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Another Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay downgrade-athon incoming



The original concept was that we would have to hack a so-called access point in a given place and only then we would be able to use "quick hacks" (programs called daemons) on enemies, so that e.g. we can overheat the weapon of one of them or force them to kill themselves. It turns out that currently there is no need to take control over the access point. Using daemons only requires a scan of the opponent in question, so we can find out where we can hit them.

Additionally, the mechanic uses a resource called memory, which slowly regenerates. We spend it using daemons (this aspect of the game was mentioned by several youtubers, who were invited by CD Projekt RED to test an early version of the game). As a result, the whole thing looks a bit like magic from many classic fantasy RPGs (e.g. The Elder Scrolls series), in which we pay for casting spells with mana.

It's worth noting that the so-called access points are still in the game, but in a heavily modified form. In some places we can make an initial hack, which enables us to reduce the cost of using daemons. However, everything indicates that it no longer requires sneaking into a particular place - everything is done remotely.


Why are they telling us any of this lmao, just shut the fuck up about stuff you've removed, jesu christi I'm finding it hard to stay excited.

Imagine you went to a preview for a new film (run up to release so the film is finished) and had a sitdown with the director and he just told you all the things they removed from the film and the simplified shots that replaced them, over and over:

"We had this amazing idea where *describes mindblowing scene* but we couldn't make it work in the end so we scrapped it and just put in a shot of a rabbit doing a shite"

Cool, thanks.

I'd rather here about this after it releases.
I personally don't see the fuss. An easier to use and understand system. Could have been trouble with implementing the original vision or they simply couldn't push the game back again.

Either way, lets not jump to conclusions about whether this is a downgrade. I'm still very optimistic for the game.
I thought the hacking minigame where you matched hex codes from rows and columns, as depicted in last year's Deep Dive video, promised to get old really fast.

Is this really what you'll miss the most?



We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
That's not a "downgrade", that's a design decision and frankly it sounds less boring than "find the terminal in each zone, THEN you can do cool thing in that zone"

Y'all are quick to complain about Ubisoft towers unveiling the map. What if you could just, you know, walk around and unveil it?
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Captain Hero

The Spoiler Soldier
I don’t think the fans will care about it or anything else related to graphics ..

they can customize their Genitals now .. could you imagine that ?
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Well the hacking stuff was something that a lot of the folks that previewed didn't like. I know some said the brain dancing (I think that's what it's called?) stuff was a bit odd too. If anything this sounds like they listened to feedback and are making adjustments as a result.

REE Machine

Why are they telling us any of this lmao, just shut the fuck up about stuff you've removed, jesu christi I'm finding it hard to stay excited.

Imagine you went to a preview for a new film (run up to release so the film is finished) and had a sitdown with the director and he just told you all the things they removed from the film and the simplified shots that replaced them, over and over:

"We had this amazing idea where *describes mindblowing scene* but we couldn't make it work in the end so we scrapped it and just put in a shot of a rabbit doing a shite"

Cool, thanks.

I'd rather here about this after it releases.
Probably just lessening the blow if people expected features and then if they arent in the game they will still have a thousand questions after launch when after launch there will be bug fixes, post content etc.


The hackign they showed before was way to convoluted for average gamer. It required some sort of sudo bitcode to hack stuff. Cool as hell but it is kind of wrong to assume that 99% of people would know what is going on.

My fear about CB2077 is that gameplay will be shit. CDPR are yet to even make one game where gameplay is stellar.


I'm not sure what the hype about this game is really. It's going to be a good game, but the game is being hyped as the GREATEST THING EVER, gamers never learn that this is a lie, this game will end up not revolutionizing anything, but being extremely fun.
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Why are they telling us any of this lmao, just shut the fuck up about stuff you've removed, jesu christi I'm finding it hard to stay excited.

Imagine you went to a preview for a new film (run up to release so the film is finished) and had a sitdown with the director and he just told you all the things they removed from the film and the simplified shots that replaced them, over and over:

"We had this amazing idea where *describes mindblowing scene* but we couldn't make it work in the end so we scrapped it and just put in a shot of a rabbit doing a shite"

Cool, thanks.

