get the heck out of the industrial zone and move on. Any hints for the general direction I should be going in? I'm guessing far right, instead of down.
The creatures have as much agency as the player. They exist perpetually, need to hunt for food, find shelter, get into squabbles with each other over territory, etc., and as such they are only limited in where they can go on the map by their own physical limitations (and in some instances gates, etc). Also worth noting is that each creature is a unique individual with its own size/weight/look/personality (aggression, fear, etc), and they can learn from their experience from whatever previous encounters they've had with the player.
Each of the lizard breeds has its own preferred prey. And usually they have something that they'd rather eat than a slugcat, which can be very helpful to learn!
each of the limbs of the creatures can take damage. Like, if you hit a lizards arm or leg with a rock, it can cripple that limb, meaning that the lizard cant use it for locomotion; it will move slower, and if it is trying to climb a pole or something and it weighs too much for the other limbs to support it and will probably slide down, with its broken arm or leg dangling, etc.
Another thing to note is that the creatures pathfinding will learn from its mistakes, so if it attempts a path a few times and is unable to for whatever reason, it will seek out alternate routes.
Those quick things in the water?You can "mount" them (with the grab button) and ride them in the water.
I literally have no idea of what you guys are talking about. I'm right at the beginning of Shoreline (and dying a lot), so perhaps these creatures appear further down the road?
Anyway, I'm starting to agreeing with the claims of "wonky controls". It's f*ckin' terrible underwater. And I understand the idea of being hard to put your head out of the water when there's water falling down from the ceiling, but it's ridiculous how sometimes the Slugcat randomly goes up and sometimes it ends up drowning. Feels totally random. It's really frustrating. I'm not sure if I have the will to continue. I was totally sucked by the game, but these random underwater behavior is too much to endure.
Pilfered from steam forums, written by the programmer. This is stuff that should be on the front, since this can sell the game.
It's just amazing when a game isn't just smoke and mirrors, but it's built cohesively.
Are you "charging" a lot? Because the Slugcat automatically goes up when he is getting out of breath, and when you "charge" (with the jump button) the breath goes out faster.
About the creature, its this one. The one jumping to the right with the purple eyes.
My experience so far on the Shoreline: https://youtu.be/i1cZzMZMWQk
I really don't understand why the Slugcat goes up in one screen but not on the other. It doesn't make sense at all.
My experience so far on the Shoreline: https://youtu.be/i1cZzMZMWQk
I really don't understand why the Slugcat goes up in one screen but not on the other. It doesn't make sense at all.
"I want to explain an absolutely core part of Rain World right now, because Rain World never explained it to me (and that lack of an explanation cost me so much time I dont even want to think about it.) When I first started playing, I thought the symbols displayed in the lower left of the window were meant to indicate days or phases because they roll forward each time slugcat hibernates. But theyre not. They represent slugcats karma, and should slugcat die they can be lost rolled back one at a time. This matters because certain areas of the map (and consequently story progress) are gated in ways that require a certain level of karma to access."
Hm. When I did that area I had a lamp on me so it was much easier to see where Slugcat was underwater, but I definitely had problems there too. It seems like, in those parts where water's dropping from the ceiling, Slugcat gets sucked into the current slightly, so I suppose my only real tips would be to mash the jump button when you're trying to surface, or try to surface more to the hard left or right of the opening so the dripping water doesn't effect you as much.
Is there a way to ignore this area and move on? =oYeah, this sequence is the most absolutely infuriating part of the game for me by far. After spending a good hour on it, I just abandoned the area altogether.
The combination of the waterfalls and Slugcat's inability to hold its breath for longer than 5 seconds makes me want to punch my monitor.
Even going through the underwater pipe for the room transition is sketchy.
So the orange spot I've marked is the tutorial checkpoint. And I am thinking of exploring what is in the purple circle. I haven't found a single checkpoint on this map.
The animation flows smoothly but every now and then it looks like it has less frames, it looks stuttery. Feels like it goes from 60 frames to 30 or 20. It stays like this for a few seconds and then it goes smooth again. And then repeat after a few seconds.Can you give some more details on this issue?
The animation flows smoothly but every now and then it looks like it has less frames, it looks stuttery. Feels like it goes from 60 frames to 30 or 20. It stays like this for a few seconds and then it goes smooth again. And then repeat after a few seconds.
It's not game breaking, 20 frames or so is still smooth enough for animation frames in a 2D game, but it's the transition from smooth to not-so-smooth that makes it noticeable. Plus, the whole animation system is the main selling point in this particular game i believe. So it's the first thing i would expect to have no issues.
System is clean. I know about every single process that runs so if any new one pops up, i'll know. Tried the game on my second Windows 10 OS as well (dual boot). Same problem.Sorry to be that guy, but check you don't have spyware/virus. It could be the cause.
Any other game with performance problems?
Yeah, I have a lamp, but I've lost it a little before recording that. I'll try to record something with it when I get home tonight. I tried coming from the sides, from bellow, I tried smashing the jump button but nothing seems to make sense. Sometimes it goes up; sometimes it won't.
Is there a way to ignore this area and move on? =o
lol, damn near nothing is communicated in the game so I have no idea if there's something mandatory in there or not. I just back tracked through theand ended up in theshaded citadel.underhang
fuck the bits where you have to take a breather from swimming underneath waterfalls. fuck them. they are not fun. at all.
EDIT: Seriously, is there something magic I'm supposed to be doing? Feels like about 1 time in 6 I can get the little fucker's head to surface. And now at this second example, it's IMPOSSIBLE. This is in shoreline (down the pipe to the left of the Shaded Citadel gate, then right)
EDITEDIT: Oh, you're supposed to swim past it >_<
EDITEDITEDIT: Hah, ok you've got to wall jump up the next one. hahahahaha. ha
EDITEDITEDITEDIT: Now that bit's full of poopfish. FML
Nerfing this in next patch! Different waterfalls have different velocity, which you can tell by looking at the bubbles / audio, etc. But... yeah its too unfiarl. Nerf nerf nerf. Also sluggies lungs are getting a bit of a buff as well!
Nerfing this in next patch! Different waterfalls have different velocity, which you can tell by looking at the bubbles / audio, etc. But... yeah its too unfiarl. Nerf nerf nerf. Also sluggies lungs are getting a bit of a buff as well!
The game tells you nothing and I can't find any proper guide online. I wonder how big the game is. Hopefully not too big.
This room in The Wis confusing the hell out of meall
There are several blue guys guiding me to this room, so it seems like the way I'm meant to be going, but there doesn't seem to be any way to get across to the pipe on the other side - all the poles are too far to jump to, and even if I were to throw a spear at the platform directly in front of me I still wouldn't be able to make it. On the screen below there's a shelter but still no way of crossing over to the upper right. There has to be *some* way of doing it, right? Unless I'm not supposed to have entered the room from this direction?
Like this?
its very very big, sorry :/
Yeah I don't think this room's doable, at least from this direction... which puts me in a bit of a shit position because the only other path is to the Chi, but that's behind a Karma gate and there's more or less no food around here, aside from some bats which don't always seem to be around. That's not even starting on the lizards...mney Canopy
Is there not a zone if you go up?
That's the area I came from originally, as far as I'm aware there's nothing up there that I haven't seen already.
You mean you went up from the first Wshelter and there was nothing?all
No, that doesn't work - the first pole's too high up to reach with a long jump, I just fall down to the screen below.
It look's like the third pole (with the purple slugcat in Crispy75's image) extends to the screen below. Can't you reach it from there?