Some suggestions:

Yeah that's how it's supposed to work. The problem is no one really cares about this bet. There's no emotional investment here like there was with Ragnarok.I thought the winners hand out the punishment, not the losers.
This is such a dumb avatar, has nothing to do with Starfield or the delay, what am I missing?
lmao I’m taking that one
Lol yeah I walk into those date traps all the time. Should be YYYYMMDD !!!![]()
me seeing the date and remembering the avatar bet thread
realising its the stupid American backwards ass system
this is gold, literal gold, thanks dude.
Alright, ill let any of the winners reply to this with your hand picked avatar.
Just pick the 1:1 format and at least make it somewhat related.
You lose if the game has no bugs.Wait.. so does this mean we all lose the bet when it's delayed again?
I think it's up toDenchDeckard
Nah, 1 month is enough for me.I personally think the people that voted no, and the community get to decide the avatars we have to rock until launch day of the game.
What do you all think?
Nah, 1 month is enough for me.
Alright, will do it!Jim Ryan avatar it is then.
DenchDeckard @abacab driver D Desless1
StereoVsn @amigastar
STARSBarry @Camreezie @spartan30gr @Vr46 @Katajx
AJUMP23 @YuLY @Helghan
Lets go lads.
time to bet for 2023 or 2024 i think.
i can already see the “to hit extra polish standard bethesda games are known for, we made the difficult decision to…” tweet
I never wagered.Jim Ryan avatar it is then.
DenchDeckard @abacab driver D Desless1
StereoVsn @amigastar
STARSBarry @Camreezie @spartan30gr @Vr46 @Katajx
AJUMP23 @YuLY @Helghan
Lets go lads.
I'm predicting H2 2023, probably September.
Haha totally forgott about this. Stupid in hindsightJim Ryan avatar it is then.
DenchDeckard @abacab driver D Desless1
StereoVsn @amigastar
STARSBarry @Camreezie @spartan30gr @Vr46 @Katajx
AJUMP23 @YuLY @Helghan
Lets go lads.
So we going with Jim Ryan or Todd Bae?
Needs to be Jimwardo.
I wear it with pride lolI guess your beautiful picture comes from a lost bet?