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Marvel vs Capcom Infinite Gameplay/Pre-Launch Discussion Thread

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Junior Member
Hey guys, so I need a new stick and since madcatz is gone where should I buy one from?

Reasonable price and good quality is what it looking for
Razer seems to be the Mad Catz spiritual successor with the Panthera since they stepped up their quality control & started making PS4 sticks. The new Qanba sticks as well as Hori's are also solid.


Razer seems to be the Mad Catz spiritual successor with the Panthera since they stepped up their quality control & started making PS4 sticks. The new Qanba sticks as well as Hori's are also solid.

I have a real arcade pro 2 from Hori and I love it. Can't recommend it enough.


I was gonna recommend the Tekken 7 arcade sticks thinking they might have over-produced on them and they'd be cheap. Nope those things are sold out and now sell above MSRP lol.


Junior Member
After looking I'm gonna go with the obsidian or panthera. Which one tho?!?
Depends, do you care about easy modding without voiding your warranty? If so, go with the Panthera. My TE2's easy modding came in handy when my JLF crapped out on me.


Hey guys, so I need a new stick and since madcatz is gone where should I buy one from?

Reasonable price and good quality is what im looking for
You can still get Madcatz sticks on eBay. Mostly used, but I managed to find a brand new/sealed in box Street Fighter IV Tournament Edition stick last week for $115 shipped (final price was like $80 + $35 for shipping).

Of course I have a Brook's converter to use it on PS4. So if you don't have one you may need to factor that into your final cost (might look for a newer model SFV stick).

Also, Qanba Obsidians look quite nice too. Can find those on Amazon.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Too bad you waited, earlier on preorders for this were getting way cheaper than $60. I'm in at Amazon for $40.

On Xbox One? I only ever heard about the PC version being cheaper.

Those pre-order alts will sold individually like a month after release. They did the same thing with UMvC3's pre-order bonuses.

Capcom has never kept pre-order bonus costumes exclusive to pre-orders. They have always been made available later.

I could be wrong, but for MvC3 they called them pre-order bonuses and for MvCI they're marketing them as exclusive?


Depends, do you care about easy modding without voiding your warranty? If so, go with the Panthera. My TE2's easy modding came in handy when my JLF crapped out on me.

Ya Ima go with the easy modding cause that's been my main problem, my joysticks keep breaking lmao. I could fix the one I have rn but with every big fg game that I'm excited about I buy a new stick, I wish they were coming out with an mvci stick I'd buy that instantly.

You can still get Madcatz sticks on eBay. Mostly used, but I managed to find a brand new/sealed in box Street Fighter IV Tournament Edition stick last week for $115 shipped (final price was like $80 + $35 for shipping).

Also, Qanba Obsidians look quite nice too. Can find those on Amazon.

Nah I don't have a converter and I'd rather have direct input than through a converter but that's just me being me lol.

I'm gonna have to drive lyft to buy this shit lmao we in there for marvel baybee!!

Thanks for the help guys, that's why I fuck with y'all.


On Xbox One? I only ever heard about the PC version being cheaper.

I could be wrong, but for MvC3 they called them pre-order bonuses and for MvCI they're marketing them as exclusive?

PS4 went down in price on Walmart and Amazon. Walmart was messing up and offering a large discount for pick up in store and Amazon was price matching. They then realized it was a mistake and stopped. Which is why some people have it that cheap on PS4.

I don't recall any discounts on the Xbox One version though.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
PS4 went down in price on Walmart and Amazon. Walmart was messing up and offering a large discount for pick up in store and Amazon was price matching. They then realized it was a mistake and stopped. Which is why some people have it that cheap on PS4.

I don't recall any discounts on the Xbox One version though.

Yeah, there's never been any XB1 discounts. Barely heard anything about it.

That's what I thought yeah, thanks.

The only one I know of that's exclusive is Captain Marvel's alt on PS4.

The Evil Ryu and Thor costumes are just pre-order bonuses.

Including the X and Hulk costumes also?


I'll be real mad when it turns out some costumes are not going to be purchasable later. :|

'Cause they've already set precedent for that in SFV.


After looking I'm gonna go with the obsidian or panthera. Which one tho?!?
I have both so....

Obsidian's more comfortable when I use it on a table/floor, and the Panthera's more comfortable on my lap. But both are really comfortable, just one is slightly better than the other in different situations imo.

