Impressions I posted earlier:
The game is alot of fun. There are 4 different game types right now (they might add some in the next patch), and each has at least 10 maps. Assault seems like the main mode, in which you try and capture and protect bases around the map. TDM is a little strange, there are multiple bases in it, and the maps seem a little big. King Of the Hill is alot of fun since everybody is trying to reach the same location, always somethign to shoot at. The game is alot (3-4 times) smoother than the last demo, and it looks basically the same. Working together with a group of people on a voice program (Teamspeak, Ventrillo), makes the game that much more immersive.
There are some graphical glitches, and my game occasionaly crasher, but aside from that, and the huge amount of snipers, I couldn't reccomend the game more.
Edit: You currently don't have to pay for anything, and it looks like you never will. I get around 20-30 FPS with a Radeon 9000, but those 30 FPS seem really smooth to me. If you go to a huge map though, you will have FPS in the single digits, so don't get scared straight away. The Arms Market (AAS) is a good map to test your FPS on.