Anyone know when the Jack the Ripper DLC is coming out?
December...no exact date yet
Anyone know when the Jack the Ripper DLC is coming out?
Anyone know when the Jack the Ripper DLC is coming out?
December...no exact date yet
I did one of the fight clubs last night where in the final round a invisible enemy hopped into the ring and beat my ass. It didn't even allow me to get into combat with the enemy. lol.
Huge Spoiler below:
You play as the grandaughter-niece of Evie and Jacob, and there is an entire free roam section in WW1 occupied London, and you work with Winston Churchill who wants to recruit you into the secret service.
The main male is Roger Pera in spanish. His the usual voice actor of Matt damon in Spain, great funny voice.
He also has done Phoenx Wright's and the main character from dying light in videogames. The main female is also a famous voice actress.
If something Ubisoft does great everytime, is making amazing spanish dubs on their games, at least on the Assassin Creeds.
Cant say the same about the bugs.
Huge Spoiler below:
You play as the grandaughter-niece of Evie and Jacob, and there is an entire free roam section in WW1 occupied London, and you work with Winston Churchill who wants to recruit you into the secret service.
I did one of the fight clubs last night where in the final round a invisible enemy hopped into the ring and beat my ass. It didn't even allow me to get into combat with the enemy. lol.
I know, I'm Spanish.
Oh, you and me both then lol
Is your video?
There is another user of a Spanish forum
How's the framerate on PS4?
How's the framerate on PS4?
Vandal maybe?
'shopped for fun
Honestly this looks bad to me. Buildings look flat and cardboard-like. Probably looks better in motion though.
I know you from elotrolado.Elotrolado
Honestly this looks bad to me. Buildings look flat and cardboard-like. Probably looks better in motion though.