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My Secret 15 (no artist/band repeats allowed to make it more interesting, because if not, it would consist of like 4 Beatles albums, 3 or 4 from Paul Simon or Simon and Garfunkel and 3 from Neva Dinova):
Paul Simon - Paul Simon (Duncan, Run that Body Down, and Peace Like a River - all classics beyond comparison)
Sneaker Pimps - Bloodsport (Grazes is in my top 10 favorite songs ever, Sick, M'aidez, and Small Town Witch are all awesome, though)
Midnight Oil - Blue Sky Mining (skipless album, quintessential political 1990 pop before U2 started caring. I know every word, every intonation, and every nuance of this album. I could sing it in my sleep. My favorite song as a child was River Runs Red, but it isn't even my third or fourth favorite on the album now. Anarctica, Bedlam Bridge, and One Country make me weep tears of joy and send shivers throughout my body
The Beatles - Sgt. Peppers (the unskippable album. includes a human feat greater than Penicillin, electricity, and the automobile combined...A Day in the Life)
Coldplay - Parachutes (Never mind Yellow, which I probably would listen to if it hadn't gotten completely overplayed on the radio, the rest of this album is an incredible feat that has led me to hate nearly everything else that they have produced, for it being a shadow of the worst moments of Parachutes)
They Might Be Giants - Flood (perfect quirky pop music that is catchy as it is perfectly long-lasting. I wouldn't even think about skipping even on of these short flashes of brilliance)
Neva Dinova - Neva Dinova (These guys will never get their due, but they are amazing. This album is no better than their other two, but it is their first and includes some of my favorite songs by the band. Dances Fantastic, Jesus' Choir, Brooklyn, Lucifer's Lament, and Anita are incredibly incredible!)
Elliott Smith - Figure 8 (nerds, posers, and scenesters wrote off this album for being too commercial. Those people are complete idiots. This album is straight up amazing. Happiness is in my top 20 of all time, Color Bars, LA, Can't Make a Sound, and Junk Bond Trader are awesome as well)
The Cure - Disintegration - (Lullaby, Lovesong, Fascination Street, and Closedown (awesome instrumental) are classics)
Radiohead - OK Computer (No need to argue this one. Fitter Happier is obviously not good, but it isn't a song, so it doesn't detract from the experience)
The Unicorns - Who Will Cut Our Hair When We're Gone (perfect album and the best album with the most consistent theme throughout)
Talk Talk - Laughing Stock (chill out and enjoy. I seriously hope you already have heard this one)
Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon (just purchased this album for the third time and I know exactly why, it is amazing! The Great Gig in the Sky gives me chills!)
Paul McCartney - Ram (Still McCartney's best solo work)
Nada Surf - Let Go (thank you, RedDwarf (I think, could have been another lovely Gaffer) who put Killians Red on a mix for me! This album is amazing and has grown on me an immeasurable amount in the past 7 years. BTW, Killians Red is in my top 10. Other amazing songs from this album include Blonde on Blonde, La Pour Ca, and Paper Boats. The last is so asinine and ridiculous in its lyrics, but just makes me feel good inside)
U.N.K.L.E. - Psyence Fiction - (I saw the music video for Rabbit in your Headlights when this album first came out and immediately went out and bought it. I couldn't believe how incredible the whole album turned out to be! Guest vocalists include Badly Drawn Boy, Mike B from Beastie Boys, Thom Yorke from some one-hit wonder band, amongst others! awesomeness!)
My Secret 15 (no artist/band repeats allowed to make it more interesting, because if not, it would consist of like 4 Beatles albums, 3 or 4 from Paul Simon or Simon and Garfunkel and 3 from Neva Dinova):
Paul Simon - Paul Simon (Duncan, Run that Body Down, and Peace Like a River - all classics beyond comparison)
Sneaker Pimps - Bloodsport (Grazes is in my top 10 favorite songs ever, Sick, M'aidez, and Small Town Witch are all awesome, though)
Midnight Oil - Blue Sky Mining (skipless album, quintessential political 1990 pop before U2 started caring. I know every word, every intonation, and every nuance of this album. I could sing it in my sleep. My favorite song as a child was River Runs Red, but it isn't even my third or fourth favorite on the album now. Anarctica, Bedlam Bridge, and One Country make me weep tears of joy and send shivers throughout my body
The Beatles - Sgt. Peppers (the unskippable album. includes a human feat greater than Penicillin, electricity, and the automobile combined...A Day in the Life)
Coldplay - Parachutes (Never mind Yellow, which I probably would listen to if it hadn't gotten completely overplayed on the radio, the rest of this album is an incredible feat that has led me to hate nearly everything else that they have produced, for it being a shadow of the worst moments of Parachutes)
They Might Be Giants - Flood (perfect quirky pop music that is catchy as it is perfectly long-lasting. I wouldn't even think about skipping even on of these short flashes of brilliance)
Neva Dinova - Neva Dinova (These guys will never get their due, but they are amazing. This album is no better than their other two, but it is their first and includes some of my favorite songs by the band. Dances Fantastic, Jesus' Choir, Brooklyn, Lucifer's Lament, and Anita are incredibly incredible!)
Elliott Smith - Figure 8 (nerds, posers, and scenesters wrote off this album for being too commercial. Those people are complete idiots. This album is straight up amazing. Happiness is in my top 20 of all time, Color Bars, LA, Can't Make a Sound, and Junk Bond Trader are awesome as well)
The Cure - Disintegration - (Lullaby, Lovesong, Fascination Street, and Closedown (awesome instrumental) are classics)
Radiohead - OK Computer (No need to argue this one. Fitter Happier is obviously not good, but it isn't a song, so it doesn't detract from the experience)
The Unicorns - Who Will Cut Our Hair When We're Gone (perfect album and the best album with the most consistent theme throughout)
Talk Talk - Laughing Stock (chill out and enjoy. I seriously hope you already have heard this one)
Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon (just purchased this album for the third time and I know exactly why, it is amazing! The Great Gig in the Sky gives me chills!)
Paul McCartney - Ram (Still McCartney's best solo work)
Nada Surf - Let Go (thank you, RedDwarf (I think, could have been another lovely Gaffer) who put Killians Red on a mix for me! This album is amazing and has grown on me an immeasurable amount in the past 7 years. BTW, Killians Red is in my top 10. Other amazing songs from this album include Blonde on Blonde, La Pour Ca, and Paper Boats. The last is so asinine and ridiculous in its lyrics, but just makes me feel good inside)
U.N.K.L.E. - Psyence Fiction - (I saw the music video for Rabbit in your Headlights when this album first came out and immediately went out and bought it. I couldn't believe how incredible the whole album turned out to be! Guest vocalists include Badly Drawn Boy, Mike B from Beastie Boys, Thom Yorke from some one-hit wonder band, amongst others! awesomeness!)