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Halo |OT10| The Calm Before The Storm

People cant have a bad opinion of the game, but people can have a good opinion of the game.

That has been your views from what i have seen
You always chime in with this, and it's hugely fallacious. My issue is with unfounded opinion. You didn't see me sarcastically responding to criticism from people who have played the game. Nor do I withhold criticism from those that make positive unfounded assertions (of course, around here, that is super-rare).

You should apologize for your mischaracterization.


Exactly. That's why I felt I needed to point out that kill times have nothing to with play-style. To me, play-style is stuff like "do I want to flank and/or put assisting shots into people?", "do I want to do my best to distract the other team and force them to deal with me instead of killing the flag carrier?", etc. That's playstyle. CQC/rifleplay is a situational consideration.
To me your preferred weapon is play-style. And how you use it. Whether you go for assists etc is another thing, it is a... role? Whatever. You make loadout around your play-style (CQB, range, precision, brute force...) and role (driver, assist, killer...).

I can see your point I suppose, but the maps are designed to play to the tactical and strategic strengths inherent in the gameplay design. Contrast this to Halo, where it is quickly becoming nothing of the sort.

As far as commanding your army, you should get Brood War and see how fucking tedious it used to be. I guess the way I'm seeing it is from the point of view of people who understood SC, and applied that to SC2. SC was more about unit and building control and placement, whereas SC2 is more about planning out your attacks and where they'll take place, and designing your engagements around the map environment. This came about in part because it was easier to actually control your units (and in some ways, less fun to do so I suppose). In my opinion, the gameplay is more cerebral and less physical control perfection (immaculate micro).
Odd. Based on what you write, and considering how much i liked WC3 (despiting disliking microing) it seems SC1 fits me better than SC2. Yet i cannot stand SCs gameplay either really (largerly due to outdated UI though). Though it has far more fun units, more interesting uses for them.
I don't know if you're directing this at me or just saying in general. The AR (to me) is not iconic of Halo (to me) in any way shape or form. It's a gag reel weapon by and large. The pistol was the true iconic weapon in H1 and the BR in H2 & 3. I just can't take that weapon seriously and they could've just as easily replaced that dopey gun with a BR in the trailer and it wouldn't have made that pitiful pitter-patter sound.

Though regardless, I must say that whole scene was the weakest part of the trailer anyway.

Iconic to multiplayer sure, but, throughout nearly ALL of the fiction and mythos, Chief has used some variant of the Assault Rifle, be it MA3 or MA5 series. We rarely see him with anything else.
I don't know if you're directing this at me or just saying in general. The AR (to me) is not iconic of Halo (to me) in any way shape or form. It's a gag reel weapon by and large. The pistol was the true iconic weapon in H1 and the BR in H2 & 3. I just can't take that weapon seriously and they could've just as easily replaced that dopey gun with a BR in the trailer and it wouldn't have made that pitiful pitter-patter sound.

Though regardless, I must say that whole scene was the weakest part of the trailer anyway.

You're thinking in terms of multiplayer. Letters was speaking about the fiction. The AR is the standard issue weapon for all UNSC forces, including the Spartans, and it's a lot more effective in the books than it is in the games for balancing reasons.


You can apply the same to Reach's mechanics like Jetpack, Armor Lock, and bloom. There's inherent problems in all of them, and it really does feel like they went unchecked.

Well AL is still "balanced" It's just not fun.
Jetpack I could see them saying fun > map breaking.
I can see the logic behind bloom. It works well at long and close distances. Mid range is "dynamic"


You always chime in with this, and it's hugely fallacious. My issue is with unfounded opinion. You didn't see me sarcastically responding to criticism from people who have played the game. Nor do I withhold criticism from those that make positive unfounded assertions (of course, around here, that is super-rare).

You should apologize for your mischaracterization.

You don't need to have played Halo 4 specifically to have a foundation for what works in a Halo game.

Well AL is still "balanced" It's just not fun.

Not by any definition of balance that I've ever used.
It's not flawed reasoning at all. If you are great with both, you will choose the DMR based on your criteria. Some people will even choose the AR based on their style of play. I played in a game with Bravo last week and we dominated the other team, I finished second, I used the BR, he used DMR. If I had used the DMR, I'd have finished lower. The math is indisputable, but style is about personal preference and ranges of ability. I'm not, but you can imagine for example that I might be better at jumping or dodging than Bravo. Looking at a single number ignores the millions of other variables involved. think you'll see MLG etc settle very quickly on one weapon, but you won't see that as a universal in matchmaking, I don't think.

