Credits for this post go to FearMyWrench, suzu, Linius, Ellix, Philia, and bluepolicebox.
Art Trick
Tired of Crazy Redd not showing up in your town week after week? Don't fret, you can still fill up that museum art section with the help of your villagers.
All you need are Smug, Uchi and Cranky villagers (list). The trick is very simple:
First of all, it helps if your inventory is devoid of furniture/clothing, as that takes away one potential avenue of conversation. All you need to do, then, is talk to said villager. That's it!
Talk to them about five to seven times. If they don't offer to sell you a painting, go to main street or another building and go back to them again. This is to prevent the villager from getting upset/contemplative and not temporarily not talking to you. If they do offer you a painting, leave and come back as well, and start the process again. It's also helpful to not hold tools or be around houses, as these add more conversation options.
Smug villagers sell their paintings at 7,056 a piece, while cranky villagers sell them at a more reasonable 3,136 a piece, and will occasionally just give them to you for free after you agree to buy them. Uchi villagers will also sell you paintings at 4,704 bells a piece, mostly through normal chat, though occasionally through "surprised" chat.
Bear in mind, these paintings can be fakes. So always check them in your house against the forged art guide. That's really all there is to it. Above all, be patient! You will run through the same sets of dialogue over and over, and there will be a point where you're sick of hearing that you're cooler than a fair number of cucumbers, or that the villager isn't going to use the weather as an excuse. Eventually your persistence will pay off.
Swimming Trick (farming for PWPs)
If you find that villagers aren't suggesting PWPs quickly enough, you can try this method in order to increase the chances for villagers to suggest a PWP to you!
GameTrailers Video
The above video covers pretty much everything there is know about how to perform the trick, so check it out!
Main points:
Minor things to add:
Alt Reset Trick
What is the alt reset trick?
When you start a new day, certain aspects of your game are saved during Isabelle’s greeting. The alt reset trick is a workaround that allows you to survey your town by using a New Save File. You must be able to create a new character and have a spot where you don’t mind temporarily placing a house for your new character (you may delete the character/house when you’re finished, though it will leave a large dirt patch) to do the trick.
Why would I want to use it?
There are a few situations where alt resetting comes in handy:
1. Start up Animal Crossing and choose “New Save File.” Don’t start the day with your mayor or a preexisting character. If you do, your day is locked and resetting won’t change anything.
2. Go through Rover’s screens.
3. When you arrive in your town, look around carefully. Plots are easy to miss. If you’re resetting for campers, just head to the campsite.
4.If you found the plot and/or villager/camper and you’re unhappy with it, hit the home or power button to quit the game without saving and go back to the 3DS home screen. Repeat steps 1-3. Be prepared to be patient: this can take a long time.
5. When you’ve done steps 1-4 and are happy with the location of your new villager, it’s time to save. Head to town hall to talk to Isabelle. She’ll direct you to Nook so you can put down a tent and save your game.
6. Now it’s safe to log in as your mayor. Everything will be locked in and it’s okay to delete the new character you created.
Note: When resetting plots, you may find that villagers seem to land in the same spot over and over. They do. Every town has invisible hot spots that have a higher probability of attracting a plot. If one of these spots is in a location that works for you, great: resetting will be less time consuming. If not, it could take awhile to get the plot where you want it.
When do I get to use the QR Code option?
Talk to Sable (the brown hedgehog) everyday at the Able Sisters. After 10 days (does not have to be consecutive), she will be friendlier and a huge sewing machine is unlocked.
How do I get a villager to move out?
One way is to ignore them completely after initially speaking to them. They will eventually move out after a few weeks.
Another way is to become really good friends with them (talking to them often, completing their requests, sending letters, etc).
Sometimes a villager will talk about another villager moving out, in which case you can just ignore the villager in question. Usually though, the moving villager will ping and tell you they are moving out, and you can ask them to leave or stay. After saying goodbye, you should ignore them until they finally move out of your town. If you do speak to them, it's possible they'll bring up moving, and regardless of what conversation option you choose, they'll change their mind, so try to avoid that.
How do I wake up Cyrus (the blue alpaca)?
