I think Sony’s build up and marketing so far has been extremely smart.
Jup it's funny because while MS tries to non stop marketingtalk about XBSX, all everybody else is doing is talking about PS5...
I think Sony’s build up and marketing so far has been extremely smart.
Its atleast 20% better than Kraken
Its unique to MS and perfectly facilitates Nanite.
Not according to benchmarks from Digital Foundry and other publications.
But specifically for Nanite which we are currently talking about. The demo is compute bound. So it disproportionately favours wide GPUs (XSX) over narrow (PS5). Compute shaders are no longer augmenting the FF pipeline, they are doing all the work. This will benefit wide (XSX) over clockrate (PS5).
I'm not talking about lumen. I'm talking about Nanite compute shader algorithms that crunches billions of polygons into 20 million triangles and then attempts to draw them.
That scales with compute. XSX higher CUs is huge in those calculations happening in the compute shader. That means nanite algorithm will be faster on XSX regardless of the situation of SDD/I-O
Xbox One frequency was bumped and they had a regular cooling solution and nothing crazy like XSX gosh damn tower.
Secondly the bump happened in August. We are currently in May. The bump was 6%. If they did the same thing. It would bring them to 12.9
There's absolutely no way they are not bumping it atleast .5+ TFLOP. Especially with the variable boost clock of PS5 which no one expected. I'm pretty sure they expected PS5 to be 9 TFLOPs which was why they were so confident.
I'm sure they tested XSX running at different clock speeds besides their target speed just in case.
Tim Sweeney on the PS5:
"See the coverage of Mark Cerny's talk for technical details. The software and hardware stack go to great lengths to minimise latency and maximize the bandwidth that's actually accessible by games. On PC, there's a lot of layering and overhead."
Mark Cerny on the objectives of the PS5's SSD solution:
“What if the SSD is so fast, that as the player is turning around it’s possible to load textures within that split second”
VP of engineering at EpicGames:
"Nanite allowed the artists to build a scene with geometric complexity that would have been impossible before, there are tens of billions of triangles in that scene and we couldn't simply have them all in memory at once and what we end up needing to do is streaming in triangles as the camera moves around the environment and the I/O capabilities of the PS5 are what allow us to achieve that level of realism."
A real game engine developer who had no knowledge of the PS5 specs when viewing the UE5 tech demo:
"Just having to sort through all this data, I'm sure this demo is like hundreds of gigabytes , because there is so much texturing, so much triangles, so just reading that data, it's interesting to look at the PS5 architecture, I'm sure a lot of this is being streamed in from disk (SSD), every frame, that SSD has to be blazingly fast, that relationship between disk and VRAM, has to be really tight and think it has to be specific to this architecture"
This is the last time I'll talk about the UE5 tech demo running on the PS5, here is a compilation of quotes with the some of the most credible sources on the I/O and SSD of the PS5 in relation to the UE5 tech demo.
For Xsex, everything outside the 100gb will have to be paged into the 100gb for Direct access
[...]PS5 is not traditional. It is the first and only of its kind. It may go well or it may go wrong, time will tell, but it certainly is not comparable. It is as if you wanted to compare an electric car and a gasoline car. Yes, there are things that you can use to generate a debate, such as speed in KMH or MPH. But it will be an inconsequential debate. The basis of both is to achieve a displacement, but it is achieved in different ways and with different mechanisms.
That sounds like a pretty big hit to performance in comparison to being able to access everything on the drive at once. Just moving there data to the 100GB is going to take some resources. It certainly isn't as efficient as what Sony is doing.
Also I was confused about the Velocity Architecture 100GBs and you explained that to me extremely well. Thank you as I was confused about it for the longest time.
In the words of Liza Shu and Andrea Pessino, PS5 is going for revolution.
In the words of Liza Shu and Andrea Pessino, PS5 is going for revolution.
don’t forget about what AMD said
“The Xbox Series X is going to be a beacon of technical innovation leadership for this console generation and will propagate the innovation throughout the DirectX ecosystem this year and into next year.”
just showing that lots of this is partners marketing talk that needs to be taken with a bit of salt
I would like to take advantage of your response to make a general appeal. It is very important that you do not take this quote as an answer to your points, but as a general idea of the situation. It is not so much about being right but about exposing some facts.
