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What do you want from the Ghost of Tsushima sequel?


  • Better side quests (existing ones ranged from being great to shit; get rid of the shit ones)
  • More overworld activities - the bamboo shrikes and Torii shrines were all awesome, the Haiku and hot springs were great. The foxes sucked, and there were far too many of them. Add more variety of activities as well
  • More dynamic, better, and more random encounters - the only thing you run into is bandits/mongols/ronin. Have more types of encounters on the road, including non combat ones
  • Add more platforming and traversal abilities. I enjoyed what there was, but go all in on the movement set you give the protagonist
  • Lean more into diagetic world design without relying on markers and guidance. The first game did a good job of deploying this over a Ubisoft style world, hopefully the second game can change its approach to the world design from the get go
  • Stick to Feudal Japan for the setting - but go elsewhere within Japan (rather than reusing Tsushima as the map)
  • Build on the already excellent stealth and combat options in the game
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A Japanese protagonist

I just want to visit famous parts of mainland Japan and see how they compare to IRL. Because I won't be doing that in any other game coming out soon
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
  • Lean more into diabetic world design
They should look at Kirby's Dream Buffet for inspiration. Some phenomenal sugary world design.



Call it slightly different, so it can be on mainland Japan somewhere, even though the Mongols never really set foot there cause of a storm.

Maybe have some lore character teach you how to make a really cool sword, so you can then craft your own with certain traits? Might add to the stance dancing in combat vs different enemy types.

Don’t really know, to be honest. The side content stuff is mentioned already.

Edit: I actually think this game doesn’t need a sequel. Rather have them do something similar but then as a knight/rogue in the Dark Ages
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The nicest person on this forum
I personally have no love for this game, I didn’t liked the combat, story and it’s open world design.

I VASTLY prefer to get Sekiro 2 instead…..despite having lot more fantasy element, it was much more true it’s time period than Ghost ever did.
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  • Lean more into diabetic world design without relying on markers and guidance. The first game did a good job of deploying this over a Ubisoft style world, hopefully the second game can change its approach to the world design from the get go
more insulin? if anything, i'd suggest that the next game includes a shot of something to keep you awake...
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
My real answer is:
  • More architecture. After I played Rise of the Ronin it really stood out how little there actually is in the way of buildings in Ghost. Some small huts, tents, shrines, etc. Almost nothing that you even go inside, let alone see the outside of. Just this alone would change most of the game.
  • Give up on the 3 Act repeating structure. I had to bail on Ghost, Days Gone, and Rise of the Ronin in Act 3 on all 3 games. Personally I felt it was too much. I find it very unsatisfying to feel like you're just following the exact same template broken up into 3 similarly sized Acts. Play around with the pacing for once, or some surprises. Put something unexpected in there maybe. The acts don't have to all be the same size too. You can have the ending arrive with more upbeat pacing to keep people on the ride towards the end when they're tiring out. I don't think they think about pacing at all in any way.
I could keep going but those are my biggest complaints I would like them to address.
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-Different weapons, if they wanna make the game still based on counters, they can give you an heavier weapon that maybe need more skill for the counter but does more damage and it's slower\can break guard easily, a lighter weapon that does the opposite, larger window, less damage, maybe a spear or naginata for better range etc., monoweapon for 20-40+ hours is BORING.

-cut the fucking precanned death animations bullshit that get boring after you kill 20 enemies and give me proper dynamic deaths with good ragdoll

-way better gore, gore in sushi 1 was dog water

-give jin a better personality, dude was pretty bland.

-way better main villain that it's not only good for the first 2 hours (and that doesn't turn into a scared bitch in the finale)

-cut the honor bullshit, especially if he goes outdoor in the mainland, i don't wanna hear the japan main general risking their land\men to save the fucking honor, that's not how samurai fight.

-maybe better sidequest that don't involve only combat?!

-make more legendary tales, they were definiteyl the best part of the game by far

-way better stealth with better enemy IA

Make the stance system more deep, not just X stance to do more damage to X type of enemy, do something like nioh where it change general damage and speed and you change it based on personal preference and not based on the enemy you fight (or a mix of both)

-Maybe cut some foxes and birds stuff and make exploration more organic\mysterious (and make loot more worthy, cosmetics can only interest me that much personally)

-Maybe 1-2 main cities?