You must have:
- played 7 days since the creation of the town
- sold 100,000 bells worth of items to Re-Tail
- have 100 pieces of furniture in your catalog
- have 50 clothing items in your catalog
I got a gem from smashing a rock. What do I do with it?
You can customize certain pieces of furniture with them by bringing it to Cyrus.
*Note: Everyday there is always one rock in your town that will contain a gem. If you hit a money rock with a silver shovel, you may get gems instead.
What do I do with perfect fruit?
Bury them for perfect fruit trees! Creating an orchard filled with perfect fruit trees is a good way to make tons of bells outside the stalk market. The idea is that you keep saving up each harvest you do until you find the perfect place to sell your fruits. This perfect place is a foreign town with a different native fruit and a Re-Tail that is paying premium prices for your perfect fruit. That way each of your fruits is worth 6.000 bells. This is a good way to earn a lot of bells on the side with little effort. The only downside to perfect fruit trees however is that they die after a few harvests (5 harvests seems average). So you'll have to own a couple of axes to cut down the remainders of trees and plant a new one right away.
*Note: You can only grow perfect fruit that is native to your town.
Why are my trees withering?
The sapling will not grow if it's directly adjacent to anything. You must have at least one or two spaces all around the sapling. Palm tree fruit (coconuts and bananas) can only be grown on beaches.
*Note: You don't need to water trees.
How do I regrow my town's grass?
Plant flowers on top of the dirt patches. Don't use the fastest run speed while in town.
*Note: You can still run on the beaches, the Main Street, and the Island.
How do I get rid of a bee sting?
Save and Quit. Or buy medicine from the Nookling shop. Or speak to the villagers (one of them might give you some medicine).
Where is K.K. Slider?
Unlock Club LOL/101. He DJs every night at 8PM, except on Saturdays. On that night, he will be playing his guitar. On the first Saturday you listen to him, he'll give you a random song, while every subsequent Saturday will allow you to request a specific song. You can only get one song a week.
What is Club Tortimer?
An online and instanced version of the island, where you can play with random players over the internet. You can mess around with the main island as much as you want, since any damage is not permanent. There are also Club exclusive items in the shop.
*Note: It costs 50 medals to buy a membership. The membership item is randomly sold at the island.
How do I get a tan?
Unequip headgear, accessories, and umbrellas. Stay in the sun on the island for a long time. Read this for details.
How do I change my character's looks?
You can't change your face after starting the game.
You can change your hair style, hair color, eye color. You can also wear a Mii Mask. This is all done at Shampoodle.
*Note: Face guide. | Hair style and color guide. | Eye color guide.
How do I get houses to show up in the Happy Home Showcase plaza?
- Turn on Spotpass from the game's start screen.
- Talk to Digby and turn on Streetpass.
- Make sure the Wireless button/slider on your 3DS is in the On position.
- Spotpassing requires an internet connection.
- You will know you have new houses when a glowing blue (spotpass) and/or green (streetpass) dot shows up on your ACNL icon on your 3DS's home screen or notifications.
*Note: You can get freebies (balloons, ice cream, etc) from repeat visitors!
What is Time Traveling/Time Travel in this game?
One of the fundamental aspects of Animal Crossing is that the game runs on a real-time clock. If you choose to, you can change the time on your 3DS or game to whatever you want, bypassing and ruining the real time aspect. Some feel that this ruins the longevity of the game, and you'll find yourself growing bored of the game sooner. For this reason, many of us would rather not play with those who choose to time travel. Besides, you'll have more fun in the long run without it!
What's all this nonsense about not running? Why shouldn't I run?
Lots of people like to plant flowers around their village and even cross breed them for hybrid flowers. It's hard work and if you run through flowers, you'll weaken or even destroy them. So please, be careful where you run in other GAFer's towns. You're sure to piss people off if you ruin their flowers. Also, running causes grass wear and some don't like that either.
Is there StreetPass in this game? What does it do?
At the back of Main Street is the Happy Home Showcase. When your StreetPass a player with New Leaf, their house will appear in the Happy Home Showcase area. Feel free to take a look around their house for design inspiration and if you see an item you like, you may be able to order it for yourself!
Does this version have real holidays?
Unlike the last portable version of Animal Crossing, this version offers all of the real holidays from the Gamecube plus many more. In fact, the gameplay of many of the holidays have been revamped to offer a new experience if you played them before.
