M mpoutane Member Jul 11, 2004 #1 The Doom Comic insane. they should make a movie based on this comic!
S sefskillz shitting in the alley outside your window Jul 11, 2004 #2 lmao. page 3, first two panels are classic
P Patrick Klepek furiously molesting tim burton Jul 11, 2004 #3 the dialogue in that comic is fucking awesome.
D Dagless M.D. Member Jul 11, 2004 #4 The amount of dialogue ripped from Ash in Evil Dead is shamefull
B belgurdo Banned Jul 11, 2004 #5 BONK. Edit: Even the guy who is hosting the pages the comic is on is confused
H hooo boooy Jul 11, 2004 #6 eXxy said: the dialogue in that comic is fucking awesome. Click to expand... Don't you mean monologue Or did I just not read far enough? >_<
eXxy said: the dialogue in that comic is fucking awesome. Click to expand... Don't you mean monologue Or did I just not read far enough? >_<
I impirius Member Jul 11, 2004 #7 hooo said: Don't you mean monologue Or did I just not read far enough? >_< Click to expand... Well, the gun talks
hooo said: Don't you mean monologue Or did I just not read far enough? >_< Click to expand... Well, the gun talks
S sprsk force push the doodoo rock Jul 11, 2004 #8 The guy who wrote this comic obviously had a strong distaste for doom.
B border Member Jul 11, 2004 #9 Was that actually published? Or is this some "funny" person's alteration of the original?
A AlphaSnake ...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack Jul 11, 2004 #10 I'M A 12 ON THE 10 SCALE OF BADNESS! THAT'S RIGHT! WHO'S THE MAN? I'M THE MAN. I'M A BAD MAN! HOW BAD? REAL BAD! What the fuck...
F Funky Papa FUNK-Y-PPA-4 Jul 11, 2004 #11 How I could forgot that printed pile of trash? Thank you good man. YOU ARE HUGE! THAT MEANS YOU HAVE HUGE GUTS! Oh Lord.
How I could forgot that printed pile of trash? Thank you good man. YOU ARE HUGE! THAT MEANS YOU HAVE HUGE GUTS! Oh Lord.
S shuri Banned Jul 11, 2004 #12 That hilarious how they made the doom marine to be a total psycho who talks to himself and yell shit at aliens all the time. "WHAT IS THAT? I LIKE WHAT I SEE! AN IMPORTANT LOOKING DOOR!" :lol
That hilarious how they made the doom marine to be a total psycho who talks to himself and yell shit at aliens all the time. "WHAT IS THAT? I LIKE WHAT I SEE! AN IMPORTANT LOOKING DOOR!" :lol
S Scalemail Ted Member Jul 11, 2004 #15 GhaleonEB said: I give it a C- Click to expand... the C is for Clever.
B bogg Member Jul 11, 2004 #16 shuri said: That hilarious how they made the doom marine to be a total psycho who talks to himself and yell shit at aliens all the time. "WHAT IS THAT? I LIKE WHAT I SEE! AN IMPORTANT LOOKING DOOR!" :lol Click to expand... It's awesome! Think about it, if you were srounded by all those monsters and had to kill'em all you would go fuckin crazy too.
shuri said: That hilarious how they made the doom marine to be a total psycho who talks to himself and yell shit at aliens all the time. "WHAT IS THAT? I LIKE WHAT I SEE! AN IMPORTANT LOOKING DOOR!" :lol Click to expand... It's awesome! Think about it, if you were srounded by all those monsters and had to kill'em all you would go fuckin crazy too.
G GhaleonEB Member Jul 12, 2004 #18 It capured the feeling of fear and despair so perfectly. I recall punching right through huge demons all the time in the first game. No wait, I don't.
It capured the feeling of fear and despair so perfectly. I recall punching right through huge demons all the time in the first game. No wait, I don't.
S sefskillz shitting in the alley outside your window Jul 12, 2004 #19 after reading that, i'm prepared to blame doom for columbine.
U Uncle Dukey Member Jul 12, 2004 #20 Why can't we find a way to safely dispose of radioactive waste and protect the environment?