Thought i post it in its own thread too as its good example why you should never get worked up over leaks.

Alleged ‘Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League’ Leaker Admits They Made Up Parts Of The Plot
While major Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League plot elements leaked last week, the leaker is now saying large parts were mischaracterized or just false.

While the Insomniac leak has overshadowed essentially everything this week, another superhero game, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, suffered large story leaks, causing many DC and Arkhamverse fans to start wringing their hands about the game.
Now, in the wake of those leaks, the leaker has allegedly come forward to say that not only do they regret talking about them, but that they either mischaracterized or even made up large parts of the leak.
It’s a little tricky to discuss this without giving specific examples, which are of course spoilers, but I’ll do my best to channel the essence of the lengthy apology/admission that was posted to reddit without specifics.
- The leaker admits dataminer Miller, who has pushed back against the nature of these leaks, was correct about how flawed they were, and this was a “bastardized retelling” of the game’s story they regret writing.
- The story notes were assembled entirely from cutscenes in the game files, missing huge parts in between them and lacking all context. And even then, the leaker says the “skimmed” most of them.
- While “major events” happen, the details listed as fact were mostly speculation by the leaker. When they said “this (extremely controversial) thing happened,” it was more like “I think this thing happened offscreen maybe,” at best.
- Some pieces were made up entirely. Some plot lines were omitted entirely.
- There is something in the post-story content that “completely recontextualizes the story of the game” but they won’t say what it is, only that it shifts everything that came before it, if fans were worried about what the game may severely alter about the Arkhamverse.