Spike Spiegel
This week marks a milestone of sorts for DC Comics, as its flagship super-team comic series JLA celebrates its 100th issue. Here now, is a brief overview of the stories and events that have shaped and defined this newest iteration of DCs most illustrious collection of superheroes, along with a linked cover gallery (images provided by Mile High Comics, where all of these issues of JLA are available in single and TPB format).
(Youd damn well better, it took a long time to write this )
#001 New World Order, part 1 of 4. A group of alien superbeings called the Hyperclan lands on the White House lawn and, in a message broadcast across the globe, declares themselves the Earths protectors. Setting out on their mission of peace and salvation, they traverse the globe righting wrongs and in just a few short days solve problems that have plagued mankind for centuries. But a sinister agenda lurks behind this groups altruistic demeanor, and these benevolent new heroes arent quite what they seem. And when the Justice League and their satellite HQ are mysteriously destroyed, its up to a new JLA comprised of Earths mightiest heroes Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern, and Aquaman to uncover the Hyperclans terrible secret in time. Grant Morrison and Howard Porter usher in a new era in the story of DCs ultimate team of superheroes.
#005 Woman of Tomorrow. The new JLAs search for more members ends when Tomorrow Woman, a powerful new heroine of unknown origins, bursts onto the scene. But little do her teammates know, that this strange new heroine was born from the minds of two of the JLAs greatest foes, and her true mission is the Leagues demise! But will Tomorrow Woman follow her masters plan, or has her time with the JLA caused her to learn the true meaning of a hero?
#006 Heaven on Earth, part 1 of 2. The JLA stares down the barrel of a biblical apocalypse when a renegade angel who knows too much escapes to Earth and brings the armies of Heaven down upon the planet. Knowing an opportunity when he sees one, the demon lord Neron takes advantage of the situation to create chaos with a plan to send the moon crashing into the Earth! To win the day, the League will have to stand their ground against Heavens finest warriors, and Superman will have to push his new energy powers to the limit to keep the moon in orbit, and renegade angel Zauriel will have to abandon his past.
#008 Under Lock and Key, part 1 of 2. Returning to the new Watchtower after their battle against the armies of Heaven, an exhausted and unsuspecting JLA falls into a trap set by their old foe the Key! As each Leaguer lies unconscious, snared in a strange VR fantasy world thats quite different from reality, the Key siphons off their mental energy to augment his powers and make himself invincible. The Leagues only hope of rescue is its newest member, Green Arrow But this isnt the original Green Arrow its his son, Connor Hawke and this new hero may not be up to the challenge.
#010 Rock of Ages, part 1 of 6. When Lex Luthor assembles a team of the worlds most diabolical villains, his goal is clear the destruction of Superman and the JLA! Armed with his new Injustice Gang, a mysterious stone of unbelievable power, and tactics learned in the business world, Luthor begins a hostile takeover dismantling of the League. But when the New God called Metron sends Green Lantern, Flash, and Aquaman hurtling through time on a fools errand, they discover that in stopping Luthor in the past, their teammates have doomed Earth to a future where Darkseid reigns supreme! Can these time-stranded heroes find a way to return to the present in time to prevent Superman from destroying the Rock of Ages, or has history already doomed their mission to failure? And even if they do manage to save the day, does the League still have a future?
#016 Prometheus Unbound, part 1 of 2. To commemorate the success of the JLAs recent restructuring and reorganization efforts, the team invites a gathering of media personalities to the Watchtower for a meet n greet with the teams new roster (which now includes Zauriel, Plastic Man, Steel, Huntress, and Oracle). But a new hero invited to join the League as a publicity stunt for a day isnt a hero at all in fact, hes the JLAs newest and deadliest foe! Calling himself Prometheus, this bold new villain has all the powers, skills, technology, and knowledge he needs to take down every member of the JLA. It seems hes thought of everything or has he? It seems Prometheus isnt the only uninvited guest Plus, the New Genesis heroes Orion and Big Barda arrive on the scene, bringing with them warnings of rough times to come.
#018 The Strange Case of Dr. Julian September, part 1 of 2. When a brilliant scientist crafts a device that can alter laws of probability, occurrences that were once considered chance and remote become all too common, throwing the planet into chaos. Even worse, events recorded in history as fact start to change according to other possible outcomes, retroactively altering the world and causing places, people, even JLA members, to vanish! Whats left of the League, along with superhero/scientist the Atom, will have to find a way to restore order to the universe before fate and chance take a serious turn for the worse. Written by guest writer Mark Waid.