I would also like to point out that, as the following is a complex expression text, it is possible that some errors have been made in the translation with everyday expressions in my language but that they may not have a direct translation in English, or that some examples are not understood from the everything. In that case my sincere apologies. Let us begin.
Every opinion is respectable, but not every opinion is valid.
PS5 doesn't need more than what it has.
XSX is an extraordinary system. Within the traditional workflow system it is the best home system created so far.
PS5 is not traditional. It is the first and only of its kind. It may go well or it may go wrong, time will tell, but it certainly is not comparable. It is as if you wanted to compare an electric car and a gasoline car. Yes, there are things that you can use to generate a debate, such as speed in KMH or MPH. But it will be an inconsequential debate. The basis of both is to achieve a displacement, but it is achieved in different ways and with different mechanisms.
Attempts are being made (too many times) to defend absurd comparisons. I am going to give a very exaggerated example, but so that the idea is understood:
XSX may already have the best oil tank, filters, carb, spark plugs, combustion engine, or timing belt, but it does because you should have it, because it is necessary to get better performance with that type of vehicle. But PS5 does not need all those things, it is an electric car. PS5 does not need BcPack. With Kraken (by the way, improved version for PS5) you have enough for what your system can offer. The purpose is to make both PS5 and XSX reach 300KMH. That XSX surely reaches that figure better in the traditional way? Undoubtedly, for sure. But PS5 is not traditional.
Starting from this exaggerated example it is necessary to qualify that yes, that both systems have things in common that are comparable and debatable, such as wheels, windows, transmission axles, etc ... And that can undoubtedly affect the final performance. , but we would be talking about elements that perhaps do not exceed 25% of the total system. We will see if they end up affecting or not.
For example, PS5 is a system that has an SSD that can make RAM dispensable for certain processes, so what are you doing wasting time comparing the different RAM of different systems? Can't you see you're wasting your time?
Other examples, XSX gets extra space by compressing data. Perfect, one way to approach a problem. PS5 uses the SSD to send data directly without going through RAM, so RAM will have more free space for other things. Perfect, another way to approach the same problem (I don't know if you understand what I mean to say). Comparable? It depends. The visual result is the same?
What remains to be seen is whether PS5 is capable of delivering the same results as XSX by addressing the same issues differently. Therefore, the effective discussion should be reduced to whether this new content creation system (PS5) is more effective than the traditional one and if it is capable of offering a visual finish (and with optimal performance) that is comparatively identical or better than that of the systems. traditional. If the answer is "yes", it will not matter how it is achieved. It does not matter if one uses BcPack and another Kraken, or one 10GB of RAM and another 16GB. If the result shown on TV is the same in both XSX and PS5 (or higher in the latter) then Sony will have won, and the industry / developers too, as it will mean that a new way of creating content has been successful. That is to say, it will have managed to establish as "valid" the technology of the electric car, then it will only be missing that over the years (or decades) the industry will gradually migrate from the traditional system to the new one. Will that mean XSX results are bad? No. What is really being tested here is the "creation system". XSX will continue to offer the best results in the traditional style.
By the way, Digital Foundry lives by generating debate, and that is very good, but you have to know (when you inform yourself) what you are reading and in what context, otherwise it may happen that you have to retract your words more than you one would want.
Sony is not looking to be "only" the best console, Sony is looking to improve the content creation system, facilitating the process but trying to maintain or improve the qualities. MCerny is a developer who has designed 2 consoles with the intention of making developers' lives easier, since (intelligently) he knows that if the developer is happy and the creation system is simple, then consequently the developer will want to work with that system and therefore both the console will have more content and variety worldwide. And it is what is happening. It started to happen with PS4 and I think it will continue to happen with PS5. And this shouldn't confront people or anger anyone. Competitiveness is necessary to improve, and the result is that the user will always be the beneficiary.
Whether or not PS5 will make it, or whether that system will catch on in the industry or not, only time will tell.
And the answer to the question will be known with the years and the results, and NOT with the theoretical numbers.
Other examples, XSX gets extra space by compressing data. Perfect, one way to approach a problem. PS5 uses the SSD to send data directly without going through RAM, so RAM will have more free space for other things. Perfect, another way to approach the same problem (I don't know if you understand what I mean to say).
