[Release Data]
Platform: Playstation Vita (Digital Only)
Publisher: Tecmo-Koei
Localization: NIS America
File Size: 2922 MB
Genre: RPG
Release Date (NA): March 19, 2013
Release Date (EU/AUS): March 20, 2013
NA PSN Store Page Here!
EU PSN Store Page Here!
Quick and Dirty OT! Since the game is essentially the same as the PS3 version, here is the PS3 Version's OT!
[Plus what, exactly?]
PS3 DLC! All the DLC that you had to buy with the PS3 version should be included. Meaning the DLC Characters, Ceci, Cordelia, and Iksel should already be in the game! Good time to check out the characters if you never bought them on the PS3 version. Also there is the BGM DLC which allows you to switch the BGM for the workshops, for battle, and for boss fights with songs from previous games in the Atelier series or older Gust games (that aren't Ar tonelico) outside the series!
New costumes! New costumes, such as a Devil Bikini and the Angel Swimsuit for Totori are available as DLC, and you can get them for free if you purchase the game on PSN before April 12th. There are also several others in game, such as a maid costume that you can seemingly synthesize...
Accessories! Totori can now wear accessories such as glasses!
New Dungeon! Orthogalaxen, one of the final dungeons from Atelier Rorona makes an appearance in Atelier Totori Plus! Loaded with two new difficult bosses, new recipes, and materials!
New Illustration Section! You can now view some of Kishida Mel's Atelier Totori artwork under "Event Stills" in the Extras section.
Japanese Voices! Not a new feature but considering the whole Ayesha voice fiasco, I figured people would like to know Japanese voices are indeed, included!
Credits: Gunloc for pointing out that the DLC costumes are free with purchase until April 12th, Varion for info on Orthogalaxen!