I have T.I.Y. unlocked, but need to do Gracie's fashion checks to upgrade to the Emporium. Why won't she show up?
Unfortunately, her fashion check visits are random. It could take as little as a couple weeks, or as long as a few months.
Why isn't Gracie selling *insert item*?
Gracie's stock is cyclical, so she won't be selling the same stuff throughout the year. Her seasons are defined as follows:
Spring is March 1st to May 31st, and the Princess series is available.
Summer is June 1st to August 31st, and Gracie's series is available.
Autumn is September 1st to November 30th, and the Sweets series is available.
Winter is December 1st to February 28th/29th, and the Gorgeous series is available.
On top of this, during the last month of the season there will be sales, with 15% off all items starting on the 15th, 30% off on the 21st, and 50% off on the 26th. Some of the seasonal items may be sold out and replaced with pieces of the Card series or the Wedding Cake item, though these items are not discounted. There are also clothes that you can only buy during the sales periods.
How do I get a mannequin?
There are actually four that you can get, one each from the three Able Sisters and one from Gracie.
Sable's requires you to have bought 50 items from the Able Sisters shop and you also must talk to her for 10 days.
Mabel's requires you to have bought 51 pieces of clothing from her shop.
Labelle's requires you to buy an accessory a day for over 30 days.
Gracie's requires you to buy an item of clothing from her floor of the Emporium.
I have 9 villagers, how do I get a 10th?
A tenth villager can move into your town under a few different circumstances:
-Campsite animals can be invited to move into your town.
-If a villager is packed up in another person's town, you can visit them and invite them.
-Randomly from a wifi tag-along from playing online or StreetPass. When a villager leaves a town without being adopted, they’re placed in a queue where there’s a random chance they can move to a new town via wifi or StreetPass. Only one villager is held in the queue at once and they eventually disappear after an undetermined amount of time. Some mayors prefer to refrain from online play/StreetPass when they have fewer than 10 villagers in their towns to avoid picking up a random villager in this manner. Also, the alt reset trick will not prevent a tag-along from moving in and potentially ruining your life.
Why won’t my camper move in?
First of all, you have to have less than 10 villagers, and the camper must be in your town, as you can't invite campers from other towns. Talking to the camper a couple times will get them to hint that they would like to your town and you’ll get a dialogue to offer or decline an invitation. However, occasionally it may take a few tries to get them to agree to move into your town.
The quickest way to get a camper to move in is to empty your pockets of all items, tools, and bells. This dissuades from them wanting to play games so you can get to the dialogue about moving in quicker. Keep at it until they agree. As long as you have a vacancy, they’ll eventually agree to move in.
Note: It takes two days for a villager to move in when they’ve been invited from the campsite (as opposed to the one day when a boxed up villager is invited in from another town).
My old villagers keep showing up on Main Street! Why? I want them out of my life for good!
This is how it works: after five villagers move out of your town, the first of those five will start showing up in Main Street (including the stores), and up to four former villagers can show up at most. Once a 9th villager moves out, that first one will be gone forever, and so forth. So, for example, say Elise, Boomer, Sparro, and Annalisa have moved out, and Rhonda is moving out next. After Rhonda moves, Elise will start showing up. If another villager moves, Boomer will show up, then Sparro, then Annalisa. If a villager moves after Annalisa shows up, then Rhonda will show up and Elise will be gone, and so on.
Please note: the spreadsheet has not been used for nearly a year. If you would like friends, kindly leave your friend code in a post in this thread. It's also helpful to leave your GAF username as your 3DS message (if it isn't obvious who you are). Friend lists get full, and it's difficult to decide whether to keep Andy or Mike when there are no other indicators as to who they are. Also, never hesitate to ask for help. There are many wonderful people here who are always willing to lend a hand. Or an item. Or some bells. Etc. Basically, don't be shy. Also, if you do visit, please use common sense and be courteous. Please.
Town Visiting Etiquette
When visiting the villages of other GAFers, you should keep the following etiquette in mind. If problems arise, we have to implement some kind of a blacklist in here, but hopefully that won't happen.
- Be careful with your axe. Don't cut down trees without permission!
