I need a new monitor, stat. I currently have a 17" Phillips 107 CRT monitor, but I've had it serviced once the contrast & gamma is totally up the shitter.
So, do I get this:
The Samsung 172x which I hear is pretty sweet.
NZ $1008
Or I could get:
The Samsung 955DF 19" True Flat CRT Monitor.
Half the price at $515 NZ
Or I could blow the budget totally and get:
The Samsung 193T 19" LCD Monitor
$1296 NZ
Odd that this thing is only a couple of hundred more than the 17" LCD. Any reason for this ??
I could get a much cheaper 17" LCD, but I don't want a piece of crap. Realestate is a bit of a concern, my old 17" CRT is pretty huge tho, so I'm sure I could fit a modern 19" in there.
Opinions ?
So, do I get this:

The Samsung 172x which I hear is pretty sweet.
NZ $1008
Or I could get:

The Samsung 955DF 19" True Flat CRT Monitor.
Half the price at $515 NZ
Or I could blow the budget totally and get:

The Samsung 193T 19" LCD Monitor
$1296 NZ
Odd that this thing is only a couple of hundred more than the 17" LCD. Any reason for this ??
I could get a much cheaper 17" LCD, but I don't want a piece of crap. Realestate is a bit of a concern, my old 17" CRT is pretty huge tho, so I'm sure I could fit a modern 19" in there.
Opinions ?