GodsTyro said:Are you depressed?
Doth Togo said:No, I feel just fine.
Belfast said:Yeah, I've been down a lot lately. Especially since the past 2 years have been some of the best of my life, this comes as being extremely strange. I'm kind of leaning towards the chemical imbalance side of things, but like you, I don't want to take any medication. But as far as I know, drugs may be necessary in that case. I have nothing to be sad about. Lately I've tended to be much more sensitive to situations that I see on TV, in movies, etc. than I would have had no problem dealing with a couple months ago. Kind of like seeing something on TV and then fretting about how it would feel to be in that situation, even though I know its completely illogical to think I would even find myself in a spot like that. Sometimes I can be pretty happy still, but others I just feel depressed, like I'm not connecting well with other people and that I don't feel like I want to do *anything.*
Once again, I lean towards the chemical imbalance thing, because I sit here and I know that this is not how I should be or normally feel. There is nothing genuinely wrong in my life. I was doing fine in school, I have a nice girlfriend, I have supportive parents. My group of friends was somewhat deteriorating (fewer people wanting to hang out and all due to drama and other things), but this has been happening for awhile and it would've happened a lot earlier if that was such a big issue. So, I realize I feel this way, and I don't WANT to feel this way, but I can't just will myself out of it (I've tried). I've been seeing a psychologist for anxiety problems that also started a couple months ago for no reason, so I'll likely bring this up with her next time I go.
This is always the obligatory yet useless advice. There's always going to be someone worse off than you are, but that doesn't make your life good and happy by default. Besides, it's hard to feel happy when the chemicals in your brain are fucked up and out of balance....aka, clinical depression.DaCocoBrova said:For those that do feel as though they're depressed... Take time to think about being in the same situation, but in a wheel chair... Or in jail... Or something.
Can always be worse. Try not to dwell on negativity.
GodsTyro said:Yeah, it's the same with me..I'm very sensitive towards things that most people would ignore (films, poverty, etc.)
But like I said..I don't think any of this requires a medical treatment..sure there might be a chemical imbalance but the body IS a friggin chemical imbalance lol..it's not like depressed people are physically disabled or somehting (and I agree with the other guy that it could be much, much worst) and this is something one has control over..it's not hard to change perspectives and try to be positive about things.
Try telling that to someone who's brain chemicals are so fucked up they hallucinate voices that convince them to kill themselves.But like I said..I don't think any of this requires a medical treatment..sure there might be a chemical imbalance but the body IS a friggin chemical imbalance lol..it's not like depressed people are physically disabled or somehting
demon said:This is always the obligatory yet useless advice. There's always going to be someone worse off than you are, but that doesn't make your life good and happy by default. Besides, it's hard to feel happy when the chemicals in your brain are fucked up and out of balance....aka, clinical depression.
As for me, I've been depressed in general lately, mainly because I'm nearly out of college and have zero direction and no real social life now. But I'm coming to accept that, and I'm trying to focus on the fact that I'm still (relatively) really young and still have a chance to dick around and explore for the next several years. It's just kind of hard to get in that mode when you've been psychologically locked up for a long time and seem to have lost the feeling of knowing what it's like to truly have fun and enjoy life.
I dunno, that sounds a little too cynical and jaded to me.....considering that humans are innately social creatures meant to interact with one another, and that most of the best times I've had in my past were with other people, I wouldn't say having a social life and friends is "overrated".GodsTyro said:The second part of what you said..I've found myself thinking the same thing from time to time and I wouldn't doubt that most young people in this period of their life feel the same way ie. no direction cuz our educational system is overly competitive and no social life cuz really no one has a social life..unless u make it for urself..we seem to believe that itll come to usso basically everyones alone cuz theyre too afraid to look for anyone else and i think thats a dysfunction which stems from our society. Anyway, I've always theorized that these things are trivial because the whole social life thing is highly overrated..sure it feels good or whatever to have a few (or more) friends..but I think people seem to have superficial expectations about it..why not take some of that energy and put it towards making a name for yourself in this world..becoming a writer, a political or religious leader, artist or whatever it may be..believe me, ur social life wont last several years down the line and it certainly wont after ur death..at least do something to have made a name for urself as long as the world exists..ya know?
Freeburn said:I used to suffer depression, and took years to even recognise the fact.
About 10-15 years ago I started recognising my mood swings as being "not quite normal" with week-long bouts of hyper-elation (everything's good! - Isn't life grand?) swinging to months of "severe blues" (Everything sucks! - Isn't life pointless).
Freeburn said:I never took any drugs for it as I felt I should be able to deal with my own issues sans medication.
That on its own is good advice. But to say that one should "always be happy because there's always someone worse off than you" can be turned around as you should never be happy because there's always someone better off than you. Reality is, you're not someone else, you don't live in their world, and it doesn't matter. If my life is crap and I have a lot of bad things going for me and nothing good in my life, thinking about the legless bum on the street corner isn't going to make me feel any better.But the underlying message is to enjoy what you can when you can and to stop complaining about dumb sh!t.
and go tornado chasing in one form or another
So you feel depressed that you will die without leaving your mark on the world? People always want to accomplish more then they can, it's what makes us human. What you should think about is if you really want to be remembered by the history books or by people in your life. I believe once you die, your only presence in the world a hereafter is the memories held by those who knew you. It's those connections you shared with people and the memories that they hold, they are the only things left once you leave.GodsTyro said:at least do something to have made a name for urself as long as the world exists..ya know?
for some reason, nothing ever gets me down. there must be a chemical explanation for my constant feel-good buzz. it's almost as if i'm not human. i guess i should feel guilty about not being an emotional person, but that doesn't bother me either. maybe there's a drug the school system should have forced down my throat to fix me ;p
MrAngryFace said:There's feeling down, and there's depressed. When youre feeling down you can be cheered up. When youre depressed youre generally in it for the long haul, and worst of all, all by yourself. Cause when you are depressed people cant really pull you out of it because its a state of mind that requires a person to essentially fix themselves.
Easier said than done since it SEEMS impossible to understand the positivity of others, and for that reason there's no way out. Whats worse is that some people become so used to being depressed, they work to be so.
I worry sometimes thats where I am right now.
As for philosophy, it can make things worse since it deconstructs the soul of existence into parts which when seperate are utterly meaningless, and thats a bad thing for someone prone to depression. However as a person who suffers constant depression, I am repulsed by the idea that happiness is found at the end of the path of ignorance. There has to be another way, inner peace or some shit.
MoxManiac said:I'm not sure why people are so adverse to anti depressants, i've been on effexor for awhile and it seems to help. I'll probably be off it in 6-8 months, and i'm sure it will have had a positive effect on the physical side of my depression.
GodsTyro said:Also, I would like to ask the rest of you (given that we created a little group of depressed people here)..would you say that self-image/self-esteem whatever is a BIG contributing part of the depression? cuz i kinda have a theory that it is..perhaps the only part..and there can be things done to cure that in its entirity...cuz ive always kinda thought that if u think ur good looking or have a lot of confidence theres almost no way to be depressed (even if there are established chemical imbalances)
..i dunno if i should expect an honest answer about this tho![]()
GodsTyro said:Also, I would like to ask the rest of you (given that we created a little group of depressed people here)..would you say that self-image/self-esteem whatever is a BIG contributing part of the depression? cuz i kinda have a theory that it is..perhaps the only part..and there can be things done to cure that in its entirity...cuz ive always kinda thought that if u think ur good looking or have a lot of confidence theres almost no way to be depressed (even if there are established chemical imbalances)
..i dunno if i should expect an honest answer about this tho![]()