
Cyberpunk 2077 - Hacking was Simplified and Resembles Magic
On the official message board of CD Projekt RED, reports based on the latest issue of Gamestar magazine have appeared, suggesting that the hacking mechanics in Cyberpunk 2077 have been simplified and now resemble a fantasy game's magic system in some ways.

The original concept was that we would have to hack a so-called access point in a given place and only then we would be able to use "quick hacks" (programs called daemons) on enemies, so that e.g. we can overheat the weapon of one of them or force them to kill themselves. It turns out that currently there is no need to take control over the access point. Using daemons only requires a scan of the opponent in question, so we can find out where we can hit them.
Additionally, the mechanic uses a resource called memory, which slowly regenerates. We spend it using daemons (this aspect of the game was mentioned by several youtubers, who were invited by CD Projekt RED to test an early version of the game). As a result, the whole thing looks a bit like magic from many classic fantasy RPGs (e.g. The Elder Scrolls series), in which we pay for casting spells with mana.
It's worth noting that the so-called access points are still in the game, but in a heavily modified form. In some places we can make an initial hack, which enables us to reduce the cost of using daemons. However, everything indicates that it no longer requires sneaking into a particular place - everything is done remotely.