I 100% agree. Same thing I thought of when I first read his post.

See, I honestly don't get how people have a problem with posts like this. There are some things that are just so frickin' simple after 10 years when it comes down to how to play Halo or FPSes in general. How are these same mistakes and oversights always occuring on a regular basis in the name of "creativity" or "dynamic play"? After 1 or 2 matches, no one gives a crap and are just trying to figure out the most efficient and best way to win.

More companies should take the approach Blizzard takes to SC2 - They pay attention to how the *best* people play their game and make changes/patches/decisions on those scenarios. And guess what? People who suck at the game or those that just want to mess around still have a great time, except without detriment to those who prefer to "tryhard" when they play games.

Halo 1 is a perfect example of this. And Woorloog..

Don't mind me, i just had high expectations for SC2's MP (pretty much a newcomer to SC multiplayer) but i found it incredibly boring. Boring because commanding my army wasn't fun.

I'd have to question whether you even like RTS games or SC in general because ExWife's example holds true, if you're already a fan of the series (in this case Halo). If I hated FPS games and no game would change that for me, Halo 1 would've been just ok. However, say I like FPS games and play them casually, Halo 1 was a great game for that while also being highly competitive.

If you never got into RTS games or liked SC, of course you wouldn't like the new one. If you had any interest at all in SC though and played some of the previous games, what he's saying is that SC2 is an example of a game that's made more competitive while not taking away from the casual player because they'll have fun with it anyway.

Hopefully that makes sense.

That all being said, I really believe that since Halo 4's core is more akin to Halo 1's power and flow that we'll be fine. Personal Ordnance are less of a problem IMO than completely random Global Ordnance because you can coordinate with your team to best use Personal Ordnance Drops whether you're in the lead or down. For many reasons I think this game won't be as broken as we may think it'll be.


The CTF changes, all that text all over the screen (which you have to admit has not been received well).

Well then you have to admit that most people who have played the game would agree that it's not only a nonissue, but it actually may add to the gameplay experience.


I actually think MLG will have plenty of BR players, due to to increase in base movement speed. Hopefully MLG just go with Slayer Pro settings.

You'll see MLG players choosing the BR out of pure nostalgia.

From the gameplay I've watched; IMO the LightRifle and the DMR reward the most skilled players.

You know what came to mind? Epic talking about why the sawed off is in Gears 3 for people who aren't good with the gnasher.

That gun destroyed Gears multiplayer by itself.
It's not flawed reasoning at all. If you are great with both, you will choose the DMR based on your criteria. Some people will even choose the AR based on their style of play. I played in a game with Bravo last week and we dominated the other team, I finished second, I used the BR, he used DMR. If I had used the DMR, I'd have finished lower. The math is indisputable, but style is about personal preference and ranges of ability. I'm not, but you can imagine for example that I might be better at jumping or dodging than Bravo. Looking at a single number ignores the millions of other variables involved. think you'll see MLG etc settle very quickly on one weapon, but you won't see that as a universal in matchmaking, I don't think.

You know, I have been one of the negative people in all the threads but its nothing personal Frankie. The changes are so broad sweeping there really should have been a beta. I mean I know the official tag line is you guys were not influenced by CoD but some of the things are cut and paste. When you throw all that into a mixing bowl it is an awful lot to get right.

The CTF changes, all that text all over the screen (which you have to admit has not been received well). When I am watching streams its like watching Sesame Street of something. Accessibility I get but to the point of making it Halo for dummies while ripping things from the other game that we think people like is the main reason from the backlash. This game is going to sell like Bananas but my fear is the MP is really going to suffer because its not quite CoD (which launches a week after) and it really isn't Halo anymore either.

That said, you are a good dude who helped me out when I got banned. Its also coming from a consumer who has both the LE game and LE console on order.



I won't lie if there was H4 branded apples, bananas, or even vitamin zero water I'd be buying it by the truckload.

Since I swore off shitty food and soda, it's hard to even enjoy the taste of pop anymore. I'm going to grab 2 20z gamerfuels tonight though as I always remembered that being REALLY good. If that tastes bad too though, then the extra one can go to a friend of mine.

Luckily the chips I'm getting I won't touch and are for parties.


You'll see MLG players choosing the BR out of pure nostalgia.

From the gameplay I've watched; IMO the LightRifle and the DMR reward the most skilled players.

good point.

Especially the Light Rifle, I had the feeling it was awkward to use it, I can't explain it, I had a hard time to get used to it.

But I think if someone masters it and gets the feel of the weapon it will be really dangerous.

