This thread is dedicated solely to women's wrestling in a desperate attempt to counter the "diva's match bathroom break" that's been running rampant across not just this community, but all wrestling communities
Be the change that you wish to see in the world - Mahatma Gandhi

Contrary to what the internet would like you to think, WWE's divas division isn't that bad. Obviously there's a huge problem of not giving them nearly enough time, but in terms of raw talent this is a very solid division with plenty of good wrestlers and Cameron.

Non active

Despite the obviously small pool of talent, NXT's women's division is highly regarded simply because they get time to perform, good storylines, and are generally treated with respect. Rafa might be upset that Alexa Bliss isn't a 50 time champion, but them's the brakes.

Non Active

This roster is fucking ridiculous, but there's a bunch of good talent in here like Mia Yim, Madison Eagles, and Ivelisse. Admittedly I've never watched Shine, so let's hear what some prominent Wrasslegaffers have to say instead
I really enjoyed the last Shine event that I watched, I had to put down my custom Chingy/Petey Pablo mixtape (I NEVER put down my custom Chingy/Petey Pablo mixtape) and I didn't even regret it" - Vince McMahon
[comments inaudible, most likely due to microphone height] - BronsonLee
The Sopranos is a good TV show - strobogo

Apr 3 2015 - 9:00pm
SHINE Wrestling presents
Friday, April 3rd, 2015
Bell Time - 9 PM
The Orpheum
1915 E. 7th Avenue
Ybor City, FL
Order Tickets at www.SHINEWrestling.com
Watch in HD at www.WWNLive.com
Title vs. Title
SHINE Champion Mia Yim vs. NWA World Women's Champion Santana
No Disqualification
Jessicka Havok & Leva vs. Sweet Saraya Knight & Su Yung
B.T.Y of Jayme Jameson & Marti Belle w/ Andréa vs. Daff's All Star Squad of Crazy Mary Dobson &
Solo Darling w/ Daffney
Plus More Featuring:
-SHINE Tag Team Champions The Kimber Bombs of Kimber Lee & Cherry Bomb
-SHIMMER Tag Team Champion Kellie Skater
-Madison Eagles
-Allysin Kay
-KayLee Ray
-Nikki Storm
-La Rosa Negra
-Shazza McKenzie
-Live Event Hostess Heather Lynn

Impact's knockouts division is still really good stuff, even if the entire promotion is burning to the ground around them. Kong vs Havok was a hot program with a good payoff, TNA may be a joke but luckily the knockouts are not.

Shimmer is good, Shimmer is so so good, Shimmer is soooooooooooo good. Shimmer's got fantastic wrestling and while their last event was a few days ago you can still order it, you owe it to yourself.
I can't really give you a current list here, Shimmer still uses a damn blogspot site as their website and they don't have a list of current talent, only a list of every talent they've ever had, so here's an Empire gif instead

The ChickFight Tournament at SHIMMER 71 will be a one day, twelve woman, single elimination tournament! The winner will receive a SHIMMER Championship match in the future. The tournament will be held under the same format as the Volcano Girls event of ten years ago, with three brackets. There will be six first round matches, three second round matches, and a three-way elimination final match to determine the tournament winner.
Eleven of the twelve tournament competitors have already been announced for participation:
Cheerleader Melissa
Candice LeRae
Mia Yim
"The Wrestling Goddess" Athena
Kimber Lee
"Best in the Galaxy" Nikki Storm
Nicole Savoy
Cherry Bomb
Jessicka Havok
Portia Perez
Look for the last competitor to be revealed during the remaining days leading up to the event!
Plus, in non-tournament action, a SHIMMER Championship match will also be featured as part of SHIMMER 71!
SHIMMER 71 will be available live on iPPV at WWNLive.com and as VOD mp4's after the fact at ClickWrestle.com.
Wall Of Shame