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Animal Crossing: New Leaf |OT2| You Can Stack Fruit

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Well if you're on their email list I assume you'd get one but I didn't get anything. If it helps, they were by the food court, across from the Kernels yesterday.

Yeah, there was nobody there. Got 6 streetpasses, 2 of which had been playing AC. Grabbed some Taco Bell and called it a night.


Got my fishing pole earlier! Yeeeeeeees. Also, you can time travel from in the game correct? Where Isabelle says I can do blah blah blah, it says "Set Time". Does that work?


Evening gentlemen,

Add me asap. I'm bored. PM me if you wanna come over/have me over as soon as possible :D

FC: 0731-4901-7583

I have apples in my town but unfortunately I've picked them all for now. I believe you can mail friends gifts so I will send you some when they grow back.
I just bought a Royal Crown from Able's..



Yeah, that connection error really sucks. Nintendo needs to fix it asap :(

We were one second away from the medal ceremony :p

Ouch. Well, it was my first island trip and first time using a fishing-rod, so I at least gained some knowledge, if not coins.


Neo Member

First half of my roads project near completion. I just know something is going to pop up and wreck the whole system though.


I still need more fish.


My house is starting to feel like a home, now.

Oh my god I NEED that wallpaper. I'm studying to be a librarian irl and I just neeeds it O_O

Your house is stunning!


Evening gentlemen,

Add me asap. I'm bored. PM me if you wanna come over/have me over as soon as possible :D

FC: 0731-4901-7583

I have apples in my town but unfortunately I've picked them all for now. I believe you can mail friends gifts so I will send you some when they grow back.

you cant mail friends and it is easily the biggest shortcoming within the game. Just ridiculous


Wendy is my absolute favourite villager. If you bully her in to leaving and let me poach her, I'd be eternally grateful!
I might have to bully/ignore her because I hate how close she is to my house. But I'll see if I like. Otherwise come chat her up :D See if you can get her to move to your town

How much for the Link Hat, MicH.

I don't know man. I want the Samus helmet!


Ouch. Well, it was my first island trip and first time using a fishing-rod, so I at least gained some knowledge, if not coins.

Yeah, the bugs over there are worth a lot. Pulga just said he made 250K bells during the trip. I expect mine to be a little over that even since I only caught bugs and fishes worth 8000 or more and my basket is full :D


Yeah, that connection error really sucks. Nintendo needs to fix it asap :(

We were one second away from the medal ceremony :p

So, that's a common issue, then. My first online experience ended with that at the end of our very first Tour. It happened immediately after we won the Tour.


I might have to bully/ignore her because I hate how close she is to my house. But I'll see if I like. Otherwise come chat her up :D See if you can get her to move to your town

I don't know man. I want the Samus helmet!

I'll let you know If I come across it!


I might have to bully/ignore her because I hate how close she is to my house. But I'll see if I like. Otherwise come chat her up :D See if you can get her to move to your town

Back in the town I met Wendy in, I think I had mostly snooty villagers, and they'd all start fights with her...

I made their lives hell.

EDIT: But you can feel free to bully her since I think that's the only way I can poach her. I'll set her up nice here in Prambton.
I have been fishing for over 2 hours in the rain and still haven't caught a Ce-Lo Canth. Any tips? What would the silhouette compare too? Sea Bass? Shark?


So, that's a common issue, then. My first online experience ended with that at the end of our very first Tour. It happened immediately after we won the Tour.

Really? Was the same for us. The last second on the clock had passed and then sudden Mr. Resetti was on my screen informing me there was an error.


I just started the game and I don't know what else to do , I paid Tom Nook 10,000 to build the house already. Bought a shovel and a bug net to make money. Other than that not much action in my town.


Back in the town I met Wendy in, I think I had mostly snooty villagers, and they'd all start fights with her...

I made their lives hell.
Poor Wendy :( I think she's better in your hands, so you can come chat her up whenever she moves in


Yeah, the bugs over there are worth a lot. Pulga just said he made 250K bells during the trip. I expect mine to be a little over that even since I only caught bugs and fishes worth 8000 or more and my basket is full :D

I made around 40k lol.


I just started the game and I don't know what else to do , I paid Tom Nook 10,000 to build the house already. Bought a shovel and a bug net to make money. Other than that not much action in my town.

Not much to do at first. Can catch bugs to make money, though it's slower than fishing is. Ideally, you'll pay off your second loan, which is 38k I think, by the end of the second day so you can unlock the island on the fourth day. Shovel can at least make you almost 20k a day though, more if you sell your fossils.

Personally, I NEVER sell something if the museum doesn't have it. The OCD in me would kill me when I realized that the last thing I needed to complete something was something I got only once at the beginning.


I made around 40k lol.

I guess you donated everything you caught for the first time right? That's what I did on my first tour at least. When you have your own island you can start the money machine.
And give it all to Nook...


Personally, I NEVER sell something if the museum doesn't have it. The OCD in me would kill me when I realized that the last thing I needed to complete something was something I got only once at the beginning.

Same. I always, always donate the first of anything to the museum. The rest after that is fair game and gets sold.
If you have a piranha donated to the museum, visit it and it actually attacks the glass where you're standing in a murderous rage. Awesome attention to detail. :)


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
So, I've heard about people maximizing their island arrangement for maximum beetle catching. Anyone have an example of this?


Maturity, bitches.
I made around 40k lol.


This is just one batch and it isn't even the most I've gotten from one. You can get a lot from the island.

However I'm not going to follow that advice that suggest you basically bulldoze everything to force certain bugs to spawn more.
So, I've heard about people maximizing their island arrangement for maximum beetle catching. Anyone have an example of this?

Ditch all flowers. Cut down all trees that are not palms. Cut down all palms along the bottom of the island where the beetles see you before you see them.

Done. Now just go in circles or figure-eights at night for easy beetles.

With the tours you can find more flowers and fruit to plant if you ever want to make the island a tropical paradise instead of a beetle-infested money-making wasteland again.



This is just one batch and it isn't even the most I've gotten from one. You can get a lot from the island.

However I'm not going to follow that advice that suggest you basically bulldoze everything to force certain bugs to spawn more.

I removed all the regular trees on the grass. If I want new trees I could always plant them again. Or if I need a certain bug I can visit someone else who has these trees still standing :p


Really? Was the same for us. The last second on the clock had passed and then sudden Mr. Resetti was on my screen informing me there was an error.

Yup. Sounds like it occurred for us at the same point. Wonder if the game is trying to save during that point and there's some sort of conflict with the other players' games.


Another dumb question form me, but the game doesn't state that:
How do you take screenshots inside the game?
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