What remains to be seen is whether PS5 is capable of delivering the same results as XSX by addressing the same issues differently. Therefore, the effective discussion should be reduced to whether this new content creation system (PS5) is more effective than the traditional one and if it is capable of offering a visual finish (and with optimal performance) that is comparatively identical or better than that of the systems. traditional. If the answer is "yes", it will not matter how it is achieved. It does not matter if one uses BcPack and another Kraken, or one 10GB of RAM and another 16GB. If the result shown on TV is the same in both XSX and PS5 (or higher in the latter) then Sony will have won, and the industry / developers too, as it will mean that a new way of creating content has been successful. That is to say, it will have managed to establish as "valid" the technology of the electric car in the automotive industry, then it will only be missing that with the years (or decades) the industry will programmatically migrate from the traditional system to the new one. Will that mean XSX results are bad? No. What is really being tested here is the "creation system", not the power itself. XSX will continue to offer the best results in the traditional style. And that doesn't mean PS5 can't deliver the same (or better) results with the new system. In the same way, surely there will be things that PS5 will do worse. Or things that were believed to be better and that are eventually discovered that do not work as well. It will be seen in time.
By the way, I don't want to be politically incorrect with some indirect colleagues in the sector, but Digital Foundry lives on comparisons. Which is fine. And with this, very interesting debates are generated. You can even generate a more logical or less debate, but I would not dare to say that its conclusion is the most appropriate in this circumstance. Since it could happen that one has to retract some unlucky words more times than one would like (as is already happening). Also note that it doesn't only matter what a number says, but what your eye perceives. Because here there is a lot of bionic eye detecting pixels in static images but also many of them wear glasses and in the end they have to end up playing on their sofa 2 meters from the TV. I understand this purism more for the pixels in those PC players who have a monitor that is sharper than their TV and at a much shorter distance (probably 60cm). But come on, I think that currently nobody is going to cut their veins by a few pixels more or less.
Sony is not looking to be "just" the best console, it is already on top, the PlayStation brand needs no advertising, Sony is in a situation where it can afford to "test" with innovative systems, and can afford to fail. In this case looking to improve the content creation system trying to maintain or improve the final qualities. MCerny is a developer who has designed 2 consoles with the intention of making developers' lives easier, since (intelligently) he knows that if the developer is happy and the creation system is simple, then consequently the developer will want to work with that system and therefore both the console will have more content and variety worldwide. And it is what is happening. It started to happen with PS4 and I think it will continue to happen with PS5. And this shouldn't confront people or anger anyone. Competitiveness is necessary to improve, and the result is that the user will always be the beneficiary. In addition, MCerny has enough experience behind him in various sectors to have earned the benefit of waiting to see what happens in order to judge properly. On the other hand, I understand that in forums there is a need to know everything "NOW". But these companies always make "investments" with long-term "results".
Whether or not PS5 will make it, or whether that system will catch on in the industry or not, only time will tell.
And the answer to the question will be known with the years and the results, and NOT with the theoretical numbers.
So, comparable? It depends. The visual result is the same? The ease of creation is the same? Can you do without certain things without affecting the final quality? Does the possible work system compensate based on the result obtained? We will see. My opinion is that it does compensate, amply. Although I know that there are people concerned about whether this affects their jobs. Although my opinion is again that I do not think it affects, let's be positive.
Has this been posted already?
Why wouldn’t Microsoft do the same instead of that complicated and convoluted route?
I'm not sure, guys, I want solid evidence from Epic Games that this isn't native 4K. It's probably the 8K assets deceiving me, but my vision, thank God, is pretty sharp. If put side by side with so-called 4K of the same spot, maybe, but that haze is in the game. I can see some artifacts (around the main character, bats, and some areas related to LUMEN) here and there but overall it's extremely sharp at 4K.
My screenshots: (better do them as static as possible because any slight movement adds blur)
Who the fuck is saying this is not 4K? Especially 1440p which is way off 4K!
"I noticed it isn’t running in native 4k, as per Digital Foundry. It looked great but I found this odd. Especially for a tech demo. The Xbox Series X has more teraflops but I’m not sure it has enough to run this demo at 4K. I was expecting all games to run at 4K on next gen consoles. Didn’t people make a fuss when the Xbox 360 didn’t run games at 1080p? Well we will see in the coming months but maybe these aren’t 4K boxes after all."
Games Inbox: Do you believe the Unreal Engine 5 demo is real?
