While obviously it’s all of the above there might also be some PC to PS5 migration going on. The combination of PC hardware getting way more expensive, the release of the Pro, and now the knowledge of all MS games coming day one makes an even stronger argument for getting a PS5 as your one gaming device.
Get lost with your nonsense.
>The combination of hardware getting way more expensive.
You mean high-end hardware? Because mid-tier and low-end stuff where the majority of customers are, haven't seen a substantial price hike. You can still get 4060s, 4060 Tis, 7700 XT, etc, for a decent price. No one looks for a 5090, sees the price, and decides to settle for a PS5 Pro. It's only Gaffers who think this ridiculous scenario is relevant.
>Xbox games day 1.
And those are? Not that it matters because Xbox games don't even sell that well on PC. Their biggest game is Forza if I'm not mistake and although it sells well, it coming to PS5 won't convince anyone to move there.
If this is the case then it would also be extremely ironic considering all the FUD about how the PS market has dried up and how Sony needs to embrace PC to grow their audience.
lol, the nerve. The irony is that your ilk peddles a gloom and doom scenario in which Sony is killing their console business with their PC ports. It has been 4 1/2 years and lo and behold, the PS brand is as healthy as ever. Not enough for little warriors though, now they have make up a scenario where the price of a 5090 is relevant to a console buyer. Hilarious.
Both PC and PS5 are doing well. As is Nintendo. The only one not doing well is Xbox. Yeah, a $2500 5090 sucks, but thankfully, 95% of PC gamers won't ever consider it. I know you would love a reality where PC is sinking and everyone is jumping ship to the PS5, but it isn't the one we live in.