#020 Mystery in Space, part 1 of 2. Abducted from the Watchtower, the JLA is teleported to a far-away planet and enslaved by alien conquerors led by none other than the star-traveling hero Adam Strange! What could possibly cause a hero to turn on his allies, forcing them to aid in the construction of some nefarious device? What else, but love in this case, Stranges love for his wife Alanna, who died long ago. To end their captivity, the League must overthrow their captors and thwart the aliens plans for destruction, even if it means battling their old ally. But Strange isnt quite as mad as he seems, and theres more to this story than what the JLAs been told. Written by guest writer Mark Waid.
#022 Return of the Conqueror, part 1 of 2. Across North America, people are falling into a mysterious, deep sleep from which there is no escape. A storm is brewing, and an ominous presence from the stars threatens to enslave the Earth and its inhabitants. While the rest of the JLA searches for this shadowy extraterrestrial menace and a means to destroy it, its up to Superman, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern to accompany the Sandman into the Dreamworld. Once there, they must seek out a young boy, the last beacon of hope and resistance, and keep him from falling under the spell of the terrible menace known as Starro!
#024 Executive Action, part 1 of 3. Overwhelmed by the rapid emergence of more and more metahumans, the US government authorizes the formation of the Ultramarine Corps, a military supergroup tasked with protecting Americas interests at home and abroad. But when the projects supervisor General Eiling orders his team to take down the Justice League for crimes of treason, it soon becomes apparent the only interests hes serving are his own! While the JLA struggles to defend themselves against the Ultramarines and the US Army, Eiling enacts his plan to take over America using recent tensions and phony attacks to declare martial law and stage a coup. Even if the League manages to thwart Eilings plan, will they be able to bring him to justice now that hes transplanted his mind into the body of the Shaggy Man, a villain so powerful that the JLA could never defeat him?
#027 The Bigger They Come Amazo, the incredible android with the combined powers of the entire JLA, is back and badder than ever! To stop this overpowering menace, Superman calls upon every living member of the Justice League, past and present, but that act soon proves to be a costly mistake. As each new hero arrives on the scene, their abilities are quickly replicated by Amazo, further augmenting his power and making him even more unstoppable. How can the JLA possibly defeat this menace? Salvation can sometimes come in the unlikeliest (and smallest) of forms, and the greatest weapon a hero can wield is often the one between his ears Written by guest writer Mark Millar.

This week marks a milestone of sorts for DC Comics, as its flagship super-team comic series JLA celebrates its 100th issue. Here now, is a brief overview of the stories and events that have shaped and defined this newest iteration of DCs most illustrious collection of superheroes, along with a linked cover gallery (images provided by Mile High Comics, where all of these issues of JLA are available in single and TPB format).

(Youd damn well better, it took a long time to write this )
#001 New World Order, part 1 of 4. A group of alien superbeings called the Hyperclan lands on the White House lawn and, in a message broadcast across the globe, declares themselves the Earths protectors. Setting out on their mission of peace and salvation, they traverse the globe righting wrongs and in just a few short days solve problems that have plagued mankind for centuries. But a sinister agenda lurks behind this groups altruistic demeanor, and these benevolent new heroes arent quite what they seem. And when the Justice League and their satellite HQ are mysteriously destroyed, its up to a new JLA comprised of Earths mightiest heroes Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern, and Aquaman to uncover the Hyperclans terrible secret in time. Grant Morrison and Howard Porter usher in a new era in the story of DCs ultimate team of superheroes.
#005 Woman of Tomorrow. The new JLAs search for more members ends when Tomorrow Woman, a powerful new heroine of unknown origins, bursts onto the scene. But little do her teammates know, that this strange new heroine was born from the minds of two of the JLAs greatest foes, and her true mission is the Leagues demise! But will Tomorrow Woman follow her masters plan, or has her time with the JLA caused her to learn the true meaning of a hero?
#006 Heaven on Earth, part 1 of 2. The JLA stares down the barrel of a biblical apocalypse when a renegade angel who knows too much escapes to Earth and brings the armies of Heaven down upon the planet. Knowing an opportunity when he sees one, the demon lord Neron takes advantage of the situation to create chaos with a plan to send the moon crashing into the Earth! To win the day, the League will have to stand their ground against Heavens finest warriors, and Superman will have to push his new energy powers to the limit to keep the moon in orbit, and renegade angel Zauriel will have to abandon his past.
#008 Under Lock and Key, part 1 of 2. Returning to the new Watchtower after their battle against the armies of Heaven, an exhausted and unsuspecting JLA falls into a trap set by their old foe the Key! As each Leaguer lies unconscious, snared in a strange VR fantasy world thats quite different from reality, the Key siphons off their mental energy to augment his powers and make himself invincible. The Leagues only hope of rescue is its newest member, Green Arrow But this isnt the original Green Arrow its his son, Connor Hawke and this new hero may not be up to the challenge.