Obsidian also has dat LED lighting on the side that's pretty sick. I prefer the buttons on the Panthera...same parts but I prefer start/select(share) on the side of the stick. L3/R3 are also bigger so it's easier to access.

Can't go wrong with either one, but I'd say Panthera seems better for you since it's easier to access the inside if you need to mess around with the stick/buttons.

I'll be real mad when it turns out some costumes are not going to be purchasable later. :|

'Cause they've already set precedent for that in SFV.
You're going to be able to buy them.

Yeah, they already do this shit with SFV.

I do wonder if the 2016 CPT costumes/stage and the Halloween/Christmas costumes will come back in SFV anytime soon. I guess we'll see in October if the Halloween costumes come back?
I want to see how the ranking system works in this game. I tend to set a certain goal for myself when it comes to ranking for the fun of it. I also add on to it if I reach it since it keeps things interesting for me. Did this with SFV, SF4, MVC3, and many other games.


This will be my first MVC game and I'm wondering if I will be able to jump in and learn it like SFV. SFV was my first fighter since Mortal Kombat 2 & 3. Since release I've been pretty hooked on fighters in general (Tekken, GG Injustice) but Marvel looks batshit crazy O_O

I played the demo and noticed the inputs are a little more forgiving than Street Fighter but do the combos still require specific timings or is it more like injustice where you can dial it in and it works? Is there anything I should familiarise myself with before release? Like universal anti-airs or BnBs that are universal for all characters?


This will be my first MVC game and I'm wondering if I will be able to jump in and learn it like SFV. SFV was my first fighter since Mortal Kombat 2 & 3. Since release I've been pretty hooked on fighters in general (Tekken, GG Injustice) but Marvel looks batshit crazy O_O

I played the demo and noticed the inputs are a little more forgiving than Street Fighter but do the combos still require specific timings or is it more like injustice where you can dial it in and it works? Is there anything I should familiarise myself with before release? Like universal anti-airs or BnBs that are universal for all characters?
Marvel is more lenient in that you don't need a lot of links for a lot of combos and there is a chain system but it's not dial a combo, you still need some timing.

Anti airs are different for each character but a character's launcher (d+HP) is usually a solid anti air that you can go straight into an air combo from. In Marvel 3 jab chains were good anti airs for certain characters too. However don't expect people to do obvious slow jump ins like in SFV, people are going to air dash, dive kick or teleport in on you making it hard to anti air.

The universal magic series in this game is: LP, LK, HK,d+HP jump LP, LK, HP, HK.

From here you can add a Tag to follow up the ground spike with your partner for a relaunch into am air combo then super.

This series may not work for every character of course.


The magic series in this game doesn't feel good that natural to me in this game at least what I played from the demo. Maybe it's because the MVC3 layout is engrained in my memory at this point. I think it's mainly just the default button layout, I still don't know if I should mess with the buttons to try and mimic MVC3 or just deal with it. Either option doesn't feel right.


The magic series in this game doesn't feel good that natural to me in this game at least what I played from the demo. Maybe it's because the MVC3 layout is engrained in my memory at this point. I think it's mainly just the default button layout, I still don't know if I should mess with the buttons to try and mimic MVC3 or just deal with it. Either option doesn't feel right.

It's completely awkward compared to 3.


The magic series in this game doesn't feel good that natural to me in this game at least what I played from the demo. Maybe it's because the MVC3 layout is engrained in my memory at this point. I think it's mainly just the default button layout, I still don't know if I should mess with the buttons to try and mimic MVC3 or just deal with it. Either option doesn't feel right.

You'll get used to it, but yeah even as someone who got used to MvC2's layout, I still prefer MvC3's for a VS game. Just feels more comfortable and stuff feels more intuitive.


Junior Member
I tried switching the buttons in the demo but my brain doesn't like it because of the switch to Ps and Ks haha.


Junior Member
Here are the renders for Captain Marvel's PS4-exclusive costume & Sigma.

