I got a job working at McDonalds, but I'll be damned if they think I'm still going to be working there by the time Christmas rolls around.
It's not a horrible job by any means, you get some decent benefits, my managers are nice, but fuck is it stressful. Some days I get so nervous before going in because I know how much shit I'm going to have to deal with.
Like the other day-
We're having a rush, we've only got one guy in the kitchen, and me on cash. I take two people's orders, I can't take a third without having to make them wait a long ass time for their food. Well this lady who's in third, who I haven't served yet, is getting her fucking panties in a bunch. She's one of those bitchy, power walker types (Either jog, or walk, don't pretend). She's pumping her arms as she makes her way up to the cash. "Excuse me, hey, yo, can you take my order please, come on, hurry". Fine, she'll have to wait, I really don't give a fuck. I take her order, tell her it'll be awhile. "I don't have awhile". Well fuck you lady. I'm grabbing whatever I can for the other orders, I get one of the orders that was on backlog done. Now I can focus on the next customer. Too bad the biotch won't let me. "Excuse me, I'm in a rush, let's go, let's go". Her food was still being made. I'm making my other customer's order when her burger is ready. Just her burger. She interrupts me, comes up behind the counter and starts pointing towards her burger. She pushes aside the other customers, starts telling me what to do. "Okay, see that, that's a hamburger. Put it in the bag for me. Now see those, those are fries. Put those in the bag for me. Now see that, that's a cup, we drink from that. Give me one of those." Hey bitch, why don't you shut the fuck up. "Hurry, hurry, now get me some apple slices, hurry, okay, bye". She pushes aside some more customers, they start whispering under their breath, and she turns around, because she heard. Oh shit. "Excuse me?" One of the customers tells her to relax. "Fuck off, I'm in a hurry". She storms off. I apologize to the customers, and get them there food. I have no clue where the fuck my manager was then, probably taking the trash out or something. Just as I finish getting the customers their food, the lady comes back. She forgot her sunglasses. One of the customers makes a comment. Then.... all out war.
"Ha, you forgot your sunglasses. Maybe if you slowed down a bit."
"Oh, you know what. Fuck you bitch. Fuck you. Fuck off!"
The customer's husband comes up to defend her.
"Fuck you woman, you're crazy, get out of here if you're in such a hurry."
"Oh, fuck off old man."
"No, fuck you! You crazy bitch! Screw you!"
The lady storms off, swearing her head off. Meanwhile, there's like a bunch of five year olds in the restaurant with their hands over their ears.
Fucking crazy bitch.
Working fast food is fucking crazy stressful. That's just one example. I've had people come up to me and try to order their food in Russian, despite the fact that the employees only speak English or French (I work in Montreal). Other times, you'll just have disgruntled people who don't know what they're ordering, then bitch at you for giving them the wrong thing.
But, for all the bad events, there are some happy memories..... but not as many