Tag, you're it.

From user Chairmanchuck on Resetera:
"For those wondering about Season Pass, I just got a reply from YS Net: (tl:dr - backers won't get content in pre-orders/deluxe edition, including the season pass)
Dear Antonio,
We apologize for the long delay in responding. Your feedback is appreciated and we will look into having your noted points in future updates.
Standard and deluxe versions released through retail sales are not affiliated with the crowdfunding campaign, so will not be included with backer pledges, however, they will be available for sale separately. Kickstarter Backers will receive the Kickstarter version, Slacker Backers will receive the Slacker Backer version. Both have unique content respective to their versions not available in the retail versions.
A season pass is not included.
Trial version release date info has yet to be confirmed and will be announced in the updates when details are available. You will be receiving your trial trial version, but we must ask for your patience for a little longer.
There will be more information following in the days ahead concerning updates.
The Shenmue III Team"
-Ysnet promises Steam keys as far back as beginning of June 2019. Few days later EGS exclusivity.
-Ysnet promises that all the game data will be on the disc. - Few weeks later "Only EGS.exe on the disc"
-Now backers who backed the game for hundreds of euros wont even get a season pass.
Preorder bonus are:
- The “Blazing Kick” Advanced Technique Scroll
- Kenpogi Training outfit
- Peking Power Starter Pack* (this set can be downloaded only once per account)