House of Blues, good call... you'll also see Marina City, the towers that rise above the house of blues.. thats where I want to live one day when I have enough money... and they are also in the background of the new "overnight celebrity" video by twista..
michigan ave/state st, great streets to browse...
sears tower is also amazing, you can see my house in the suburbs from it... it amazes me, that driving down a street in my suburb (st charles ave) i can actually see the sears tower.. its so fucking tall..
the area around ohio/lasalle is alot of fun too.. hard rock cafe, rock n roll mcdonalds, ESPN Zone, etc etc.. all there..
watch out for bums that want money, they are the meanest, craziest, most harassing bums in the world in chicago..
also, check out wrigley field or comiskey park if you get the chance.. just dont wander far from comiskey...
and also check out cabrini green if you get the chance.. you'll get to see the setting for the original "candyman" movie.. stop and see the locals, they are very nice.