The Friday Inbox debates whether the Unreal Engine 5 demo on PS5 is real footage or not, as one reader enjoys Disgaea 4.metro.co.uk
Well, Digital Fuckery doing the usual. I think they got confused by the artifacts caused by GI software based ray tracing, but no way this is not native 4K or close to it. I made those screenshots as some uploaded some non-4K screenshots that might confuse the rest. You need a 4K TV or monitor to extract 4K screenshots. Now, with any screen you can zoom in and tell by yourself.
By the way, I uploaded once a 3.7GB of 5 minutes gets compressed to only 150MB on Youtube! And that's talking about 8-bit ~100MB bitrate not 10-bit or raw 12-bit. This video is around 980MB, and it's quite dense, so I can say that it should be around 23.5GB if it was 8-Bit, which is not, it's 10-bit or higher, 12-bit. You can see how heavily it's been compressed.
PS5 as revolution.
Is this limited 100GB of directly addressable SSD area actually confirmed, or just armchair deduction? Surely that would put some wear on the drive? Reading won’t, but having to make a copy and write first every time will.
I was trying to understand what “100GB made instantly available” meant, too.
On PS5 the entire drive is made instantly available via a DMAC. Likely with less latency, too. Why wouldn’t Microsoft do the same instead of that complicated and convoluted route?
I think the 100GB thing is just taken out of context and completely misinterpreted. A figurative statement taken literally.
That’s what I assumed, too. Surely they’ve got the same kind of directly addressable SSD as PS5.
Wow. Same guy, same PR.Peter Moore on Xbox Series X and PS5: First To 10 Million Units Wins
I think the 100GB thing is just taken out of context and completely misinterpreted. A figurative statement taken literally.
What Microsoft has gone for is tried and tested, and the workflow will be familiar to people in the industry. This is good for XSX.
What is it about PS5’s architecture and tool-kit that has you or other’s in the industry excited? Can you give examples of ideas (or Dreams, as Cerny used) it now makes possible? How does it help you or your colleagues?
Or is it as simple as less tedious work needs to be done which allows resources to be used to add new features or depth elsewhere?
tbf that was only because Xbox got out of the race in the 360 era while PS3 kept attacking*First to ten millions yet Switch was the last and it's outselling the second to ten million and might end up beating the first when it's all said and done. 360 was the first to ten million and ended up third.*
tbf that was only because Xbox got out of the race in the 360 era while PS3 kept attacking
It is better to ask a mode because it is really no showing that he changed the post.How on Earth did I see 3 different changes to your post without it showing you've edited them?
First I saw the PS5 fanmade controller, which I was going to respond to but then that changed to Michael Scott's gif. Then that changed to the current one after I refreshed.
You a mod?
Regardless of excuses, the numbers don't lie. No, the first to ten million doesn't win. Obviously being first to ten million is great. Can't hurt.
I'm not sure, guys, I want solid evidence from Epic Games that this isn't native 4K. It's probably the 8K assets deceiving me, but my vision, thank God, is pretty sharp. If put side by side with so-called 4K of the same spot, maybe, but that haze is in the game. I can see some artifacts (around the main character, bats, and some areas related to LUMEN) here and there but overall it's extremely sharp at 4K.
Who the fuck is saying this is not 4K? Especially 1440p which is way off 4K!
"I noticed it isn’t running in native 4k, as per Digital Foundry. It looked great but I found this odd. Especially for a tech demo. The Xbox Series X has more teraflops but I’m not sure it has enough to run this demo at 4K. I was expecting all games to run at 4K on next gen consoles. Didn’t people make a fuss when the Xbox 360 didn’t run games at 1080p? Well we will see in the coming months but maybe these aren’t 4K boxes after all."
Games Inbox: Do you believe the Unreal Engine 5 demo is real?
The Friday Inbox debates whether the Unreal Engine 5 demo on PS5 is real footage or not, as one reader enjoys Disgaea 4.metro.co.uk
Well, Digital Fuckery doing the usual. I think they got confused by the artifacts caused by GI software based ray tracing, but no way this is not native 4K or close to it. I made those screenshots as some uploaded some non-4K screenshots that might confuse the rest. You need a 4K TV or monitor to extract 4K screenshots. Now, with any screen you can zoom in and tell by yourself.
Any official source to back that up?