Double EXP Weekends need to happen again, screw this DewXP stuff which is only available in two places.
Oh yes pls.


Hopefully not posted yet, but tomorrow starting at 11:00 AM Central Time Giant Bomb's Drew Scanlon and Alexis Gallisa will be playing cooperatively through the first three Halo campaigns plus whatever else Halo they can think of to fill a 24 hour marathon for the Extra Life charity, which benefits children's hospitals (this is their donor page). Playing good games for a good cause. I cannot guarantee good gameplay, however.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming nonsense factory.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Iconic to multiplayer sure, but, throughout nearly ALL of the fiction and mythos, Chief has used some variant of the Assault Rifle, be it MA3 or MA5 series. We rarely see him with anything else.
You're thinking in terms of multiplayer. Letters was speaking about the fiction. The AR is the standard issue weapon for all UNSC forces, including the Spartans, and it's a lot more effective in the books than it is in the games for balancing reasons.
That's their choice that they've so heavily followed through with to make the weapon so effective in canon. The majority of my issue with the weapon is design, not how it functions in terms of effectiveness in MP or even in Campaign.


I'd have to question whether you even like RTS games or SC in general because ExWife's example holds true (in this scenario especially), if you're already a fan of the series (in this case Halo). If I hated FPS games and no game would change that for me, Halo 1 would've been just ok. However, say I like FPS games and play them casually, Halo 1 was a great game for that while also being highly competitive.

If you never got into RTS games or liked SC, of course you wouldn't like the new one. If you had any interest at all in SC though and played some of the previous games, what he's saying is that SC2 is an example of a game that's made more competitive while not taking away from the casual player because they'll have fun with it anyway.

Hopefully that makes sense.

I played RTSes almost exclusively till i got Xbox. I'm just a newcomer to Starcraft multiplayer, since i never played SC/BW online (not counting one or two games over LAN with my friend).
Starcraft is among my all time favorites (despite me saying i dislike its gameplay, that's nowadays due to outdated UI). Command & Conquers, Warcrafts (specifically WC3), others.
SC2's units just are so frigging boring, in multiplayer, that i don't care for it. Too many hardcounters and not enough soft counters, uninteresting units visually and boring gameplay-wise. It has other issues as well but the unit problem is the main reason i don't bother with it, despite liking the single player a lot (and loving other Blizzard games).

I understood what he meant and i do sort of agree (just not when it comes to Halo, because i don't trust such Halo would get to keep AR, Needler and other "easy" weapons, and keep them effective and fun if it kept them).


So my friend who is playing Halo 4 multplayer, and only the multiplayer, no campaign has told me:

He gives Halo 4 multiplayer a 9.3/10

The spawning system is extremely bad, and he has spawned feet from his dead corpse, and looking at the enemy that just killed him.

The Dynamic Lighting in Forge is really good and actually gives map more feeling, but that degraded forge mode tools ruin it.

Infinity Slayer is actually extremely fun.

The Mantis isn't OP
Promeathean Vision isnt OP
Lightshield isnt OP
Hologram is better then Reach, but still useless

Jetpack is still an issue, and lets people hop building to building, and get easy height advantages.
The spawning system is extremely bad, and he has spawned feet from his dead corpse, and looking at the enemy that just killed him.

The Dynamic Lighting in Forge is really good and actually gives map more feeling, but that degraded forge mode tools ruin it.
Degraded tools? Are they somehow worse than in Reach?

Hologram is better then Reach, but still useless
But... it wasn't useless in Reach?


Jetpack is still an issue, and lets people hop building to building, and get easy height advantages.

As long as people aren't JPing up so high just holding the button and spamming their weapon at me, I'm fine with it.

The guy could JP so high to the point of his head being unhittable and he would just spam at me.
It's not flawed reasoning at all. If you are great with both, you will choose the DMR based on your criteria. Some people will even choose the AR based on their style of play. I played in a game with Bravo last week and we dominated the other team, I finished second, I used the BR, he used DMR. If I had used the DMR, I'd have finished lower. The math is indisputable, but style is about personal preference and ranges of ability. I'm not, but you can imagine for example that I might be better at jumping or dodging than Bravo. Looking at a single number ignores the millions of other variables involved. think you'll see MLG etc settle very quickly on one weapon, but you won't see that as a universal in matchmaking, I don't think.