- Be careful of where you run and leave flowers alone.
- If others are trying to trade, leave them alone and don't touch their items.
Friend Codes
Philia and Mikor are managing the friend code form and spreadsheet for this OT. If you have questions or problems with the system, send one of them a friendly PM.
Want to view the list/spreadsheet or add your own friend code to the list/spreadsheet? Quote the post to see the link. Please do not share in the thread without email tags.
Need to have your entry edited for any reason? Contact one of our friendly spreadsheet managers: Mikor, Philia, Samurai_Heart, and Robin64. Remember, if you don't have a 3DS yet, you can fill out the form without a friend code and have one of our helpers update your entry later.
Use this website to find your UTC timezone offset for the form.
Hall of Fame/Shame of the last thread
DLC (It's all free! No paid DLC in this game!)
The Sagittarius Bow is available from November 23rd to December 21st:

- Thonky's Animal Crossing New Leaf Guide
- How to Grow Hybrid Flowers
- Zigg's Flower Guide
- A List of Bugs
- A List of Fish
- Lists With Pictures of Clothing, Furniture, & House Exteriors
- The Animal Crossing Database
- The Animal Crossing Wiki (Wikia)
- NeoGAF's Official Turnip Thread
- Liquefy's Faq on Gamefaqs
- Animal Crossing Online Catalog Checklist
- Public Works Project Checklist (File, Make a Copy)

Art Trick
Tired of Crazy Redd not showing up in your town week after week? Don't fret, you can still fill up that museum art section with the help of your villagers.
All you need are Smug, Uchi and Cranky villagers (list). The trick is very simple:
First of all, it helps if your inventory is devoid of furniture/clothing, as that takes away one potential avenue of conversation. All you need to do, then, is talk to said villager. That's it!
Talk to them about five to seven times. If they don't offer to sell you a painting, go to main street or another building and go back to them again. This is to prevent the villager from getting upset/contemplative and not temporarily not talking to you. If they do offer you a painting, leave and come back as well, and start the process again. It's also helpful to not hold tools or be around houses, as these add more conversation options.
Smug villagers sell their paintings at 7,056 a piece, while cranky villagers sell them at a more reasonable 3,136 a piece, and will occasionally just give them to you for free after you agree to buy them. Uchi villagers will also sell you paintings at 4,704 bells a piece, mostly through normal chat, though occasionally through "surprised" chat.
Bear in mind, these paintings can be fakes. So always check them in your house against the forged art guide. That's really all there is to it. Above all, be patient! You will run through the same sets of dialogue over and over, and there will be a point where you're sick of hearing that you're cooler than a fair number of cucumbers, or that the villager isn't going to use the weather as an excuse. Eventually your persistence will pay off.
Swimming Trick (farming for PWPs)
If you find that villagers aren't suggesting PWPs quickly enough, you can try this method in order to increase the chances for villagers to suggest a PWP to you!
GameTrailers Video
The above video covers pretty much everything there is know about how to perform the trick, so check it out!
Main points:
- PWP suggestions only occur when villagers have a "surprised" emote from seeing you walk by their line of sight, and then running up to you. They don't show up in normal conversation.
- You'll need a wetsuit for the trick. These are available at random in the Tropical Island gift store and are bought using Island Medals.
- The key to the trick is to avoid contact with any villagers in the game for a period of 5-10 minutes. The easiest way to do this is to hide by swimming in the ocean. You don't need to be doing anything during that time so you can idle, or try diving for some sea creatures.
- When a villager runs up to you to chat, it's not necessarily a PWP suggestion but can be several other conversation paths. To limit unwanted paths such as the villager selling/buying items or animals, fill your pockets with things such as Bells, tools, flowers, or seashells. However, you may still get other conversations such as changing catchphrases.
- The game automatically forces villagers to give you a "take a break" message after you've been playing for 30-60 min, so if nobody is running up to you, try talking to one directly to clear out this message.
Minor things to add:
- Only the mayor can receive PWP suggestions.
- You can trap a villager with shovel holes so they won't move around if you're trying to get a PWP suggestion from a certain villager, preferably near the beach to minimize the risk of running into other villagers.
