Increase Gief's spd range. Or increase Hawk's. I'd rather the first one happen, though.
Question for matchups against gief and thawk.(moreso hawk) is it possible to do a block string on them without getting spd'd? I was facing hawk(using ryu) and as always I lost to him. This time it was because whenever I went for a random jumpin and he blocked it I would only be able to into a 2 hit block string before he was able to reversal spd me. This happened every time and I couldn't do anything about it.
This is why I fucking hate that piece of shit character.
Question for matchups against gief and thawk.(moreso hawk) is it possible to do a block string on them without getting spd'd? I was facing hawk(using ryu) and as always I lost to him. This time it was because whenever I went for a random jumpin and he blocked it I would only be able to into a 2 hit block string before he was able to reversal spd me. This happened every time and I couldn't do anything about it.
This is why I fucking hate that piece of shit character.
Question for matchups against gief and thawk.(moreso hawk) is it possible to do a block string on them without getting spd'd? I was facing hawk(using ryu) and as always I lost to him. This time it was because whenever I went for a random jumpin and he blocked it I would only be able to into a 2 hit block string before he was able to reversal spd me. This happened every time and I couldn't do anything about it.
This is why I fucking hate that piece of shit character.
Hawk aint even ex spd'ing me, he's just straight up fierce spd'ing me.
OH SNAP OWNED SON STAY FREE OR SHOULD I SAY FREIThey should make SSF4: Threi Edition and only include the 3 characters you don't endlessly cry about.
maybe if you put this much effort into learning option selects you wouldn't be as much of a whiny scrubOH SNAP OWNED SON STAY FREE OR SHOULD I SAY FREI
Question for matchups against gief and thawk.(moreso hawk) is it possible to do a block string on them without getting spd'd? I was facing hawk(using ryu) and as always I lost to him. This time it was because whenever I went for a random jumpin and he blocked it I would only be able to into a 2 hit block string before he was able to reversal spd me. This happened every time and I couldn't do anything about it.
This is why I fucking hate that piece of shit character.
You want some private lessons Onemic?
DBJ vs Threi. First to 20. Winner gets a copy of KOF XIII.
You want some private lessons Onemic?
DBJ vs Threi. First to 20. Winner gets a copy of KOF XIII.
Anyone down to play on PSN?
Are you only PSN? I have PC edition if you want to get on sometimes. I do have a PS3, but I let my bro keep it in his room so he would have something to use.
Speaking of which, Cody players are NOTORIOUS for jumping during blockstrings.
I have never been so frustrated with a match up than Chun vs. Rog. I am learning Chun, and it feels like I can't do anything to open a decent Rog up. Its hard to fireball war him with the TAP and even harder when he has meter. His headbutt beats the the overhead clean, and I feel like my pokes just get blown up! I think the match up is in Chun's favor, but it doesn't feel like it -_-
Speaking of which, GOUKEN players are NOTORIOUS for jumping during blockstrings.
Zone with lp fireball and carefully follow it, if he dash punches or jumps over it....use st.hp to poke or antiair. Rinse and repeat. Once you score an untechable jump in with fierce and do your mixups. And chun's normals can go toe to toe with Rog. Stay out of the corner, that's where Rog totally dominates Chun.
Thanks, this helps alot. My problem is usually cornering myself trying to stave off his pressure -_-
Anyone down to play on PSN?
that Hawk tech is so 2000 and lateQuestion for matchups against gief and thawk.(moreso hawk) is it possible to do a block string on them without getting spd'd? I was facing hawk(using ryu) and as always I lost to him. This time it was because whenever I went for a random jumpin and he blocked it I would only be able to into a 2 hit block string before he was able to reversal spd me. This happened every time and I couldn't do anything about it.
This is why I fucking hate that piece of shit character.
that Hawk tech is so 2000 and late
it's all about standing roundhouses and crouching mk's from halfway across the screen now
Fixed that for ya.
Cody's do it also, but Gouken' god.
I thought Goukens just do the parry thing![]()