A similar argument, although not to such an extent, has been made regarding the sandbox and playstyle for each game starting with H2 (the introduction of loadouts may change this argument a bit, we'll have to see). Every online Halo game has come down to people figuring out what works best and sticking with it until that's no longer the case. Like in Reach, playing Team Slayer, never, not once in my experience, has the team that purposely voted for an AR start gametype ever won against my team, even if that did embrace their "playstyle".

Don't get me wrong, I sincerely hope that you're right and matchmaking becomes that diamond-in-the-rough of console gaming. I just fundamentally disagree with your logic and definition of "playstyle," as I alluded to in my previous posts.

The low gravity space area above Zealot, however, was abused from absolute day 1 of the game launch.


But they also shoehorned Sword Base into mutliplayer so...

Zealot space is indefensible and is and always was a fucking mistake and should never had made it past the design stage, whether the all-knowing and infallible Fyrewulff wants to admit it or not.

Sword Base was mediocre and severely broken in the beta and people told them as such, and look where that went.

So, i'm a good player but if i want to play my preferred style i won't do as well as when going against my style? Going against my style doesn't mean i'd be less good with that style, i don't do such a mistake, i adapt to whatever i have with myself at the moment.

You promote Halo 4 as allowing people to play as they like yet the game is not actually balanced that in mind?
Does not compute.

You're right that there are many variables but quite often one or two are the most important, and most often determine the outcome.

You say things better than myself, despite my fancy words and shitty work internet :)


But it's totally balanced now.

It sounds more like bad map design than an imbalanced armor ability. If people use the jetpack to get up on buildings for the elevation advantage, the disadvantage of being seen and shot by everyone else on the map because they're so high up should also exist.
Nobody can defend something like the space area on Zealot.
Nobody has defended the design, because it is flawed.

However, I find it disingenious to take a flaw and simply derive that the game was not tested adequately.

For example, perhaps during development it was determined that the soft kill zones were adequate for dynamic spawn FFAs with Pistol/AR starts, but a larger volume was required for Team Slayer Pro. Then let's say that the matchmaking team compiled their scripts and pushed them to the server, but accidentally submitted the wrong pairing on Team Slayer Pro Zealot. Is the entire studio responsible for this oversight, and are all the testers horrible?

It's awfully haughty to jump to some of these conclusions and you guys make yourselves look like assholes when you do.
So my friend who is playing Halo 4 multplayer, and only the multiplayer, no campaign has told me:

He gives Halo 4 multiplayer a 9.3/10

The spawning system is extremely bad, and he has spawned feet from his dead corpse, and looking at the enemy that just killed him.

The Dynamic Lighting in Forge is really good and actually gives map more feeling, but that degraded forge mode tools ruin it.

Infinity Slayer is actually extremely fun.

The Mantis isn't OP
Promeathean Vision isnt OP
Lightshield isnt OP
Hologram is better then Reach, but still useless

Jetpack is still an issue, and lets people hop building to building, and get easy height advantages.

Who is he playing with?


Nobody has defended the design, because it is flawed.

However, I find it disingenious to take a flaw and simply derive that the game was not tested adequately.

For example, perhaps during development it was determined that the soft kill zones were adequate for dynamic spawn FFAs with Pistol/AR starts, but a larger volume was required for Team Slayer Pro. Then let's say that the matchmaking team compiled their scripts and pushed them to the server, but accidentally submitted the wrong pairing on Team Slayer Pro Zealot. Is the entire studio responsible for this oversight, and are all the testers horrible?

It's awfully haughty to jump to some of these conclusions and you guys make yourselves look like assholes when you do.

If I recall correctly, Bungie defended how Zealot was designed and only grudginly changed it after a better version was created by someone else and everyone was up in arms. It wasn't some immediate change like it should have been, which indicates it was designed and implemented how Bungie intended.

It's fun to make up all the scenarios that shift the blame around for these flaws, but in reality, it's far more likely that it was designed and implemented as intended.


So my friend who is playing Halo 4 multplayer, and only the multiplayer, no campaign has told me:

He gives Halo 4 multiplayer a 9.3/10

The spawning system is extremely bad, and he has spawned feet from his dead corpse, and looking at the enemy that just killed him.

The Dynamic Lighting in Forge is really good and actually gives map more feeling, but that degraded forge mode tools ruin it.

Infinity Slayer is actually extremely fun.

