Danjin44 The nicest person on this forum Wednesday at 7:55 PM #1 Neat idea but I dont think the execution is all that great. Last edited: Wednesday at 8:02 PM
Danjin44 The nicest person on this forum Wednesday at 8:00 PM #3 Reizo Ryuu said: Looking at the thread title like Click to expand...
Mister Wolf Member Wednesday at 8:02 PM #5 Baki and Yujiro are supposed to be in Tekken as guests. We all know it.
Soodanim Member Wednesday at 8:04 PM #7 Watched the trailer just to understand what the title was meant to say. Something like this could be a quaint little mobile game, but I don't see any appeal to any console audience beyond the nichiest of niches.
Watched the trailer just to understand what the title was meant to say. Something like this could be a quaint little mobile game, but I don't see any appeal to any console audience beyond the nichiest of niches.
Danny Dudekisser I paid good money for this Dynex! Wednesday at 8:05 PM #8 I like the concept, but it feels really cheap.
Danjin44 The nicest person on this forum Wednesday at 8:07 PM #9 Danny Dudekisser said: I like the concept, but it feels really cheap. Click to expand... Yeah, 2D animation is not all that great.
Danny Dudekisser said: I like the concept, but it feels really cheap. Click to expand... Yeah, 2D animation is not all that great.
Space Runaway Member Wednesday at 8:14 PM #11 I'm a fan of Baki and Punch-Out so conceptually this interests me. Does look on the cheap side and the sound effects are way too weak. Looks to be an amusing novelty, at least.
I'm a fan of Baki and Punch-Out so conceptually this interests me. Does look on the cheap side and the sound effects are way too weak. Looks to be an amusing novelty, at least.
Aldynes Member Wednesday at 8:18 PM #13 They should've go the way garouden breakblow did on PS2 Last edited: Wednesday at 8:19 PM
L lestar Member Wednesday at 8:26 PM #14 Alan Silvestro said: But but this game is a skin for Thunder Ray! Click to expand... They even re-skinned the trailer
Alan Silvestro said: But but this game is a skin for Thunder Ray! Click to expand... They even re-skinned the trailer
Robot Carnival Member Wednesday at 8:36 PM #15 they need to work on the sound effect more if that's what they're going with. it doesn't have that impact at all.
they need to work on the sound effect more if that's what they're going with. it doesn't have that impact at all.
ShirAhava Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world Wednesday at 9:00 PM #17 Been a Baki fan since the 1994 OVA and this ain't it Should be like the 2005 Fist of the North Star game Last edited: Wednesday at 9:01 PM
Been a Baki fan since the 1994 OVA and this ain't it Should be like the 2005 Fist of the North Star game