Yup. It's in the OP
Wait...I don't see it.
I know it will be the full, non trial version...i just mean in the Channel menu on the Wii U, will it lose the "Free" tag?
Yup. It's in the OP
I know it will be the full, non trial version...i just mean in the Channel menu on the Wii U, will it lose the "Free" tag?
at least mine still says free
You and me both.Ah, probably goes away after the trial period ends.
I hope.
Ah, probably goes away after the trial period ends.
I hope.
You and me both.
How are people posting screenshots of the game?! The game doesn't let me post screenshots to Miiverse or via the Internet Browser.
One thing I hate...
Set up game.
*I put gamepad down*
You mother fucker.
I went to two Targets today and both of them were sold out of Activity Meters. Went to the the GameStop at the mall one of the Targets was located and no luck. Granted the GameStop guy did say they had only gotten like ten and just sold out yesterday. Then this:
Sold out on Amazon
Did Nintendo purposefully under ship again??
EDIT: in the US btw...
Define "intro stuff." It's still not working for me and I've done my first body check and all...Someone earlier said you can't post screens until after the intro stuff. I posted mine using the internet browser.
I'm not sure. I did the profile creation, initial body test, and some training, as well as syncing my meter and joining a gym, all before even trying to take a screenshot.Define "intro stuff." It's still not working for me and I've done my first body check and all...
METs/Altitude will store approximately 7 days worth before deleting the oldest data, and steps/calories will store approximately 28 days worth.Do we know how many days the Fit Meter can go without being sync'd? I'm away for 4 weeks at Xmas.
I guess retailers just didnt order enoughI went to two Targets today and both of them were sold out of Activity Meters. Went to the the GameStop at the mall one of the Targets was located and no luck. Granted the GameStop guy did say they had only gotten like ten and just sold out yesterday. Then this:
Sold out on Amazon
Did Nintendo purposefully under ship again??
EDIT: in the US btw...
"But the internet told me it would bomb! When has the internet ever lied to me about video games before?"I guess retailers just didnt order enough
The general consensus on neogaf regarding wii fitu was that it will bomb horribly because of ipad apps.
Maybe retailers thought similarly?
I hope Nintendo will release a Fit Meter companion App for the 3DS at some point. Let's say you`re out of town and you want to sync your steps. Just sync it with your 3DS. I'd guess we'd need an Account system for that though.
The grounded V was harder to do than it looked and I've heard people say that the core luge killed their abs.
Had to be posted
Thing is pretty cool. I wish they offered some more hardcore muscle building training stuff. i mean theres not even a push up or sit up exercise here which is weird
Apparently, the Wii Fit U meter isn't coming until sometime in december, here in NorwayMeans I can't start the game, right? Since I have to sync a Wii Fit U meter within a month? Or, say I get the meter in 6 weeks, does that just mean the game won't work for two weeks?
Thing is pretty cool. I wish they offered some more hardcore muscle building training stuff. i mean theres not even a push up or sit up exercise here which is weird
Apparently, the Wii Fit U meter isn't coming until sometime in december, here in NorwayMeans I can't start the game, right? Since I have to sync a Wii Fit U meter within a month? Or, say I get the meter in 6 weeks, does that just mean the game won't work for two weeks?
Don't know what retailer you're checking, but Cdon apparently has it.
still not getting the communities.
how does it work? im on gaf US, my girlfriend is on the LGGBT and friends community, and aside from the members on the wii fit plaza, i cant see any advantage on joining a community
Lol at the tennis. If this game is exactly the same game in Wii Sports Club, I'm doommmeeeeeddddd
Lol at the tennis. If this game is exactly the same game in Wii Sports Club, I'm doommmeeeeeddddd
I think you can share your progress (records of weight and stuff)
Sit on the balance board and hold on to each side.Tried golf for the first time, wow, got the right swing in 5 tries, all the next were in the hole zone,
i should not try real golf, I'll be disappointed...
Luge is great but I haven't found the best position yet, my abs didn't work but my tights did hurt...
Nah, this "tennis" from wii fit u is too simplified. Its even more simple than the original Wii sports tennis.
I bet the wii sports club will be much better than this
FYI, I couldn't find the Fit Meter ANYWHERE in Edmonton. EB Games, Walmart, Toys R Us, random stores in West Edmonton Mall, no one had it. So fuck it, I just ordered two off Amazon.
Well, yeah... but where do i see the miiverse posts from my gym?
METs/Altitude will store approximately 7 days worth before deleting the oldest data, and steps/calories will store approximately 28 days worth.
Saw this on Miiverse: