The Black Gelding
Banned they have no choice whether to eat or not.
With the recent news regarding the Olsen Twins I was reminded of a problem that plagues many of America's most decadent, self-serving pieces of shit, this crock-a-shit they call Anorexia-Nervosa. It's one of those afflictions that I like to call "Manufactured diseases;" Diseases that Americans manufactured in the 20th Century to but heads back into their asses amidst being shown the "light" of their own banality and incompetence. Other diseases include ADD, AD-HD, or any variant of the aforementioned (Also, whatever the hell they claimed the Columbine Kids had.) Bullshit psychiatrics readily take advantage of this ass-headedness and feed the populous all types of bullshit.
For those who don't know anorexia is when the perp decides that they are too fat/need to loose weight and goes about this by NOT EATING. When I say NOT EATING I mean NOT FUCKING EATING/just enough to keep themselves alive. Then the suspect begins to look like the highlight reel from Auschwitz. After all the bullshit sympathy and costly treatment for this disorder many go on to hasten the pace of what their "disease" would have done in the first place and that is kill themselves. People say this is because of "The Media" which presents women with un-attainable standards blah blah blah. No. No its not, its a combination of the perp's idiocy and poor irresponsible activity on the part of the parent. I'm not placing the total blame on them, but they deserve a piece of it. But the brunt end of the blame needs to be placed on stupid idiots that do this to themselves.
The worst part of the "disease" is not what happens to the girl, its the sympathy they get for it. If left up to me I would introduce the perp to the narrow end of a wing-tip before asking them to get their shit together. Yes I said it. Sympathizers with these criminals are the same people that readily tell people how much of scum they think drug addicts, and alcoholics. The same people that tell the bum on the street to "get it together," and at most, flip a quarter in their direction. The hypocrisy is maddening I can't fathom why people would be this stupid. Wait, I know, they just ARE.
Anorexics are CRIMINALS. Abusing the privilege to be born amongst the world's lucky few that have the opportunity to eat regular often delicious meals is a FUCKING CRIME. This includes ass-nasty bulimics and disgusting gluttons. Anorexics just pass on the opportunity to eat. I swear if I were a billionaire I would fund the exchange of one anorexic for TWO starving Somalians or North Koreans. I say two because the average American eats enough food to feed two people comfortably (especially two people accustom to starvation) The anorexic chick can go to fucking North Korea and feast on as much shit as she wouldnt eat back in the states. If she ever gets the urge to munch on something, it can be the bloody end of a man's severed calf (yes cannibalism is rampant in that very troubled part of the world DUE to a lack of FOOD TO EAT). Or she can go to beautiful Somalia and bask in the sun of the horn of Africa. She can if she ever gets hungry there she can abort an unwanted fetus and indulge (because legal abortion is non existent and people HAVE to do it themselves) Shit, or she can just pick the worms out of the local's feces and have at it. If the sun gets too hot in either place I'm pretty sure there are militants in both places that will provide ample shade with the shadows of their Kalashnikovs. I'm sure there are enough people to take the place of that selfish bone bag. Media expectations and all. And when the perp is in their new home, they won't HAVE a choice whether to eat or not. Hell we can start with the Olsen Twins. I bet they can make a strait to DVD release about their experiences. It can be called "Twins in Turmoil" or it can be a shitty remake of "A Tale of Two Cities" called "A Tale of Two warring Citystates" Selfish fucks.
Yes, I am aware of the number of idiot HS/Colligate wrestlers that do this anorexia shit too. They qualify for the program as well. Maybe they can wrestle up some food for their new countrymen. Morally inept bastards.
And yes, I have had the displeasure of dealing with these assholic criminals.
Oh yeah, and I saw what you bastards were saying about the 419 criminals. I will touch on that later. Damn I'm pissed.
With the recent news regarding the Olsen Twins I was reminded of a problem that plagues many of America's most decadent, self-serving pieces of shit, this crock-a-shit they call Anorexia-Nervosa. It's one of those afflictions that I like to call "Manufactured diseases;" Diseases that Americans manufactured in the 20th Century to but heads back into their asses amidst being shown the "light" of their own banality and incompetence. Other diseases include ADD, AD-HD, or any variant of the aforementioned (Also, whatever the hell they claimed the Columbine Kids had.) Bullshit psychiatrics readily take advantage of this ass-headedness and feed the populous all types of bullshit.
For those who don't know anorexia is when the perp decides that they are too fat/need to loose weight and goes about this by NOT EATING. When I say NOT EATING I mean NOT FUCKING EATING/just enough to keep themselves alive. Then the suspect begins to look like the highlight reel from Auschwitz. After all the bullshit sympathy and costly treatment for this disorder many go on to hasten the pace of what their "disease" would have done in the first place and that is kill themselves. People say this is because of "The Media" which presents women with un-attainable standards blah blah blah. No. No its not, its a combination of the perp's idiocy and poor irresponsible activity on the part of the parent. I'm not placing the total blame on them, but they deserve a piece of it. But the brunt end of the blame needs to be placed on stupid idiots that do this to themselves.
The worst part of the "disease" is not what happens to the girl, its the sympathy they get for it. If left up to me I would introduce the perp to the narrow end of a wing-tip before asking them to get their shit together. Yes I said it. Sympathizers with these criminals are the same people that readily tell people how much of scum they think drug addicts, and alcoholics. The same people that tell the bum on the street to "get it together," and at most, flip a quarter in their direction. The hypocrisy is maddening I can't fathom why people would be this stupid. Wait, I know, they just ARE.
Anorexics are CRIMINALS. Abusing the privilege to be born amongst the world's lucky few that have the opportunity to eat regular often delicious meals is a FUCKING CRIME. This includes ass-nasty bulimics and disgusting gluttons. Anorexics just pass on the opportunity to eat. I swear if I were a billionaire I would fund the exchange of one anorexic for TWO starving Somalians or North Koreans. I say two because the average American eats enough food to feed two people comfortably (especially two people accustom to starvation) The anorexic chick can go to fucking North Korea and feast on as much shit as she wouldnt eat back in the states. If she ever gets the urge to munch on something, it can be the bloody end of a man's severed calf (yes cannibalism is rampant in that very troubled part of the world DUE to a lack of FOOD TO EAT). Or she can go to beautiful Somalia and bask in the sun of the horn of Africa. She can if she ever gets hungry there she can abort an unwanted fetus and indulge (because legal abortion is non existent and people HAVE to do it themselves) Shit, or she can just pick the worms out of the local's feces and have at it. If the sun gets too hot in either place I'm pretty sure there are militants in both places that will provide ample shade with the shadows of their Kalashnikovs. I'm sure there are enough people to take the place of that selfish bone bag. Media expectations and all. And when the perp is in their new home, they won't HAVE a choice whether to eat or not. Hell we can start with the Olsen Twins. I bet they can make a strait to DVD release about their experiences. It can be called "Twins in Turmoil" or it can be a shitty remake of "A Tale of Two Cities" called "A Tale of Two warring Citystates" Selfish fucks.
Yes, I am aware of the number of idiot HS/Colligate wrestlers that do this anorexia shit too. They qualify for the program as well. Maybe they can wrestle up some food for their new countrymen. Morally inept bastards.
And yes, I have had the displeasure of dealing with these assholic criminals.
Oh yeah, and I saw what you bastards were saying about the 419 criminals. I will touch on that later. Damn I'm pissed.