- Although known as the "swimming trick", the key is really just to avoid contact with any villagers for a period of time, so if you prefer to stand in a corner of town you could do that too. However, remember that villagers walk around so this method is less reliable compared to swimming.
Alt Reset Trick
What is the alt reset trick?
When you start a new day, certain aspects of your game are saved during Isabelle’s greeting. The alt reset trick is a workaround that allows you to survey your town by using a New Save File. You must be able to create a new character and have a spot where you don’t mind temporarily placing a house for your new character (you may delete the character/house when you’re finished, though it will leave a large dirt patch) to do the trick.
Why would I want to use it?
There are a few situations where alt resetting comes in handy:
- You have fewer than 9 villagers. Once you’ve gotten down to 8 villagers, the game will force a 9th on you. There are more variables to consider in this situation than the others: you’ll be checking both the owner and location of the plot. Resetting is tricky here as you could find an ideally located plot with a less than ideal villager, etc.
- You have fewer than 10 villagers and would like to try to find one through your campsite. Campers are pretty rare and it’s been proven that some days have much better camper to empty tent ratios than others.
- You have fewer than 10 villagers and play online/ use StreetPass often. If you’re worried about picking up a tag-along, the alt reset trick can be used to check for a plot and place it in an ideal location but it can’t prevent that villager from moving in.
- You have invited a villager to move in from your campsite (2 days ago) or from someone else’s town (the day before) and want to get their plot in a good spot.
1. Start up Animal Crossing and choose “New Save File.” Don’t start the day with your mayor or a preexisting character. If you do, your day is locked and resetting won’t change anything.
2. Go through Rover’s screens.
3. When you arrive in your town, look around carefully. Plots are easy to miss. If you’re resetting for campers, just head to the campsite.
4.If you found the plot and/or villager/camper and you’re unhappy with it, hit the home or power button to quit the game without saving and go back to the 3DS home screen. Repeat steps 1-3. Be prepared to be patient: this can take a long time.
5. When you’ve done steps 1-4 and are happy with the location of your new villager, it’s time to save. Head to town hall to talk to Isabelle. She’ll direct you to Nook so you can put down a tent and save your game.
6. Now it’s safe to log in as your mayor. Everything will be locked in and it’s okay to delete the new character you created.
Note: When resetting plots, you may find that villagers seem to land in the same spot over and over. They do. Every town has invisible hot spots that have a higher probability of attracting a plot. If one of these spots is in a location that works for you, great: resetting will be less time consuming. If not, it could take awhile to get the plot where you want it.

When do I get to use the QR Code option?
Talk to Sable (the brown hedgehog) everyday at the Able Sisters. After 10 days (does not have to be consecutive), she will be friendlier and a huge sewing machine is unlocked.
How do I get a villager to move out?
One way is to ignore them completely after initially speaking to them. They will eventually move out after a few weeks.
Another way is to become really good friends with them (talking to them often, completing their requests, sending letters, etc).
Sometimes a villager will talk about another villager moving out, in which case you can just ignore the villager in question. Usually though, the moving villager will ping and tell you they are moving out, and you can ask them to leave or stay. After saying goodbye, you should ignore them until they finally move out of your town. If you do speak to them, it's possible they'll bring up moving, and regardless of what conversation option you choose, they'll change their mind, so try to avoid that.
How do I wake up Cyrus (the blue alpaca)?
You must have:
- played 7 days since the creation of the town
- sold 100,000 bells worth of items to Re-Tail
- have 100 pieces of furniture in your catalog
- have 50 clothing items in your catalog
I got a gem from smashing a rock. What do I do with it?
You can customize certain pieces of furniture with them by bringing it to Cyrus.
*Note: Everyday there is always one rock in your town that will contain a gem. If you hit a money rock with a silver shovel, you may get gems instead.
What do I do with perfect fruit?
Bury them for perfect fruit trees! Creating an orchard filled with perfect fruit trees is a good way to make tons of bells outside the stalk market. The idea is that you keep saving up each harvest you do until you find the perfect place to sell your fruits. This perfect place is a foreign town with a different native fruit and a Re-Tail that is paying premium prices for your perfect fruit. That way each of your fruits is worth 6.000 bells. This is a good way to earn a lot of bells on the side with little effort. The only downside to perfect fruit trees however is that they die after a few harvests (5 harvests seems average). So you'll have to own a couple of axes to cut down the remainders of trees and plant a new one right away.
