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Anyone else here used vaping to get off smoking?


I'd tried a few times to quit smoking, but just never stuck with it and ended up smoking again. I've been a long time smoke, from when I was 18 till 35 and I'd heard of vaping but never really looked into it. Around November last year one of my mates brought a vaper out and I had a go on it. I wasn't sold but I was curious, it was significantly cheaper than smoking and didn't smell horrid like cigarettes so I ended up getting a vaper, some freebase nicotine and flavours thinking what the hell, it's only costing me what I'd spend in a week or two on smokes anyway. I think the biggest problem I had with quitting smoking was boredom more than the nicotine. It was just having something between my fingers. If I was actively engaged in doing something I barely touched a cigarette, but as soon as I stopped I was basically chain smoking.

I kind of found with vaping I just replaced the cigarette in my hand to the vaper and I started out with 6mg of nicotine. Fast forward 5 months and I've had 2 cigarettes since I started vaping instead; both of them I hated and were in the first week, so I've now gone months without a smoke and my breathing feels waaay better for it. I don't get nearly as out of breathe. Not saying vaping is better than not vaping, but it's sure as shit been much better than smoking and now after all these months I've started going without adding any nicotine to much flavours.

Have to say, I'm pretty happy with myself for it. Of course the downside is that I'm now carrying this heavy ass vape around (mine is designed to be entirely water proof, dust proof, mostly impact proof and it uses a 4300mah battery so it's bit of a pig) and flavours can be lucky dip at times so I have a bunch I bought but don't like but other than that, I'm just glad I got off the smoking.

Anyone else given it a go as a smoking cessation device?


I did, and then used alcohol to get off vaping, now I use tincture to get off everything else, its a vicious cycle but I have to have one vice.
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The lesser of two evils
Yes i know :) but seems you don't want to stop...for example i don't want (well in my 20's i have stopped for two years) ....but i saw my father,One day he Say no more cigarettes,and he never smoked a cigarette ,end he don't have replaced cigarettes with something else...if you want you can do it,it's hard but not impossible...if you continue to using vapo you don't ever get off smocking ..
Is only my ideas of course :)


Gold Member
Yes i know :) but seems you don't want to stop...for example i don't want (well in my 20's i have stopped for two years) ....but i saw my father,One day he Say no more cigarettes,and he never smoked a cigarette ,end he don't have replaced cigarettes with something else...if you want you can do it,it's hard but not impossible...if you continue to using vapo you don't ever get off smocking ..
Is only my ideas of course :)

Not every one can quit the same way. Some people can go cold turkey, while other need to step down. Vaping can really help with the step down method since the nicotine levels in the e-juice are variable. There are 0% nicotine e-juices available. So once someones gets down to the 3% nicotine levels, they can start cutting it with the 0% in increasing amounts until they are over the physical nicotine addiction. Even if someone doesn't want to quit right now, reducing the nicotine in what they are consuming is probably beneficial and would make quitting easier if/when they do decide to quit.

Someone that vapes that wants to quit could also buy a flavour that they detest as a way of weaning them self. Hate pineapple? Get a low nicotine pineapple e-juice. That way you'll only hit it when the craving is too much... or you'll learn to enjoy pineapple. (and start putting on your pizza)

While still questionable health wise, vaping propylene glycol or vegtable glycerin base e-juice is still better then inhaling smoke from a traditional cigarette.
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lil puff

I've considered it, but never took the plunge.

One day I will switch over. It'd be nice to have a smoke in the restroom at work.

I'm tired of "stepping out" for a break at home and work.


Spoiler Tag Abuser
Switching to vaping means your clothes don't reek, your body doesn't feel like shit, you wallet gets fatter and your habit tastes considerably better (not to mention how it's universally accepted as healthier than cigarettes).

There's really no reason not to switch.

Cigarettes taste like ass after you've vaped for even a week straight.


Cigarettes taste like ass after you've vaped for even a week straight.

Not necessarily. I still love them, and particularly the smell when a friend has one. But I'm able to keep away now, been going over 3 years now on just vapes.

I have had a smoke exactly twice in those 3 years, when my device was unavailable. Loved it, but thankfully did not fall off the wagon and get back into it.

I've considered it, but never took the plunge.

One day I will switch over. It'd be nice to have a smoke in the restroom at work.