Or it is another of your unsourced fantasy posts (44 since Saturday!) where you talk as a sort of guru in the matter?
I would like to take advantage of your response to make a general appeal. It is very important that you do not take this quote as an answer to your points, but as a general idea of the situation. It is not so much about being right but about exposing some facts.
I would also like to point out that, as the following is a complex expression text, it is possible that some errors have been made in the translation with everyday expressions in my language but that they may not have a direct translation in English, or that some examples are not understood from the everything. In that case my sincere apologies. Let us begin.
Every opinion is respectable, but not every opinion is valid.
PS5 doesn't need more than what it has.
XSX is an extraordinary system. Within the traditional workflow system it is the best home system created so far.
PS5 is not traditional. It is the first and only of its kind. It may go well or it may go wrong, time will tell, but it certainly is not comparable. It is as if you wanted to compare an electric car and a gasoline car. Yes, there are things that you can use to generate a debate, such as speed in KMH or MPH. But it will be an inconsequential debate. The basis of both is to achieve a displacement, but it is achieved in different ways and with different mechanisms.
Attempts are being made (too many times) to defend absurd comparisons. I am going to give a very exaggerated example, but so that the idea is understood:
XSX may already have the best oil tank, filters, carb, spark plugs, combustion engine, or timing belt, but it does because you should have it, because it is necessary to get better performance with that type of vehicle. But PS5 does not need all those things, it is an electric car. PS5 does not need BcPack. With Kraken (by the way, improved version for PS5) you have enough for what your system can offer. The purpose is to make both PS5 and XSX reach 300KMH. That XSX surely reaches that figure better in the traditional way? Undoubtedly, for sure. But PS5 is not traditional.
Starting from this exaggerated example it is necessary to qualify that yes, that both systems have things in common that are comparable and debatable, such as wheels, windows, transmission axles, etc ... And that can undoubtedly affect the final performance. , but we would be talking about elements that perhaps do not exceed 25% of the total system. We will see if they end up affecting or not.
For example, PS5 is a system that has an SSD that can make RAM dispensable for certain processes, so what are you doing wasting time comparing the different RAM of different systems? Can't you see you're wasting your time?
Other examples, XSX gets extra space by compressing data. Perfect, one way to approach a problem. PS5 uses the SSD to send data directly without going through RAM, so RAM will have more free space for other things. Perfect, another way to approach the same problem (I don't know if you understand what I mean to say). Comparable? It depends. The visual result is the same?
What remains to be seen is whether PS5 is capable of delivering the same results as XSX by addressing the same issues differently. Therefore, the effective discussion should be reduced to whether this new content creation system (PS5) is more effective than the traditional one and if it is capable of offering a visual finish (and with optimal performance) that is comparatively identical or better than that of the systems. traditional. If the answer is "yes", it will not matter how it is achieved. It does not matter if one uses BcPack and another Kraken, or one 10GB of RAM and another 16GB. If the result shown on TV is the same in both XSX and PS5 (or higher in the latter) then Sony will have won, and the industry / developers too, as it will mean that a new way of creating content has been successful. That is to say, it will have managed to establish as "valid" the technology of the electric car, then it will only be missing that over the years (or decades) the industry will gradually migrate from the traditional system to the new one. Will that mean XSX results are bad? No. What is really being tested here is the "creation system". XSX will continue to offer the best results in the traditional style.
By the way, Digital Foundry lives by generating debate, and that is very good, but you have to know (when you inform yourself) what you are reading and in what context, otherwise it may happen that you have to retract your words more than you one would want.
Sony is not looking to be "only" the best console, Sony is looking to improve the content creation system, facilitating the process but trying to maintain or improve the qualities. MCerny is a developer who has designed 2 consoles with the intention of making developers' lives easier, since (intelligently) he knows that if the developer is happy and the creation system is simple, then consequently the developer will want to work with that system and therefore both the console will have more content and variety worldwide. And it is what is happening. It started to happen with PS4 and I think it will continue to happen with PS5. And this shouldn't confront people or anger anyone. Competitiveness is necessary to improve, and the result is that the user will always be the beneficiary.
Whether or not PS5 will make it, or whether that system will catch on in the industry or not, only time will tell.
And the answer to the question will be known with the years and the results, and NOT with the theoretical numbers.
