You're seeking entertainment in the wrong industry. I enjoy games for what they are, I'm not looking for Nietzsche-level existentialism and philosophy in my games.
You're seeking entertainment in the wrong industry. I enjoy games for what they are, I'm not looking for Nietzsche-level existentialism and philosophy in my games.
You're seeking entertainment in the wrong industry. I enjoy games for what they are, I'm not looking for Nietzsche-level existentialism and philosophy in my games.
Played Mass Effect 1/2 as an Adept, messing around with Vanguard on my imported character - I changed the class post-import.
Not really liking Vanguard yet (only finished tutorial/i.e. just arrived on Citadel).
What am I missing?
lulz neetsche
We're not asking for DEEP IDEAS, we're just asking for something competent.
Let's quit with the "we can't all be Shakespeare" bullshit, shall we?
I personally loved that bit, it wasMan, thatmission was such a wasted opportunity, especially with that environment. I would have liked toGeth Consensus. I'm guessing I'm not the first person to complain about this.fight Reaper-data or a boss alongside Legion but instead you just shoot at glowing blocks with an infinite ammo laser and walk to the end
The problem here is is that Bioware has to deal with the added stress of pandering to a fanbase that is not only very vocal, but will also explode at the slightest mishap at ANY of the elements in their games, including gameplay or graphics. You can see that in a lot of ME3, pre-endgame.
When gamers start putting equal emphasis on good storytelling as well as good graphics and gameplay, maybe this argument will fade. But until then, the path of least resistance for devs is to give precedence to the gameplay and level designers and then force the writers to string a plot together from the rest of the dev team. It's a problem with the industry.
If Morinth was spared and Samara killed, then when Shepard returns to the Normandy after visiting the Council for the first time after leaving Earth, Morinth will send Shepard the following e-mail:
From: Morinth
Subject: A belated Goodbye
Hello, Shepard:
Glad to hear you're alive after that attack on Earth--not that I'm surprised. I'd apologize for slipping off the Normandy without saying goodbye, but we both know the Alliance wouldn't take too kindly to my presence there. I probably needed to stretch my legs in a new city, anyway. Since you're back with the Alliance, it's probably best not to tell you which one.
I'm still grateful you took a chance on me. Take care of yourself. I'd hate to hear you were killed before we get the chance to meet up again.
When Shepard and Morinth do meet up again, Morinth appears during the assault on Earth as a Banshee, an Ardat-Yakshi that has been re-purposed by the Reapers. In combat Morinth behaves like any other Banshee, without special properties not available to other Banshees, and must be killed the same way.
That's not the problem. The problem is that they made a bad piece of content. If the ending had been good, this entire weekend would have been totally different.
I don't know if this has been posted yet, but if anyone wants to edit their war assets to ensure they get the best ending possible WITHOUT ever touching MP, here's a guide (PC versions obviously):
Download Save Editor Here
Hahaha, oh man. The Vega and Javik conversation is so great. Javik seems so pleased with himself with his masterful manipulation. The Legion and Garrus one over intercom was good too.
Question regarding very final Quarian/Geth stuff;I finished that story arc (which was excellent) and allied the Quarians and Geth on Rannoch (Legion). Tali took off her mask, but the fade to black and camera angle prevented me from seeing her face. I heard she does show her face though. Was this supposed to happen here?
Question regarding very final Quarian/Geth stuff;I finished that story arc (which was excellent) and allied the Quarians and Geth on Rannoch (Legion). Tali took off her mask, but the fade to black and camera angle prevented me from seeing her face. I heard she does show her face though. Was this supposed to happen here?
Question regarding very final Quarian/Geth stuff;I finished that story arc (which was excellent) and allied the Quarians and Geth on Rannoch (Legion). Tali took off her mask, but the fade to black and camera angle prevented me from seeing her face. I heard she does show her face though. Was this supposed to happen here?
You're seeking entertainment in the wrong industry. I enjoy games for what they are, I'm not looking for Nietzsche-level existentialism and philosophy in my games.
THIS IS BULLSHIT. I've now tried doing this twice and I still don't get the paragon/renegade options. my reputation bar is maxed out. I did all of the required side quests in ME2 and in ME3. I am actually getting angry over a videogame right now.
I'd been hoping thatFor those asking about MORINTH and whether she shows up in Mass Effect 3.......
I was interested to see if the mission on the monastery played out any differently.
Is post-game DLC really a retcon, though?
I have over 6000 assets and 91% readiness. It says chances are even. Does it get better than this?
Oh, she shows up in the game,I'd been hoping thatshe would've replaced her mother in the monastery mission, coming to save her sisters. Guess that was too much to hope for, though perhaps she was too much of a sociopath to care what happened to them.
this is fucking annoying
I'm like 4 hrs into the game and I've swaped discs like 5 times already. wtf? ME2 didn't have this mess and it was 2 discs as well.
this is fucking annoying
I'm like 4 hrs into the game and I've swaped discs like 5 times already. wtf? ME2 didn't have this mess and it was 2 discs as well.
You'll be fine. Still have plenty of opportunity to deal with that stuff.I have the horrible feeling I just went round collecting things for nothing...
I went scouting planets for assets to bring back to a fair few people on the citadel but just ran into the citadel being attacked by Cerberus. Does this mean I lose the opportunity to get these things back to those people? (in return for War Assets I imagine)
I'm going to be pretty pissed if not.
Seriously. What the heck are you guys doing different then me?
I only had to swap to Disc 2 after the Palaven mission and that was 4 hours in. After that one disc swap I can doand a whole bunch of side quests. I did not even need to switch again after the 30 hour mark.Sur'Kesk, Tuchanka and The Citadel mission