I'm tired of "stepping out" for a break at home and work.

lol health benefits? Meh.
I can be even lazier with breaks? Sign me up!
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Spoiler Tag Abuser
Not necessarily. I still love them, and particularly the smell when a friend has one. But I'm able to keep away now, been going over 3 years now on just vapes.

I have had a smoke exactly twice in those 3 years, when my device was unavailable. Loved it, but thankfully did not fall off the wagon and get back into it.
That's pretty interesting to me. Did you smoke menthols by any chance?

I used to smoke Camel Turkish Royals and I'd settled on those after trying so many different things, but when I didn't have any vape stuff one day at work, I went out and bought a pack of Camels and I suffered through the 2-3 I ended up smoking that day.

Fortunately now I could just grab a Juul or something at a Wawa instead of a pack of cigarettes if I ever ran out of juice or couldn't charge my device or whatever else could possibly happen.


always chasing the next thrill
yup tried smoking an e cigarette for 2 weeks felt like an effing idiot never smoked again that was 5 years ago


That's pretty interesting to me. Did you smoke menthols by any chance?

I used to smoke Camel Turkish Royals and I'd settled on those after trying so many different things, but when I didn't have any vape stuff one day at work, I went out and bought a pack of Camels and I suffered through the 2-3 I ended up smoking that day.

Fortunately now I could just grab a Juul or something at a Wawa instead of a pack of cigarettes if I ever ran out of juice or couldn't charge my device or whatever else could possibly happen.

Nope, I've actually always hated menthols. And as a Canadian, I've always found American cigarettes have a very pronounced cigar-like taste. The only ones I ever enjoyed were Marlboros, they have that taste too, but it wasn't as strong to me. I very much enjoy Marlboro lights.

Good for you man, it's hard to shake. I have backup devices at home I can use if something goes wrong, but if I'm out and about and my shit stops working, I turn to the nearest smoker and get them to hook me up lol.


I started vaping 10 years ago in its infancy - tried several different models and all. After a few years of vaping, I just quit entirely... till the stress of divorce, I gave in and started smoking again. And realizing that it's not doing any good for me, I went back to vaping.

And I like vaping much better. I don't feel like poop in the morning and myself/house doesn't smell like smoke either... and it's so much cheaper than buying regular cigarettes.


Why don't you just quit it? If you really wanna stop you will. My mom smoked for years (30+), she tried a few times but not because she really wanted. One day she decided and that was it.


Contacted PSN to add his card back to his account
The lesser of two evils
Switching to vaping means your clothes don't reek, your body doesn't feel like shit, you wallet gets fatter and your habit tastes considerably better (not to mention how it's universally accepted as healthier than cigarettes).

There's really no reason not to switch.

Cigarettes taste like ass after you've vaped for even a week straight.

I thought the same until I gave up vaping. After few months not vaping I still have and feel a need - something that didn't happen with normal tabaco smoking.
What I am trying to say that addiction to vaping is much stronger then to tabaco or at least was in my case.
Now I don't smoke nor I vape so it is best option.

Be careful with vaping. The ability to smoke it anywhere and any time addicts you more!

Dark Star

vaping is a pretty cheap and safe alternative in the long-run

you won't damage your teeth/gums with vaping, it's the healthiest option

start with 24 mg nic and work your way down to 3 mg nic ... you'll be impressed at the difference in quality of health after a few months ... weeks even.
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I’m in the deep end of the vaping space. I spent a few thousand on mods last year alone, mostly Vicious Ant mods. But I tend to use only 2 setups despite the amount of gear I own. I use my Vicious Ant Spade 21700 DNA mod with a Wotofo Profile RDA. And a Vicious Ant Titanium Primo with a Taifun GT4 on top. I’ve just started using the Taifun with a SS316 setup in replay mode which is giving really nice results at low wattage.

I’m not a fan of dual coil builds. I prefer a single spaced coil and vaping at a max of 50ish watts with my RDA. 15-20 watts lower in the Taifun.