Other examples, XSX gets extra space by compressing data. Perfect, one way to approach a problem. PS5 uses the SSD to send data directly without going through RAM, so RAM will have more free space for other things. Perfect, another way to approach the same problem (I don't know if you understand what I mean to say).
What remains to be seen is whether PS5 is capable of delivering the same results as XSX by addressing the same issues differently. Therefore, the effective discussion should be reduced to whether this new content creation system (PS5) is more effective than the traditional one and if it is capable of offering a visual finish (and with optimal performance) that is comparatively identical or better than that of the systems. traditional. If the answer is "yes", it will not matter how it is achieved. It does not matter if one uses BcPack and another Kraken, or one 10GB of RAM and another 16GB. If the result shown on TV is the same in both XSX and PS5 (or higher in the latter) then Sony will have won, and the industry / developers too, as it will mean that a new way of creating content has been successful. That is to say, it will have managed to establish as "valid" the technology of the electric car in the automotive industry, then it will only be missing that with the years (or decades) the industry will programmatically migrate from the traditional system to the new one. Will that mean XSX results are bad? No. What is really being tested here is the "creation system", not the power itself. XSX will continue to offer the best results in the traditional style. And that doesn't mean PS5 can't deliver the same (or better) results with the new system. In the same way, surely there will be things that PS5 will do worse. Or things that were believed to be better and that are eventually discovered that do not work as well. It will be seen in time.
By the way, I don't want to be politically incorrect with some indirect colleagues in the sector, but Digital Foundry lives on comparisons. Which is fine. And with this, very interesting debates are generated. You can even generate a more logical or less debate, but I would not dare to say that its conclusion is the most appropriate in this circumstance. Since it could happen that one has to retract some unlucky words more times than one would like (as is already happening). Also note that it doesn't only matter what a number says, but what your eye perceives. Because here there is a lot of bionic eye detecting pixels in static images but also many of them wear glasses and in the end they have to end up playing on their sofa 2 meters from the TV. I understand this purism more for the pixels in those PC players who have a monitor that is sharper than their TV and at a much shorter distance (probably 60cm). But come on, I think that currently nobody is going to cut their veins by a few pixels more or less.
Sony is not looking to be "just" the best console, it is already on top, the PlayStation brand needs no advertising, Sony is in a situation where it can afford to "test" with innovative systems, and can afford to fail. In this case looking to improve the content creation system trying to maintain or improve the final qualities. MCerny is a developer who has designed 2 consoles with the intention of making developers' lives easier, since (intelligently) he knows that if the developer is happy and the creation system is simple, then consequently the developer will want to work with that system and therefore both the console will have more content and variety worldwide. And it is what is happening. It started to happen with PS4 and I think it will continue to happen with PS5. And this shouldn't confront people or anger anyone. Competitiveness is necessary to improve, and the result is that the user will always be the beneficiary. In addition, MCerny has enough experience behind him in various sectors to have earned the benefit of waiting to see what happens in order to judge properly. On the other hand, I understand that in forums there is a need to know everything "NOW". But these companies always make "investments" with long-term "results".
Whether or not PS5 will make it, or whether that system will catch on in the industry or not, only time will tell.
And the answer to the question will be known with the years and the results, and NOT with the theoretical numbers.
So, comparable? It depends. The visual result is the same? The ease of creation is the same? Can you do without certain things without affecting the final quality? Does the possible work system compensate based on the result obtained? We will see. My opinion is that it does compensate, amply. Although I know that there are people concerned about whether this affects their jobs. Although my opinion is again that I do not think it affects, let's be positive.
I do not know. Could be. At the moment I don't have direct access to "it".HeyBGs , got a question.
Is this
the refined version of this?
The Xbox brand is less global, however the initial success in the markets they targeted (US and UK primarily) was maintained throughout the cycle. The Wii blew up and then quickly died, it's hard to say how best to look at that one.
How in the fuck has one tech demo caused such a pathetic bunch of arguments from some people?
It's like a my dad is better than your dad argument in school. Absolutely pathetic.
Don't worry mate I know you're not being a dick.The same way a logo did, a controller showing, this gen reveals, pricing, showing of certain games, etc lol
Not being a dick but it's the nature of alot of ppl to be combative, argumentative and assholes about bullshit.
I might be wrong, but the most important metrics are HW units sold, attach ratio, and total units of software sold. It doesn't really matter for how long a console sold or not.