#010 Rock of Ages, part 1 of 6. When Lex Luthor assembles a team of the worlds most diabolical villains, his goal is clear the destruction of Superman and the JLA! Armed with his new Injustice Gang, a mysterious stone of unbelievable power, and tactics learned in the business world, Luthor begins a hostile takeover dismantling of the League. But when the New God called Metron sends Green Lantern, Flash, and Aquaman hurtling through time on a fools errand, they discover that in stopping Luthor in the past, their teammates have doomed Earth to a future where Darkseid reigns supreme! Can these time-stranded heroes find a way to return to the present in time to prevent Superman from destroying the Rock of Ages, or has history already doomed their mission to failure? And even if they do manage to save the day, does the League still have a future?
#016 Prometheus Unbound, part 1 of 2. To commemorate the success of the JLAs recent restructuring and reorganization efforts, the team invites a gathering of media personalities to the Watchtower for a meet n greet with the teams new roster (which now includes Zauriel, Plastic Man, Steel, Huntress, and Oracle). But a new hero invited to join the League as a publicity stunt for a day isnt a hero at all in fact, hes the JLAs newest and deadliest foe! Calling himself Prometheus, this bold new villain has all the powers, skills, technology, and knowledge he needs to take down every member of the JLA. It seems hes thought of everything or has he? It seems Prometheus isnt the only uninvited guest Plus, the New Genesis heroes Orion and Big Barda arrive on the scene, bringing with them warnings of rough times to come.
#018 The Strange Case of Dr. Julian September, part 1 of 2. When a brilliant scientist crafts a device that can alter laws of probability, occurrences that were once considered chance and remote become all too common, throwing the planet into chaos. Even worse, events recorded in history as fact start to change according to other possible outcomes, retroactively altering the world and causing places, people, even JLA members, to vanish! Whats left of the League, along with superhero/scientist the Atom, will have to find a way to restore order to the universe before fate and chance take a serious turn for the worse. Written by guest writer Mark Waid.
#020 Mystery in Space, part 1 of 2. Abducted from the Watchtower, the JLA is teleported to a far-away planet and enslaved by alien conquerors led by none other than the star-traveling hero Adam Strange! What could possibly cause a hero to turn on his allies, forcing them to aid in the construction of some nefarious device? What else, but love in this case, Stranges love for his wife Alanna, who died long ago. To end their captivity, the League must overthrow their captors and thwart the aliens plans for destruction, even if it means battling their old ally. But Strange isnt quite as mad as he seems, and theres more to this story than what the JLAs been told. Written by guest writer Mark Waid.
#022 Return of the Conqueror, part 1 of 2. Across North America, people are falling into a mysterious, deep sleep from which there is no escape. A storm is brewing, and an ominous presence from the stars threatens to enslave the Earth and its inhabitants. While the rest of the JLA searches for this shadowy extraterrestrial menace and a means to destroy it, its up to Superman, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern to accompany the Sandman into the Dreamworld. Once there, they must seek out a young boy, the last beacon of hope and resistance, and keep him from falling under the spell of the terrible menace known as Starro!
#024 Executive Action, part 1 of 3. Overwhelmed by the rapid emergence of more and more metahumans, the US government authorizes the formation of the Ultramarine Corps, a military supergroup tasked with protecting Americas interests at home and abroad. But when the projects supervisor General Eiling orders his team to take down the Justice League for crimes of treason, it soon becomes apparent the only interests hes serving are his own! While the JLA struggles to defend themselves against the Ultramarines and the US Army, Eiling enacts his plan to take over America using recent tensions and phony attacks to declare martial law and stage a coup. Even if the League manages to thwart Eilings plan, will they be able to bring him to justice now that hes transplanted his mind into the body of the Shaggy Man, a villain so powerful that the JLA could never defeat him?
#027 The Bigger They Come Amazo, the incredible android with the combined powers of the entire JLA, is back and badder than ever! To stop this overpowering menace, Superman calls upon every living member of the Justice League, past and present, but that act soon proves to be a costly mistake. As each new hero arrives on the scene, their abilities are quickly replicated by Amazo, further augmenting his power and making him even more unstoppable. How can the JLA possibly defeat this menace? Salvation can sometimes come in the unlikeliest (and smallest) of forms, and the greatest weapon a hero can wield is often the one between his ears Written by guest writer Mark Millar.