Hunter X Hunter (2011) - Episode 80
That last scene was a little bit too much for me. I heard that the Chimera Ant arc was really bloody and violent, but I didn't know it was this bad. I kinda hope this arc ends fast because this arc deems a little much for me at the moment.
Oh my~
if we are talking about the fujoshi garbage this season...i don't know what the incentive to improve would be when it sells as is. what you are even talking about with "male-perspective"/"female-perspective"?
Wouldn't that just be a male power fantasy though?
May want to brace yourself because it gets worse and will last quite a while. It's the longest arc in the series.
the world would be better off without eitherI just re-read the post I initially made that comment towards and realized I interpreted it in a different way than the writer probably intended.
I'll start again from the beginning then.
By male and female perspective oriented shows I mean shows that approach the content from the perspective of a male or female viewer. In this case we're talking about things like male harem shows or "fujoshi garbage".
A majority of these shows you could probably classify as "cheap fun" or garbage as you put it however it's clear that a good number of people enjoy them despite not having the high quality that you might be looking for in a show.
I don't believe these shows endanger ambitious or high quality shows from existing so I don't see any problems with expanding the audience to include more female viewers as well. (Not saying that they couldn't watch before just that it might be more interesting now with more shows geared towards females).
the world would be better off without either
the world would be better off without either
I can understand why you would say that however I'm trying to approach this from a realistic position.
I'm all for having better shows in general but it's just not in the cards.
It seems to be a rule across storytelling mediums that the minority of works will be high quality while the majority will not be able to reach the standards set by the minority.
It seems to be a rule across storytelling mediums that the minority of works will be high quality while the majority will not be able to reach the standards set by the minority.
So pretty much Sturgeon's Law then. With the overwhelming amount of media being made these days I'm pretty happy with only a tenth of it being worthwhile.
Yeah, it's a never ending self-reinforcing downward spiral and the only thing that's gonna change it is some sever intervention which I doubt will ever happen.I don't get the hate for Watamote here. She is supposed to be socially ill.
*picks MJP back up*To hell with Pizza Hut, that shit's unhealthy for you
How about a promotional campaign with Majestic Prince to sell, uh... grapes. Yeah, grapes.
Gen'ei o Kakeru Taiyou - Il Sole Penetra le Illusioni - 01
The show is a little darker than i anticipated but still bright .
And there were 3 cute sisters in the preview that might be very cute.
At this point past the "opening" i'm expecting lots of action ...and what happenned to the "cousin" that was murdered ? did everyone forgot ?
It's the exact opposite.![]()
3 ! 3 mascots for the price of one ...
Do Watermelons even grow on bushes?
Dat feel of being caught up on the weekly anime you've been watching. I wonder if I should start Uchoten Kazoku now or just wait till its finished.
Well the flooded carpet scenario continues to get worked on, at the expense of potential infections, TV being further away, cluttering one side of the room and can't see the TV properly, and a loud ass fan to make it difficult to hear.
More things to hold off on. Lovely...... -_-
Well the flooded carpet scenario continues to get worked on, at the expense of potential infections, TV being further away, cluttering one side of the room and can't see the TV properly, and a loud ass fan to make it difficult to hear.
More things to hold off on. Lovely...... -_-
Is this because of a pipe bursting or appliance breaking? Or is it weather related? Either way, good luck.
I feel for you. A guy that I usually watch stream on twitch, lived in a dorm. His bathroom started acting up, until it finally started letting loose the contents of the bowels of the pipes. Turns out that the girls upstairs were flushing tampons.
So, uh.... moral of the story, don't flush tampons.I think I went off on a random topic a bit there....
This is paint , right ? right ? i'm not sure
Gen'ei o Kakeru Taiyou - Il Sole Penetra le Illusioni - 04
Not onlyDamn that was unexpected....and we still have looked at the matter of the MC mother death ..and where is the father ? that's odd no grave ? no mention ? did he fall prey to the ennemy ? is that why the previous sun user is dead ? i'm just throwing theories out loud but there is another angle of this whole mess that i hope will be covered at one point.this isn't a plague but something caused by a clear antagonist but at the bottom of teh iceberg there is even more human trying to get more in this mess ???
Gen'ei o Kakeru Taiyou - Il Sole Penetra le Illusioni - 05Addressed in the newest episode
Antagonist is such a problematic ennemy but so far he does his job right ..![]()
Hard to believe this is the face of evil.