Also, here's an image of the segment of the story that was in the demo, except in the final version. I guess we don't have any Infinity Stones to start with, but I think that was already mentioned.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Sigma has huge feet and hands, is he a street fighter 5 rep?


what is that sigma costume supposed to be from anyways

i don't remember sigma wearing leather boots

Nah, you're just used to 3. Different =/= awkward

Mvci controls didn't take any getting used to for me. Felt natural immediately.
it's more awkward but only because it's not really any possible to get any more simple than literal ABCD in a row, esp. on a stick. on pad it's pretty much the same thing though since you're just going in a circle either way
going down two rows is different but it's not so radically different so adjusting will prob. take a few hours of play at most across the board for folks who aren't familiar with the layout otherwise


I tried switching the buttons in the demo but my brain doesn't like it because of the switch to Ps and Ks haha.

Haha same it felt better to do the magic series that way but then it gets confusing when you're trying to do other stuff. I'm sure I'll get used to it, just feels somewhat clunky initially.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I wonder if that means that Sigma will be available at launch? (having a ps4 exclusive costume)

Carol has the exclusive costume, the Sigma render is just his normal costume. Now's post is just worded poorly.

Having huge hands & feet isn't just SFV, it's Street Fighter as a whole.
Capcom in general. Sigma looks the way he always had in the X series.

It was a joke because ppl some ppl bitch about the big feet guys :/


Nah, you're just used to 3. Different =/= awkward

Mvci controls didn't take any getting used to for me. Felt natural immediately.

I disagree. On a stick, my "home row" naturally falls onto LP, MP, HP and LK. Thumb on LK, three fingers on the top punches, then quickly moving my fingers down for assists. I'm no stranger to weird layouts, but LMHS was comfortable af.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Skab are those from the same video? I recognise the Spidey combo from a pax video I posted before but I don't remember that Morrigan one.
I disagree. On a stick, my "home row" naturally falls onto LP, MP, HP and LK. Thumb on LK, three fingers on the top punches, then quickly moving my fingers down for assists. I'm no stranger to weird layouts, but LMHS was comfortable af.
No wonder you can't get with it, you're still playing the game like it's MvC3 and not MvC2 or KoF.


I disagree. On a stick, my "home row" naturally falls onto LP, MP, HP and LK. Thumb on LK, three fingers on the top punches, then quickly moving my fingers down for assists. I'm no stranger to weird layouts, but LMHS was comfortable af.

And the layout is the same as everything that isn't anime or SoulCalibur for me.



Man I kind of feel bad for this game. The closer we get to release, the more it seems that they've actually done a whole lot right with it. It's kind of crazy to me that on release this game is going to a much more featured and complete game than SFV was at launch. But it still has this stigma attached to it because of it's looks. And while the game seems to be looking much better these days, all that PR they did when the game was looking horrible is going to be really hard to move past besides for the FGC.

It looks fucking awesome, and having things like story mode and shit is nice for the wider audience that normally they don't give a shit appealing to for MvC games. Like I said, it actually seems like they're doing stuff right with this game, and it sure would be a shame if that didn't amount to much. I really hope this game does well and can escape the bad press it received early on. Hell SFV still has the stink all over it from it's poor desicions at launch, although it's been dampened. Some people just won't be able to move past that.

I just really don't see many people talking about it, and what worries me is with Disney being such a powerhouse, if the game doesn't sell well enough then they may pull the plug on it quickly. I really really want to see the game added on to for a long time. I'm very curious to see how the game will sell with the more casual audience.


I don't see casual players getting much value out of the game outside of the initial story mode. They beat it after 3 hours and return the game when they realize that they will get their shit pushed in online.


Junior Member
I think the reviews may be critical in terms of positive first impressions of the game. If the game reviews well, then MvCI should be fine in the long-term in terms of getting casuals. You can't really say that the game hasn't gotten much exposure, the latest story trailer is currently sitting at 8 million views. The concern now is turning around the negative stigma caused by E3. Fixing the problematic faces was a step in the right direction, but the reviews have to show this game as legitimately good so casuals can think "Hey, maybe the internet was a bit too hard on this game". Obviously content may not be a big issue, as it's hitting the necessary notes that critics look for in a fighting game (Story, Arcade, Mission/Tutorial, extensive online options, etc.). The fact that lobbies now have all 8 players playing matches at the same time like GGXrd & ARMS will go over well with said critics as long as the online actually works decently.
It'll get dinged for its story mode (but to be honest, that shit is real difficult to get right), presentation, and a few other things, but not enough to sink it. I'm thinking 7/10s and 8/10s across the board, with fighting game minded places giving it possible 9/10s, if not more on the rare side.
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