Man I kind of feel bad for this game. The closer we get to release, the more it seems that they've actually done a whole lot right with it. It's kind of crazy to me that on release this game is going to a much more featured and complete game than SFV was at launch. But it still has this stigma attached to it because of it's looks. And while the game seems to be looking much better these days, all that PR they did when the game was looking horrible is going to be really hard to move past besides for the FGC.
It looks fucking awesome, and having things like story mode and shit is nice for the wider audience that normally they don't give a shit appealing to for MvC games. Like I said, it actually seems like they're doing stuff right with this game, and it sure would be a shame if that didn't amount to much. I really hope this game does well and can escape the bad press it received early on. Hell SFV still has the stink all over it from it's poor desicions at launch, although it's been dampened. Some people just won't be able to move past that.
I just really don't see many people talking about it, and what worries me is with Disney being such a powerhouse, if the game doesn't sell well enough then they may pull the plug on it quickly. I really really want to see the game added on to for a long time. I'm very curious to see how the game will sell with the more casual audience.