I had to just stop completely. I have a sweet tooth and all the flavors with a good mod I was pretty much a vape fiend. When I smoked I was a relatively light smoker, only a pack in a week or so. Sweet nicotine is one of life’s great hedonistic pleasures, but I’m older now and I’m not trying to have this addiction in later life.
Never smoked, want to try vaping, but not sure. I don't think I need it, but it might be interesting. I hear you can vape non-nicotine things as well, it might help with some anxiety and headache stuff if you can.
Switched to the vape 8 months ago after smoking for 6 years. Worked my way down from 12mg to 3mg and my next batch of flavours will be 1.5mg. I can also attest to the many benefits of vaping over smoking, particularly the health benefits, I feel much, much better in general. Cigarette smoke makes me feel sick now and I kick myself for starting in the first place. Hoping to quit completely before the year anniversary of dropping the ciggies.

One of the best things about vaping is that I spend 2000 roubles ($13) on 600ml of vape juice, it lasts me about 2 and a half months. Unbelievable how much cheaper it is. My wallet is happy.

I was a reluctant smoker for about two years before I stopped, but once a beer was in my system I couldn’t resist. Also always had one with the morning coffee. It’s a habitual cycle I found it really tough to break. Vaping may not be good for you, but I recommend it to everyone who needs that extra kick up the backside to stop smoking.
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Switching to vaping means your clothes don't reek, your body doesn't feel like shit, you wallet gets fatter and your habit tastes considerably better (not to mention how it's universally accepted as healthier than cigarettes).

There's really no reason not to switch.

Cigarettes taste like ass after you've vaped for even a week straight.

This 100%.

I tend to feel a little sick if I have even 1 or 2.
Vaping the way to go.
I'm trying to cut out the vaping entirely but don't feel as pressured to do so.


I started vaping to get off cigarettes. Worked like a charm. I have no intention or interest in quitting vaping, however.


I statred vaping to cut into my smoking habit. At the time it was more economical (barely is today in NJ), but the major issue I had with my habit wasn't health-relates but the lack of control.

Being able to hit my Juul (which I highly recommend to cigarette smokers over anything else) a few times during work can douse that panicky anxiety when I feel like I MUST have a cigarette at work, or anywhere else that taking a break would be disruptive.

Mr Hyde

No, I quit smoking just using pure self-discipline. Going cold turkey right from the get go and now it´s been six years since I smoked my last cigarette. I don´t believe in replacing bad habits with other similar bad habits, even if the replacement is a healthier choice.
As someone who was blessed with working tobacco as a kid and who has never smoked as a result. . .

Getting off of cigarettes and onto vapor delivery is sparing your lungs from being filled with tar and char. After grading (i.e. separating leaves based on quality/nicotine content) my hands were always crusted with tar. It took forever to get them clean with pumice cleaner. That same build-up is going in your lungs.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I hate cigarettes. They smell really bad and it's a pain in the ass to light them and then you have the whole ashtray bit. Vaping is so much cleaner even if it is not as safe as regular smoking.


I vape now instead of smoking and i breathe a hell of a lot better than i used to, it is a better way of smoking and my fav fruity vape tastes miles better than tobacco.


I changed from cigarettes to vaping as well. I was a strong smoker so I started with 18mg of nicotine to still have that “effect” in my throat. Now I’m down to 9 and my next order of liquid will be 6mg. Goal is to reach zero.

Mr Hyde

11 years since I smoked a cigarette. Best decision I've made in my entire life. You feel so much healthier without such poison 💪

Kings Field

currently using Zyn to cut back on smoking and eventually quit. Im a pack a day smoker and zyn helped me cut back to half a pack so far.
Tried it a few times, but it just doesn’t scratch the same itch. I do usually carry a battery with a thc cart for discreet public weed toking though.

Little Mac

I did. I was a smoker for about 17-18 years and then was finally able to quit in my mid 30s. Tried the nicotine gum at first but would fall off after a week or so. I then started using an e-cig where you fill it with flavored liquid containing nicotine at various strengths. I started at the max level (equivalent to a Marbarl Red) and every few weeks I'd decrease the nicotine amount in the liquid until there was no nicotine. I then slowly replaced vaping with chewing gum. That was almost 7-8 years ago and I haven't smoked a cig since.

There are two sides to this war. The chemical addiction and the oral fixation. You need to address both. Also doing your best to reduce stressors in your life goes a long way too. I also had to give up drinking alcohol during the process as well as avoid friends and family that were smokers. Anyways, to anyone looking to quit, good luck.
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