Gold Member
[00:00] Introduction
[01:50] The Journey Continues
[03:43] Bloodborne X DOOM (2016)
[04:56] The Thrill of the Hunt
[09:50] Fear of the Old Blood
[14:34] The Beasts of Yharnam
[17:29] Pierce the Veil
[20:36] Hunter/Slayer
[24:11] Closing
[24:59] Credits
- Guy completed Bloodborne in 2024
- Reinforcing a reward systems reminded him of Doom 2016
- Many elements of the design, combat and narrative were very similar
- Accepts that Doom came out a year later but stick with him and it will make sense
- Bloodborne was first Souls game to critically change the pace and intensity which is still unique in the series
- Previous Souls games was balancing defence against offence
- Player dual wields offensively by default in Bloodborne
- Aligns with Dooms push forward mentality, and aggressive approach
- Glory Kills are similar to the regain health mechanic in Bloodborne - rewards aggressive play
- Key choices in both gains - Bloodborne, when to push on with attacks and to get a visceral attack, or when to keep attacking despite taking damage. Doom, when to just rip and tear and when to take advantage of glory kills
- Both franchises had to retrain players
- Doom used early game tutorials
- Souls players already had a good grounding with bonfires/lamps, estus/vials but still had to communicate the changes through the early areas (cathedral and yharnam
- Cadence of attacks and cooldowns are changed in Bloodborne, usually shortening them to make enemies quicker and mnore agile. Second big chance is volume of enemies being dealt with at once - again aligning with Doom 2016
Compares Hunter to Slayer
The player character is more defined as an individual. Compares silent protagonist of Doom Guy and Chosen Undead. In both titles, you have more of a grounded and consistent identity, but still with an air of mystery.
Both environments are more oppressive and actively attack the player rather than wait for the player to battle through.
Doom Slayer is reviled and feared by Hell, and the Hunter is feared and reviled for what their kind brings to the city.