-Way better enemy variety

-not fixed points for the grappling hook, let me use it freely ala halo infinite
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Wouldn't mind a few more urban environments. Go ahead and give us the Edo period in Japan. I can see if they want to continue Jin's story, but I feel that ended on a complete note. While its been done in movies, the shift from closed off Japan to more Europeans (with guns) is an interesting one that hasn't been analyzed in a video game before (to my knowledge). As Jin evolved from samauri to ghost/ninja...a protag here could also evolve into something more modern. (Plus, would give cool game play mechanics....and (and these are muskets...not machine guns. so the gameplay wouldn't be totally different).

Also, I wouldn't mind the cut scene direction to take more time. (This is going to be more controversial). Think "Westerns." Long shots of landscape with swelling music. Thoughtful shots and something that is not "Action."

I know its still a video game, but I think they could slow some of this down to be a more thoughtful meditative experience rather than a summer blockbuster with a samurai coat of paint.
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If I have to follow footprints one more time I swear...Yeah so if you're gonna do sidequests, make them unique or lessen them so it's not repetitive fetch quests.


My biggest fear is them introducing a girlboss and turning Jin into a secondary fiddle that makes mistakes and in turn is saved by said girlboss. I know, I'm literally making stuff up in my head but I cannot bring myself not to worry seeing Sony's recent output, especially with Spiderman 2. If they can stay true to the vision of the original while just naturally building on those foundations like say, Assassin's Creed 1 > Assassin's Creed 2, I'll be very happy.
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Feel like this game doesn’t need a sequel. Take the work done on this and maybe use a different setting. Greece/Turkey in the chaos after the 4th crusade would be great.

Not sure how’d they square if with the history but if they are sticking to Japan I’d love to see the mainland and some of the urban areas.


I think that in the sequel it would be cool to take a more ninja approach, improving or adding more and better stealth related mechanics just in case you want to go the ninja way. This also would help to differentiate it from other open world games.

I'd include more variety of activities, missions, puzzles, collectables and enemy encounter types. And would reduce the amount of times you have to make each one of them in half assuming, that the game length is similar to the previous one. Game length that btw I'd reduce in a thrid or so.

Maybe some of these new activities, missions, puzzles, etc. could be related to Japanese mythology (oni, yokai, onryo, yurei...) to make it less repetitive and unique.

The main character would be the same, the location would be a nearby but different Japanese zone where the mongols attacked soon after the first attack seen in the first game.

I'd polish everything in general and would try to have very top notch, very high end visuals.

And please, no black gay samurai with dubstep or similar. Keep the woke stuff away from the game and keep the tone of the first game with Ubisoft, Eurovision and the Paris Olympics is enough.
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I played the first and its DLC recently when they got a Steam release.

I admittedly liked the game a bit more than I originally expected. Then again I wasn't expecting much to begin with, given that from the beginning it looked like another Assassin's Creed clone.
Still, "more than I expected" is not enough to be particularly interested in a sequel.

Unless we are talking about a massive improvement with significant gameplay twists, I simply don't think I would invest the time into playing another one, let alone spend money on it.
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Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Way better combat - Enough of the same animations for every single death. Felt completely cheap and amateurish.

Higher production values - The talking head cutscenes were not Sony 1st Party level. Forbidden West raised the bar. I felt like I was playing a Bethesda game everytime some NPC gave me some generic mission.

More possibilities for face/offs. I saw the same thing every time.

In all honesty, the game should NOT be open world. It would be way way more focused and satisfying if it was a TLOU/GOW style wide linear game. Thats what I really want but wont happen.

People need their endless fox petting I guess.
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
- let me skip cut scenes
- find a better way to do narrative than turning off all the gameplay and making me run to a mission listening to someone talk (or let me skip those)


My biggest issue with the first game was probably the AI. Felt like 360/PS3 levels and especially when it came to stealth, it was pretty horrendous.


- More of the character based Side Missions, those side stories were all excellent so just more of those
- More traversal options, things like pitons would be great, grappling hook can be used anywhere
-More varied random encounters
- Keep the excellent stance system, just add more combat mechanics and weapon types
- Set in and around Tokyo, city has a lot of interiors, ample opportunity for climbing,hiding,using the rafters,maybe incentivise changing outfits so you can blend into crowds or even dress as a guard to sneak through fortresses etc
- NEEDS to have the ability to carry and dispose of bodies. Enemies should stay relatively alert after a body is discovered
- Bounty system. The Ghost is a fugitive so have some mechanics tie into that, maybe incentivise pure stealth with a good reputation granting certain opportunities/quests while a bad reputation gets you in with less scrupulous characters but guards are more alert,bounty hunters actively hunt you etc
- Swimming and various tools associated with it
A different approach to the open world.. Less Ubisoft more Witcher.
The game got old really fast due to the ever same encounters, side quests and copy paste open world activities, imho.
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