I can tell you that Xbox doesn't have a single record to its name, be it hardware units sold or software sold in a year. So the whole fastest to ten million will have a lot of caveats to it, namely how fast launch aligned for starters.
Just trying to put the whole "first to ten million" in context because that shit started with the Ps2 I think? Dude on stage saying "It's over before it started, first to ten million".
Are you sure about that?52 CU vs 36 CU.
Nanite runs faster on XSX. This is an un-disputeable fact.
when sony lost the TF fight, you knew Sony fanboys would come back hardHow in the fuck has one tech demo caused such a pathetic bunch of arguments from some people?
It's like a my dad is better than your dad argument in school. Absolutely pathetic.
The argument started long before that demo. That other reply you got should be pretty self-explanatory.How in the fuck has one tech demo caused such a pathetic bunch of arguments from some people?
It's like a my dad is better than your dad argument in school. Absolutely pathetic.
one doner kebap with the special sauce you are having pleasewhen sony lost the TF fight, you knew Sony fanboys would come back hard
Props to whoever sat through that excruciatingly boring chat, just to get those tidbits of nearly zero information. So much patience.![]()
DualSense haptics to let you feel rain, weather in game says developer
On the latest episode of Play, Watch, Listen, a podcast hosted by former IGN Editor Alanah Pearce, composer Austin Wintory, game designer and developer Mike Bithell, and voice actor Troy Baker, we&…www.eggplante.com
nice casual racismone doner kebap with the special sauce you are having please![]()
Huh? XSX has a hardware decompressor, DMA and a thermal heatsink.... Man you guys are something else.
It'll be tit for tat for a while.when sony lost the TF fight, you knew Sony fanboys would come back hard
but sony is claiming their speed transfers so ps5 would in that situation be 4 times xbox.
The stuff I've seen on mesh compression that's effective is also slow.
Here's a look at Google's Draco: https://medium.com/box-developer-bl...ssion-at-scale-draco-vs-open3dgc-c9618b7d64d8
A 5 million vertex statue, 800 MB source down to only 14 MB, but on a 2.8 GHz i7 MacBook took 12.7s to decode.
GPU compute fancyness may well get much faster, but they're still using quantization. It'd be quite the feat if Epic has both high compression and fast random-access reads. I think it more likely data is just huge and read quickly (hence the need for SSDs). Even drive-compression like Kraken might screw with the virtualised data and be unusable?
XSX is certainly a better known system. It is the slope that PS5 has to overcome, adapting to new characteristics that change your working method (if you want). But PS5 is not an unknown system either, it simply has some peculiarities that, if you want, you can take advantage of, but this implies breaking a bit with the past. The good side is that, on the one hand, it can be optional. On the other hand, Sony has made a considerable effort to create simple and direct tools to take advantage of its Hardware. Otherwise it would not be possible and we would have found a wall as it happened with Cell and PS3. Sony took good note of it, that's why MCerny entered the scene. I insist, saying that something is good does not imply that the other is bad. But certainly Sony currently has no problems in that regard (or I am not aware of it). Also I am not discovering America, they are logical reasoning.
In my particular case it affects the ease of creation (due to the amount of work, if it is considered from the beginning, it could do without several steps "possibly tedious for many" in the creation of content. EDIT►But that indirectly also involves much more detail. Being able to use models directly from ZBrush is amazing to say the least. Less work, more detail.) and the freedom of creation in the design of the game. (The games you want or are not limited in design by the loading times. Sometimes it is a real puzzle to generate a level or a space. That could disappear). There are more advantages, but they do not concern me directly. Of course, everything good has adaptation processes that for some may be uncomfortable (programmers will surely suffer more). But in a way, whether you like it or not, it is part of our annual day to day, always learning new things and tools, recycling or dying, so if adaptation has to be done, it is done, as long as it is for the good.
I am also impressed with the Tempest Engine and its specific and general possibilities.
PS. Some of the things I allways explain are a mix between my direct experiences and the explanations of my office colleagues. Therefore, in those parts I cannot specify as well as in mine. Many times they tell me "this is bullshit" and I say "oh! Yes? Ok" but I don't know why that is bullshit, I must believe their word, since on the other hand, if they explained it to me, it is possible that I didn't either understood. Maybe he is right or maybe he is useless. Being professional does not mean being perfect (and I include myself).