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Android Mascot Discovered Urinating on Apple Logo in Google Maps

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Has Watterson commented on the "Calvin peeing on X" meme?


"I clearly miscalculated how popular it would be to show Calvin urinating on a Ford logo."




“I clearly miscalculated how popular it would be to show Calvin urinating on a Ford logo.”

Thank you.

But from the beginning, those who wanted Calvin to control his bladder were fighting a losing battle. That was clear as early as 1996, when two police officers were suspended without pay for putting Calvin decals on their own cars. The decals showed Calvin peeing on their boss’s name.



Google’s sorry that this crudely offensive image of the Apple logo turned up in Maps
"We’re sorry for this inappropriate user-created content; we’re working to remove it quickly," Google's Mara Harris said in an e-mailed statement. "We also learn from these issues, and we’re constantly improving how we detect, prevent and handle bad edits." The vast majority of users who edit Google Maps provide "great contributions," Harris said.

Pff, sure, the users did it, how convenient :p


It's the new Art Garfunkel pissing on things I guess.

Also this is pretty damn funny, even if not official.
Google suspends Map Maker service after digital vandalism

The service uses a mixture of "Google Reviewers" and trusted users to moderate Map Maker contributions, but clearly the setup has some flaws. As such, Google has already suspended auto-approval and user moderation, instead relying on manual checks from its in-house team. The company says it's quickly accrued a huge backlog of user-contributed edits, so while it develops a new moderation system, it's suspending public submissions entirely. It'll come into effect from May 12th and while Google says it's "a temporary situation," it's also admitted that it'll take more than a few days to fix.
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