Just woke up guys. Here's the list of whom I gave Dittos to last night:
I have 3 available to distribute right now
What kind of Dirto are they ? I'd be willing to give you something quite nice for a 5 or 6 IV Ditto.
Ugh trying to get the Non GTS Legends is tedious as hell lol
No one seems to have or is willing to part with them even for Shinies or perfect pokemon or other legedaries that are shiny.
The perfect ones Sigmmah gave away. We're trying to follow the list but if the people at the top aren't online right now we're doing first come first serve basis
I wouldn't worry too much about Celebi. Once the Bank opens, everyone gets one for free for just using it, IIRC. The others are another story, but I'm sure it will be easier to get. Make sure to hold on to whatever X/Y Legendaries you can get, because those are gonna be the rare ones.
Just woke up guys. Here's the list of whom I gave Dittos to last night:
I have 3 available to distribute right now
I've got every GTS Legendary except Lugia, it's slow work but i'll get them all eventually. I did manage to get Victini and Genesect just now so all that's left is
Lugia (Trying to trade a Cobalion for this but no luck so far)
I'm too impatient to wait for my Pokebank Celebi lol
Out of curiosity, is that Ditto legit? Or is it one of the hack'mons that passed under Bank's checks?
I guess there's not really any way to know for sure, is there?
OK guys I still have the Dittos but gotta go to work. I'll distribute more tonight and will try to clone a few more
After everyone gets their dittos ive got some 5v Swinubs and Chimchars I want to give out. They have their HA's too.
Had a few people on Twitter ask me to do a video of various move animations so I threw this together
They are all Pokémon unobtainable without Bank and their signature moves.
Edit: Just realised I missed Doom Desire, Blue Flare and Bolt Strike. Oops.
Judgment is cool as hell. Fusion Bolt was awesome too.
Out of curiosity, is it possible to send a Pokemon with HM moves into XY through Bank, or do we have to delete them? I can't recall seeing it anywhere. I'm curious to see if Pikachu surfs on a Surfboard again (or if Raichu surfs on its tail)
Also, I believe you missed Heart Swap and Magma Storm too.
Judgment is cool as hell. Fusion Bolt was awesome too.
Out of curiosity, is it possible to send a Pokemon with HM moves into XY through Bank, or do we have to delete them? I can't recall seeing it anywhere. I'm curious to see if Pikachu surfs on a Surfboard again (or if Raichu surfs on its tail)
Also, I believe you missed Heart Swap and Magma Storm too.
Hey Nub, I have a ditto for you. Can you give me one of those chimchars with iron fist?
Also I have 3 more dittos, anyone with their name high on the list gets priority, but if you're on now, let's go.
I'd like one please!Hey Nub, I have a ditto for you. Can you give me one of those chimchars with iron fist?
Also I have 3 more dittos, anyone with their name high on the list gets priority, but if you're on now, let's go.
Any left?
Just woke up guys. Here's the list of whom I gave Dittos to last night:
I have 3 available to distribute right now
I'd like one please!
Ohh If you have an extra Ditto I would love one!
let me know please!
PM me yours after you add me and we can go.
PM me yours after you add me and we can go.
Never in a million years would I think that I would grow up to get to pet Regigigas' moss covered legs.
Amie is such a good invention and if you don't like Amie you must be a communist
I fell asleep and missed my Ditto.![]()
I got the Ditto!
Weird that someone called CJ wanted to give me 2 dittos xD please give the other one to someone else.
Thank you.
That was me both times. Cloned? I never got your electabuzz. Lmao. Do you want a ferroseed?
Holy shit, was just wonder trading, and I got a Tyrunt with Ice, Fire, and Thunder Fang, and Dragon Dance.
It's Modest, and its EVs are shit, but holy crap.
Oh wait yes I want the Ferroseed
But when I went to check the Ditto it only had 2 IVs ....
Did something happen? or I'm missing something?
Did I give you the wrong one? Hmm, it should be lvl 100, japanese jolly in a premier ball.
Severe connection issues![]()
Just added you Quest.
My FC is 5300-88148572
Got ya. Got anything fun for me to breed?
I'm in.. Do you have a spare One for each or i'll do the breed ign myself and give a collateral?I have a Mudkip, Cyndaquil, and Chimchar if anyone wants to breed some.