Super Sentai skins for every hero and I will give Blizzard all my monies!!
LOL My feelings exactly
Super Sentai skins for every hero and I will give Blizzard all my monies!!
Ya'll have shit in your eyes. These skins are an abomination. So gross.
And my bae Zarya has the worst of the lot again. Jesus H christ.
No, no, Soldier is definitely the greatest dancer of all time.
3 brand new maps that are only available during the event? Please tell me that is not the case
Strike Commander Morrison remains the only viable 76 skin and no Young McCree skin yet.
I'm 40 years old, been gaming since Atari 2600, I've never had a game keep my attention like Overwatch. Happy Anniversary!
You must have missed the Lucio skin my dude
That's it? Skins and new arcade map? Ehh. I'm disappointedWas expecting new gameplay mode.
Aww.. Am I seeing this right? is Mei's dance a nod to Haruhi?
Strike Commander Morrison remains the only viable 76 skin and no Young McCree skin yet.
I don't know if a difference of 2 maps is a great margin of error for analysis there
Wow, the title screen caught me off guard. Seeing the whole roster there made me really happy for some reason.
Holy crap it is!It's pretty much 100% Haruhi:
Oh no, 'Pimp Lucio'... why Blizzard, WHY?!?!
Digging the D.Va though.
One (1) free lootbox. How generous.
One (1) free lootbox. How generous.
That doesn't work anymore.I'm a level 99 right now so I timed the event so that I could maximize getting them sweet sweet loot boxes in the early levels.
Can't wait to get all commons and rares
I believe so as I'm downloading an update.It's it live on Ps4? My husband is playing a game right now so it seems as if it it isn't...
Feeling the Genji and and Pharah... maybe Mei. Everything else is questionable at best.Well...are you guys really feeling these skins?
Most of these look pretty...odd.