*Note: You can only grow perfect fruit that is native to your town.
Why are my trees withering?
The sapling will not grow if it's directly adjacent to anything. You must have at least one or two spaces all around the sapling. Palm tree fruit (coconuts and bananas) can only be grown on beaches.
*Note: You don't need to water trees.
How do I regrow my town's grass?
Plant flowers on top of the dirt patches. Don't use the fastest run speed while in town.
*Note: You can still run on the beaches, the Main Street, and the Island.
How do I get rid of a bee sting?
Save and Quit. Or buy medicine from the Nookling shop. Or speak to the villagers (one of them might give you some medicine).
Where is K.K. Slider?
Unlock Club LOL/101. He DJs every night at 8PM, except on Saturdays. On that night, he will be playing his guitar. On the first Saturday you listen to him, he'll give you a random song, while every subsequent Saturday will allow you to request a specific song. You can only get one song a week.
What is Club Tortimer?
An online and instanced version of the island, where you can play with random players over the internet. You can mess around with the main island as much as you want, since any damage is not permanent. There are also Club exclusive items in the shop.
*Note: It costs 50 medals to buy a membership. The membership item is randomly sold at the island.
How do I get a tan?
Unequip headgear, accessories, and umbrellas. Stay in the sun on the island for a long time. Read this for details.
How do I change my character's looks?
You can't change your face after starting the game.
You can change your hair style, hair color, eye color. You can also wear a Mii Mask. This is all done at Shampoodle.
*Note: Face guide. | Hair style and color guide. | Eye color guide.
How do I get houses to show up in the Happy Home Showcase plaza?
- Turn on Spotpass from the game's start screen.
- Talk to Digby and turn on Streetpass.
- Make sure the Wireless button/slider on your 3DS is in the On position.
- Spotpassing requires an internet connection.
- You will know you have new houses when a glowing blue (spotpass) and/or green (streetpass) dot shows up on your ACNL icon on your 3DS's home screen or notifications.
*Note: You can get freebies (balloons, ice cream, etc) from repeat visitors!
What is Time Traveling/Time Travel in this game?
One of the fundamental aspects of Animal Crossing is that the game runs on a real-time clock. If you choose to, you can change the time on your 3DS or game to whatever you want, bypassing and ruining the real time aspect. Some feel that this ruins the longevity of the game, and you'll find yourself growing bored of the game sooner. For this reason, many of us would rather not play with those who choose to time travel. Besides, you'll have more fun in the long run without it!
What's all this nonsense about not running? Why shouldn't I run?
Lots of people like to plant flowers around their village and even cross breed them for hybrid flowers. It's hard work and if you run through flowers, you'll weaken or even destroy them. So please, be careful where you run in other GAFer's towns. You're sure to piss people off if you ruin their flowers. Also, running causes grass wear and some don't like that either.
Is there StreetPass in this game? What does it do?
At the back of Main Street is the Happy Home Showcase. When your StreetPass a player with New Leaf, their house will appear in the Happy Home Showcase area. Feel free to take a look around their house for design inspiration and if you see an item you like, you may be able to order it for yourself!
Does this version have real holidays?
Unlike the last portable version of Animal Crossing, this version offers all of the real holidays from the Gamecube plus many more. In fact, the gameplay of many of the holidays have been revamped to offer a new experience if you played them before.
I have T.I.Y. unlocked, but need to do Gracie's fashion checks to upgrade to the Emporium. Why won't she show up?
Unfortunately, her fashion check visits are random. It could take as little as a couple weeks, or as long as a few months.
Why isn't Gracie selling *insert item*?
Gracie's stock is cyclical, so she won't be selling the same stuff throughout the year. Her seasons are defined as follows:
Spring is March 1st to May 31st, and the Princess series is available.
Summer is June 1st to August 31st, and Gracie's series is available.
Autumn is September 1st to November 30th, and the Sweets series is available.
Winter is December 1st to February 28th/29th, and the Gorgeous series is available.