The Mantis isn't OP
Promeathean Vision isnt OP
Lightshield isnt OP
Hologram is better then Reach, but still useless

Jetpack is still an issue, and lets people hop building to building, and get easy height advantages.
Your friend, eh?
You don't need to have played Halo 4 specifically to have a foundation for what works in a Halo game.
It's 100% guaranteed that Halo 4 has flaws, but he doesn't know what they specifically are yet because he hasn't played it. So to completely dismiss an entire mode, a centerpiece introduction that received a substantial amount of development, is laughable and deserving of sarcasm.
A similar argument, although not to such an extent, has been made regarding the sandbox and playstyle for each game starting with H2 (the introduction of loadouts may change this argument a bit, we'll have to see). Every online Halo game has come down to people figuring out what works best and sticking with it until that's no longer the case. Like in Reach, playing Team Slayer, never, not once in my experience, has the team that purposely voted for an AR start gametype ever won against my team, even if that did embrace their "playstyle".

Different games mah dude.. Different games. Look what you're comparing it to: A sluggish mess of using an AR against a DMR in Reach where you aren't rarely matched up based on skill. Not a really fair example..

Don't get me wrong, I sincerely hope that you're right and matchmaking becomes that diamond-in-the-rough of console gaming. I just fundamentally disagree with your logic and definition of "playstyle," as I alluded to in my previous posts.

It seems like you're choosing to deny any truth in what Frankie is saying lol. What point are you trying to make? What solution would be best for you? Are you solely talking about weapons or something more.. because I'm only referring to what Frankie directly responded to which holds true if the rest of the game falls into place (balanced teams in MM, etc.).


The Custom Loadouts are balanced because everything is situational. Why would use the AR loadout in the wide open spaces of Longbow? You wouldn't. Your "playstyle" has to adapt based on the situation, which Halo 4 finally allows for quicker adaptations in a fast-paced battlefield.
If I recall correctly, Bungie defended how Zealot was designed and only grudginly changed it after a better version was created by someone else and everyone was up in arms. It wasn't some immediate change like it should have been, which indicates it was designed and implemented how Bungie intended.

It's fun to make up all the scenarios that shift the blame around for these flaws, but in reality, it's far more likely that it was designed and implemented as intended.
Zealot wasn't in the beta, so the criticism of it didn't come until after release, and the huge soft kill zone was added in the first update, IIRC.


For me the DMR just feels...wrong. I feel like im forcing my shots, whereas the BR feels right, flows well for me. Its not nostalgia.

What if you won't do as well with the BR as other players will do with the DMR?

I dislike the DMR in Reach but i can use it just fine, so i doubt anyone else couldn't do this as well.

EDIT my point is, what will you do? Move on to DMR or struggle with the BR? Will you be happy you have to use something you don't like to do well?


It's 100% guaranteed that Halo 4 has flaws, but he doesn't know what they are yet because he hasn't played it. So to completely dismiss an entire mode, a centerpiece introduction that received a substantial amount of development, is laughable and deserving of sarcasm.

People speak in hyperbole on forums. It's far more fun and effective to say, "Infinity Slayer is going to broken by random weapon spawns," than it is to say, "there are some serious concerns about how random power weapon ordnance, both personal and global, is going to affect the flow and gameplay in Infinity Slayer." Both of those statements touch on the very valid concern about the weapon and spawning system, one is just a more dramatic statement.

To go to the opposite extreme and say, "You can't know anything because you haven't played" is equally disingenuous. I can tell you a lot about a game without having played it.

Zealot wasn't in the beta, so the criticism of it didn't come until after release, and the huge soft kill zone was added in the first update, IIRC.

I never said the critcism came before the game was released. Also, the update was only to Slayer on Zealot, I believe the rest of the gameypes still had it.


Zealot wasn't in the beta, so the criticism of it didn't come until release, and the huge soft kill zone was added in the first update, IIRC.

Still confused as to why Arena Zealot wasn't just re-named to Zealot and made the default variant of it, regular Zealot still shows up in playlists like SWAT and Team Objective depending on the gametype and I can tell you now, SWAT Potato, if you take that bomb to space, drop it on the capture plate, you can just stare at the lifts and headshot them over and over for easy kills.

I done it a few months back, through my entire team, roughly 80-100 kills...

I found Walshy and Tsquared impressions on Halo 4.


Ugh, Sudd, even using one of them in a joke is disgusting.

Still makes me smile when he got banned from Halo: Reach for pre-release play.


Caught up with FUD and Scanned.

So good.

I'm assuming thats more or less how the didact will look like.

Cryptum Spoilers
So we don't know WHICH didact we'll be facing in Halo 4 right? The original one from Cryptum is dead? So this one is bornstellar? Because the OG Didact was described as being MUCH larger than the one in Scanned. Whereas Bornstellar is only like, half-didact if that makes sense.

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