I'd rather here about this after it releases.

Is like they are interviewing Peter Molineux.


Ask me about my Stream Deck
Maybe if you complain enough they will release a version with broken, unrefined mechanics so you won't have to suffer the indignity of playing they game they think people will enjoy.


This topic is why I love NeoGAF

- TLOU2 seems small downgrades to some animation transitions and some lighting / shadow work, while improving other visual elements like foliage density: "OMG THEY DOWNGRADED, STUPID NAUGHTY DOG

- Cyberpunk sees downgrades to actual core gameplay features that were being sold months back when pre-orders were open: That's grand.

For the record, I find it perfectly acceptable that some graphical tradeoffs need to be made for both gameplay and performance reasons (not to the degree of Watch Dogs or Far Cry 3), and I also find it perfectly acceptable that some gameplay elements see changes after people play test the game. Nothing wrong with any of these scenarios, and I'm not bummed that Cyberpunk is downgrading / removing certain gameplay elements. I fully trust them to deliver.


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
I'm not sure what the hype about this game is really. It's going to be a good game, but the game is being hyped as the GREATEST THING EVER, gamers never learn that this is a lie, this game will end up not revolutionizing anything, but being extremely fun.
I do think some should adjust expectations but after The Witcher 3 CDPR has earned the benefit of the doubt


Is there a coordinated attempt to try and reduce the public's hype for this game, because cd projekt red hate trans people?

Also 9/11 was an inside job!


I do think some should adjust expectations but after The Witcher 3 CDPR has earned the benefit of the doubt

Ehhh, the combat in the Witcher 3 was really bad and the quest structure got old really fast. Overall for me the world they built kept me going though. The world they've built again looks great, so that'll keep me going through the lulls in good missions.
The Graphics look good imho. Especially if next gen can do some rtx voodoo magic. I didn't like the witcher, but I am really hyped for this game. Just because it is in setting we don't get many games like that. Just hope it will have its good moments and are not just random quests random somewhere.


Not too worried about this change, it seemed even more tedious then TES’s lockpicking system. If you plan on hacking your way through the game, I can see it getting old really fast.

Though honestly they could have kept it and provide an in game upgrade to make it simpler, like a smart hack upgrade to the character.


Elements being taken out or simplified isn't necessarily a "downgrade".
Sometimes things just don't work out, or they sound good on paper but then once implemented they aren't that fun, or the system gets monotonous/repetitive really fast


there are plenty of games which cut out a lot of things. just because CDPR are honest does not mean they are doing something shady.


Doesn't sound too much like a downgrade. Sounds like the mechanic didn't work as well as they thought it might. Maybe during testing they found it too difficult or bothersome for some players to go in without being able to hack and some players just didn't want to find a APs to hack in order to do it. Memory sounds like a good comprise. Players who hack the APs have an easier time hacking than those who don't take the time to find them. Using memory is a smart way of staying within that technology space, but only if players can empty their memory as a way to fill it. Kind of like waiting for a shield to regenerate. In fact, that sounds even better. Those who hack APs now have access to a remote server so they have plenty of memory to hack, run and gun. Those who didn't limited themselves to personal memory and have to play smarter. Can even be taken as a challenge.
That doesn't look like a "downgrade" of anything remotely worth discussing about. It's a design choice and they decided to make the hacking mechanics less of a pace killer. I usually hate hacking minigames. So why would this ever be a bad thing?
I'm not too worried. While I liked the idea, I haven't tested it in action and they have. Besides, it will be added back in on PC for sure. Heck, there are still modders trying to make Witcher 3 look just like the E3 reveal. Even animations. I'll just try it then and see if I want to keep it.

Actually, having said that I just realized how much of a modding gold mine this game has the potential to be. Holy heck, there's so much you could do here...


The nicest person on this forum
Thats how game developments works, if thats considered "downgrade" then 99% of all games got "downgrades"


some people like to complain about the lack of vag options, some people like to complain about mechanics being streamlined, but they all like to complain before having actually played it.
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