On top of this, during the last month of the season there will be sales, with 15% off all items starting on the 15th, 30% off on the 21st, and 50% off on the 26th. Some of the seasonal items may be sold out and replaced with pieces of the Card series or the Wedding Cake item, though these items are not discounted. There are also clothes that you can only buy during the sales periods.
How do I get a mannequin?
There are actually four that you can get, one each from the three Able Sisters and one from Gracie.
Sable's requires you to have bought 50 items from the Able Sisters shop and you also must talk to her for 10 days.
Mabel's requires you to have bought 51 pieces of clothing from her shop.
Labelle's requires you to buy an accessory a day for over 30 days.
Gracie's requires you to buy an item of clothing from her floor of the Emporium.
I have 9 villagers, how do I get a 10th?
A tenth villager can move into your town under a few different circumstances:
-Campsite animals can be invited to move into your town.
-If a villager is packed up in another person's town, you can visit them and invite them.
-Randomly from a wifi tag-along from playing online or StreetPass. When a villager leaves a town without being adopted, they’re placed in a queue where there’s a random chance they can move to a new town via wifi or StreetPass. Only one villager is held in the queue at once and they eventually disappear after an undetermined amount of time. Some mayors prefer to refrain from online play/StreetPass when they have fewer than 10 villagers in their towns to avoid picking up a random villager in this manner. Also, the alt reset trick will not prevent a tag-along from moving in and potentially ruining your life.
Why won’t my camper move in?
First of all, you have to have less than 10 villagers, and the camper must be in your town, as you can't invite campers from other towns. Talking to the camper a couple times will get them to hint that they would like to your town and you’ll get a dialogue to offer or decline an invitation. However, occasionally it may take a few tries to get them to agree to move into your town.
The quickest way to get a camper to move in is to empty your pockets of all items, tools, and bells. This dissuades from them wanting to play games so you can get to the dialogue about moving in quicker. Keep at it until they agree. As long as you have a vacancy, they’ll eventually agree to move in.
Note: It takes two days for a villager to move in when they’ve been invited from the campsite (as opposed to the one day when a boxed up villager is invited in from another town).
My old villagers keep showing up on Main Street! Why? I want them out of my life for good!
This is how it works: after five villagers move out of your town, the first of those five will start showing up in Main Street (including the stores), and up to four former villagers can show up at most. Once a 9th villager moves out, that first one will be gone forever, and so forth. So, for example, say Elise, Boomer, Sparro, and Annalisa have moved out, and Rhonda is moving out next. After Rhonda moves, Elise will start showing up. If another villager moves, Boomer will show up, then Sparro, then Annalisa. If a villager moves after Annalisa shows up, then Rhonda will show up and Elise will be gone, and so on.

Please note: the spreadsheet has not been used for nearly a year. If you would like friends, kindly leave your friend code in a post in this thread. It's also helpful to leave your GAF username as your 3DS message (if it isn't obvious who you are). Friend lists get full, and it's difficult to decide whether to keep Andy or Mike when there are no other indicators as to who they are. Also, never hesitate to ask for help. There are many wonderful people here who are always willing to lend a hand. Or an item. Or some bells. Etc. Basically, don't be shy. Also, if you do visit, please use common sense and be courteous. Please.
Town Visiting Etiquette
When visiting the villages of other GAFers, you should keep the following etiquette in mind. If problems arise, we have to implement some kind of a blacklist in here, but hopefully that won't happen.
- Be careful with your axe. Don't cut down trees without permission!
- Be careful of where you run and leave flowers alone.
- If others are trying to trade, leave them alone and don't touch their items.
Friend Codes
Philia and Mikor are managing the friend code form and spreadsheet for this OT. If you have questions or problems with the system, send one of them a friendly PM.
Want to view the list/spreadsheet or add your own friend code to the list/spreadsheet? Quote the post to see the link. Please do not share in the thread without email tags.
Need to have your entry edited for any reason? Contact one of our friendly spreadsheet managers: Mikor, Philia, Samurai_Heart, and Robin64. Remember, if you don't have a 3DS yet, you can fill out the form without a friend code and have one of our helpers update your entry later.
Use this website to find your UTC timezone offset for the form.


Hall of Fame/Shame of the last thread

DLC (It's all free! No paid DLC in this game!)
The Sagittarius Bow is available from November 23rd to December 21st: