I know this is maybe a stupid question but I'm new to Steam, where the hell can I start downloading the DLC I just bought?, to be specific, the Season Pass for Saints Row
It's inside your game! I think
I know this is maybe a stupid question but I'm new to Steam, where the hell can I start downloading the DLC I just bought?, to be specific, the Season Pass for Saints Row
Just making sure, everyone's voting Just Cause 2 for the next sale, right?
Just making sure, everyone's voting Just Cause 2 for the next sale, right?
Just making sure, everyone's voting Just Cause 2 for the next sale, right?
Just making sure, everyone's voting Just Cause 2 for the next sale, right?
Just making sure, everyone's voting Just Cause 2 for the next sale, right?
anyone that needs help.
I can help
just PM me
(1) Game you want
(2) Link of game you want
(3) Steam email
I'll reply your PM with my PayPal email!
Once I get the PP, I'll send the game to your steam email
Which is why my original post begins with "next year"
I've seen support for all three.
JC2 is the only one I don't have, so I voted for that, even though I don't really plan on buying it.
Just making sure, everyone's voting Just Cause 2 for the next sale, right?
100% off on all games for a day GABEN PLS!!!
I voted Dead Space 2 because I'm a special flower (and because I already own all three games). ;D
ohhh! Bastion Soundtrack and PoP... should I?
Why is The Last Remnant still so expensive?
So, you're a closet EA supporter. I figured as much.
I take offense to that sir! I have soul but I'm not a (EA) soldier!
I voted for GTAIV... I'm sorry.
All the cool people are.
Except the smart people that bought the Square Enix Ultimate Collection from Amazon.
Just Cause 2
Kane and Lynch 2
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
Supreme Commander 2
Tomb Raider: Underworld
Except the smart people that bought the Square Enix Ultimate Collection from Amazon.
Just Cause 2
Kane and Lynch 2
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
Supreme Commander 2
Tomb Raider: Underworld
I don't know, but the game was $7.50 on GG a few weeks ago.
Amazon doesn't have that deal anymore. BOOOExcept the smart people that bought the Square Enix Ultimate Collection from Amazon.
Just Cause 2
Kane and Lynch 2
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
Supreme Commander 2
Tomb Raider: Underworld
Except the smart people that bought the Square Enix Ultimate Collection from Amazon.
Just Cause 2
Kane and Lynch 2
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
Supreme Commander 2
Tomb Raider: Underworld
Either I missed that or this Steam sale has me browsing the catalog for things to buy.
Except the smart people that bought the Square Enix Ultimate Collection from Amazon.
Just Cause 2
Kane and Lynch 2
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
Supreme Commander 2
Tomb Raider: Underworld
I know this is maybe a stupid question but I'm new to Steam, where the hell can I start downloading the DLC I just bought?, to be specific, the Season Pass for Saints Row
Either I missed that or this Steam sale has me browsing the catalog for things to buy.
Except the smart people that bought the Square Enix Ultimate Collection from Amazon.
Just Cause 2
Kane and Lynch 2
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
Supreme Commander 2
Tomb Raider: Underworld
Shift+Tab is the default overlay. :3Open Steam overlay (Alt+Tab default?) in-game, and there should be a spot for DLC.
Click that and it takes you to Steam Store while in-game.
Some of us cool people prefer paying cash for vidya though ._.
Bastion Soundtrack is mandatory
it's automatic for Steam, you'll get them all when you install the game.
It's inside your game! I think
Except the smart people that bought the Square Enix Ultimate Collection from Amazon.
Just Cause 2
Kane and Lynch 2
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
Supreme Commander 2
Tomb Raider: Underworld