So, like any independent publisher then?Assume he just means that when Sega had their own platform, Sega fans bought the Sega console. Now Sega fans are split between Wii, PS3 and Xbox360 platforms.
In short.
Too many different characters.
Too many different gameplay styles.
Too many different personality types for each game.
Pie and beans, SEGA don't just publish the Total War and Football Manager games, they're fully in house productions. They're as much a part of SEGA as Sonic is these days.
Yeah, I really don't understand why this is perceived as such a problem. Maybe I'm just dense, but how is this different to Ubi or Square?
But but but but Yakuza! What about Yakuza? Won't somebody please think of Yakuza!?
I told him what would happen, damn it nick!irishninja goes to europe, rumors of sega europe closing... hmmm...
Because these are the same characters. Their changes in style and direction aren't just to fit a theme of a game, they are essentially permanent main stays. It's not like Paper Mario where the theme of the game is "Paper". It's like that if because of Paper Mario existed, Mario is forever a "Paper" character, or that each game must feature an enthralling storyline.
You know there are some Sonic fans that prefer 2006 over Generations just because it had a "story"? That's the diversity there. Nothing is it's own entity, it's all combined into one.
well.. i hope this is not true.![]()
my childhood was all about sega mega drive and sonic.
and it killed me once when the dreamcast went dead while i was enjoying shenmue.
i dont want them to go . at least one of the big companies " Nintendo, MS or Sony " buy them out or their IPs. at least
i remember MS buying Midway " was it MS ? "
and i have never seen Extreme - G till this day![]()
it was my fav futurastic racing game . when the bikes cross the sound barrier![]()
Oh good, I'm glad that I am not the only one who took serious note of that and hasn't forgotten the significance of it. Because of MS we may never again see another new Panzer Dragoon, Spike Out or Jet Set Radio game. MS shouldn't even be allowed to touch Sega with a 200 meter pole made of solid gold.
I don't think that it is a coincidence that the Sega developers, who concentrated on Gamecube, had the most success, and ended up having the lead team after the restructuring of the Japan studios. Yakuza has become Sega's best and most important Japanese developed non-Sonic IP.
Is that Creative Assembly title their ALIEN game?
You remember wrong, Midway went bankrupt, assents went to Warner Bros.
A community manager from Sega of America is joking about this on Twitter:
Somehow I doubt this is true.
If you love Sega, show it. Pre order Anarchy Reigns and buy Binary Domain (New Copy)
Amazon has not taken down the Anarchy Reigns product page
It's not true:If true this is sad news but I hope that sega do well and make money again in their new approach, let's hope that JSR is not the only awesome dreamcast port we will see.
A community manager from Sega of America is joking about this on Twitter:
Somehow I doubt this is true.
Originally Posted by TimmiT:
A community manager from Sega of America is joking about this on Twitter:
It's probably been mentioned before, but that rumour sounds like complete BS, the Total War and Football Manager series are still quite successful, I dont believe SEGA would close every European branch while those 2 titles remain successful.
EDIT: Just checked the previous page in this topic, this makes it obvious that this rumour is not true:
We conducted detailed reviews of earnings projections for titles targeted toward the U.S. and European markets and decided to narrow down sales titles from the following period and after to strong IPs, such as “Sonic the Hedgehog,”, “Football Manager”, “Total War” and “Aliens” which are expected to continue posting solid earnings. In accordance with this, we are canceling the development of some game software titles.
The problems at Sega-Sammy pre-dated the GFC and had very little to do with publishing Platinum's games.
The parent company was in serious trouble as far back as 2007 when it posted a $250M loss and laid-off 400 employees, in an otherwise stable economic climate.
By early 2008 (still pre-GFC), Sammy closed down its European division and Sega Korea followed soon after.
Sega-Sammy's management structure has been resistant to change and they were brutal exposed during the GFC. Part of this was pouring large amounts of capital into areas without seeing a commensurate return, including game development.
However , the assertion that publishing 2 Platinum Games (one of which almost certainly broke-even for them) was a major contributing factor is pretty outlandish.
this rumor is laughable..
why would SEGA shut down SEGA Europe when 3 of their key major titles (retail titles) planned for the next two years is being developed by their European arm (Creative Assembly/Sports Interactive) ?
not to mention that Sonic & all Stars Racing is also under development by Sumo.
closing the office branches in all over the continent apart from U.K is possible though
Sega does what nintendon't.
Buy Sonic, Nintendo.
Interweb rumours of SEGA Europe closing are false. Rumours of Dirk Kuyt signing for Fenerbache? Much more likely.