I suck at games as well. Im scared that because I am enjoying P4G on my Vita so much that im scared ill get stuck because I am bad and won't be able to continue.
Despite the fact that I pour hundreds and hundreds of hours into games, I never get any better. Sure, I can beat most games fine, but as soon as I play multiplayer I realize how shit I am. This happens in countless games, Mario Strikes Charged, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Battlefield, Team Fortress 2, basically any game with multiplayer.
Why do I suck so much?
What are your reaction times like?
My god, at 0.30 am my reaction time is 300 ms. This explains so much. Someone hold me![]()
Everyone is teaming up on you.
Before every match we're all telling each other "kill Crayons."
What are your reaction times like?
My average is 313ms![]()
Map awareness, anticipation, accuracy>>> reaction times, take it from someone who is really good at fps's and has average reaction times.
I just quit Dota 2 after 1300+ hours because I just wasnt getting any better and that's not something I'm used too. You will always hit a skill ceiling in any game but I didnt think it would be so low for me with Dota 2. I didnt start playing CS until my late 20's and by my early 30's I was very dominant in the game. I'm probably just too old to compete anymore. Skills declining, usefulness fading.
Despite the fact that I pour hundreds and hundreds of hours into games, I never get any better. Sure, I can beat most games fine, but as soon as I play multiplayer I realize how shit I am. This happens in countless games, Mario Strikes Charged, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Battlefield, Team Fortress 2, basically any game with multiplayer.
Why do I suck so much?
Maybe you don't dedicate yourself enough to a single game before giving up and making the excuse that you suck when you could improve if you spent enough time with it?
Why do I suck so much?
Me too.I love stealth and fighting games. But I suck so hard at them it's painful.
I know that, it's just that it seems everyone is better than me. I was just playing Bad Company 2 and I got 16 deaths and 1 kill.
Everyone is teaming up on you.
Before every match we're all telling each other "kill Crayons."
Despite the fact that I pour hundreds and hundreds of hours into games, I never get any better. Sure, I can beat most games fine, but as soon as I play multiplayer I realize how shit I am. This happens in countless games, Mario Strikes Charged, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Battlefield, Team Fortress 2, basically any game with multiplayer.
Why do I suck so much?
I suck at them too. If I'm playing a game more for the story (like Last of Us or Bioshock Infinite) I'll just play on easy. Being really challenging doesn't make a game any more fun for me.
What are your reaction times like?