olimario said:
How does it make you FEEL that the Nintendo DS is the fasted to 5 million in Japan... ever...
eh, what should I feel about that? The gameboy series is successful for about 20 years and the DS continues that, it is fine, but nothing special
I think there really is something strange going on here:
I am quetz67 for years, now, first on the IGN boards then here. On IGN I was know as a Nintendo fanboy and bashed on the xbox boards. I never even posted on the PS2 boards because I never cared for Sony consoles.
I onwned a SNES, an N64, a GC and will buy a Rev at launch.
I have a PSP and will get a PS3 because I am a graphics whore and cant go back to DS graphics and hope the PS3 will replace my PC for graphics. I will still play lot of my favorite Nintendo series on Rev, with MP being my favorite game of all time. The PSP is 1.5 and mostly media player (and Nintendo emulator) right now, because Sony wont let me play their latest games on the machine.
I think the DS sells great as I had expected it to do, I think the PSP is a success too, I expected it to do less at the price. I know the DS sells more than the PSP right now, but neither did I expect the PSP to kill the DS nor DS killing PSP in the future.
For the last years I kept posting against whatever Nintendo is doomed or Ninendo will go third party posts, because thats stupid. Nintendo is doing fine and could continue to release N64/GC sales level consoles forever, even without 3rd party support - simply because any of those consoles still gives them at least $3 million profits.
I expect the Rev to sell better because it is unique. I dont expect it to come close to PS3 sales and Nintendo regaining their former position in the home console market soon. Neither do I expect Sony to take the handheld market in the near future. In both markets things might change with Nintendo being more successful in the home console sector and Sony in the handheld sector. if so, both will take time.
The Nintendo DS selling great right now is fine, but it is well in the history of the former gameboy machines. I dont think it means much for the Revolution, that machine has to fight on its own. The GBA and especially GBA SP were applauded as much as the Ds right now (or close to that) but didnt help the GC at all.
I dont know why I am seen as a Sony fanboy only because I try to get some sense and proportions (200M GB in 20 years, 10M DS in 1 year) into the DS hysteria. I am not defending Sony at all. I think Sony could do much better with the PSP if they get more AAA first and second party titles out and concentrate less on releasing firmware version after firmware version. Especially with that in mind I am pretty surprised the PSP is doing quite well (and that is probably more as a media player - that is not competing with Nintendo - than as a game machine...compare game UMD and movie UMD sales)