Read this thread first to understand the context https://www.neogaf.com/threads/halo...it-screen-co-op-on-original-xbox-one.1641016/
On the surface if you look through this quickly it might seem reasonable as to why it was cancelled, the forced simultaneous release and development for the Xbox One and the Xbox One X created a problem to where they couldn't get the co-op to function properly on all 5 versions of the game.
The issue I have with this is that Infinite started the development on the Xbox One, not Xbox Series, so if they were having development issues with the co-op even by 2021 several years later, that makes me question what else was going on in the background. Because the reason why the Xbox One versions weren't cancelled is because that's where development started and where the engine was built. Infinite was not made with the Series consoles in mind which is why there are plenty of graphical problems and why 120fps MP looks the way it does, they didn't even start choosing a design for the Series S until 2017 and the the engine for Infinite started around the launch of Halo 5 in 2015.
It's unknown whether 343i pushed to still release on the Xbox One consoles they started on, or were mandated to. But given that Forza Horizon 5 started out as a One game and also managed redesigned the game to take advantage of the hardware of the Series consoles and PC without these issues, it really only makes this seem like another case of 343i developer incompetence.
Since the co-op glitch was first discovered players have uploaded longer videos of them using the glitch and it works for a good chunk of the game.
Personally, I believe that co-op was cancelled because Halo Infinite launched in such a bad state they can't split their resources more than they already have to polish the rest of the co-op, instead of the cause being troubled development being held back by the platform they started on, especially if they were working on the co-op specifically for years as they claim.

343 Spent "Years" On Halo Infinite's Cancelled Co-Op Campaign, Glitched Version Was 80 Percent Complete
343 has finally commented on the cancellation of Infinite's co-op campaign.

343 Industries has finally commented on Halo Infinite's cancelled co-op campaign, revealing that the team spent "years" working on it before scrapping it and that the glitched version that players managed to access was around 80 percent complete.
Just a few months ago, 343 revealed that the long-awaited campaign co-op mode for Halo Infinite was cancelled, sending the community into a fervour and acting as yet another blow to the game. This was made worse when players were able to glitch into an early version of the mode, which seemed to work well enough that the mode's removal was confusing for all.
Baron said, "We of course were working on (local campaign co-op) for many, many months... years. There are a lot of challenges there from a technical perspective, and what people were able to glitch into is probably 80% (complete). But, the amount of work for us to get from an 80 percent quality to a 100 percent quality is significant. And the amount of effort that would take right now is not something that we can commit to, and I'm not even sure how long it would take to be honest."
Interestingly, Baron also brings up a topic that's been fairly hot over the past few months - having to make games work for "all platforms". Although the conversation around that has been centred on the Xbox Series S in recent months, in this case it seems likely that Baron means the Xbox One version of the game.
Baron said, "There are things where, even if we have just a few crashes — I'm not sure what platform those players were playing on, because we would have to support all platforms — that's not maybe even something we can even get through our certification passes."
On the surface if you look through this quickly it might seem reasonable as to why it was cancelled, the forced simultaneous release and development for the Xbox One and the Xbox One X created a problem to where they couldn't get the co-op to function properly on all 5 versions of the game.
The issue I have with this is that Infinite started the development on the Xbox One, not Xbox Series, so if they were having development issues with the co-op even by 2021 several years later, that makes me question what else was going on in the background. Because the reason why the Xbox One versions weren't cancelled is because that's where development started and where the engine was built. Infinite was not made with the Series consoles in mind which is why there are plenty of graphical problems and why 120fps MP looks the way it does, they didn't even start choosing a design for the Series S until 2017 and the the engine for Infinite started around the launch of Halo 5 in 2015.
It's unknown whether 343i pushed to still release on the Xbox One consoles they started on, or were mandated to. But given that Forza Horizon 5 started out as a One game and also managed redesigned the game to take advantage of the hardware of the Series consoles and PC without these issues, it really only makes this seem like another case of 343i developer incompetence.
Since the co-op glitch was first discovered players have uploaded longer videos of them using the glitch and it works for a good chunk of the game.
Personally, I believe that co-op was cancelled because Halo Infinite launched in such a bad state they can't split their resources more than they already have to polish the rest of the co-op, instead of the cause being troubled development being held back by the platform they started on, especially if they were working on the co-op specifically for years as they claim.