The Living Tribunal

Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
Developer: The Behemoth (The creators of Castle Crashers and Alien Hominid)
Platform: Xbox 360
Genre: Platformer
Players: 1-4 (Local and online)
ESRB: Teen
Price: 1200 MSP
Release Date: April 3, 2013
The Story: Having shipwrecked on a mysterious island you find yourself and all of your friends both betrayed by your all-around bestest friend Hatty Hattington and captured by the locals (a bunch of deranged cats) who force you into deadly performances in their theater.
This however, is just the beginning of your problems...

Multiplayer Arena Modes:
The arena modes of BattleBlock Theater can be played by up to four people playing in separate teams.
Grab the Gold - Each team must collect gold periodically released by a golden whale flying around the stage and then deposit it inside a safe which is also floating freely somewhere in the stage. Successfully banked gold become points for the team. If a player dies, all gold gathered will fall out of that player, giving the other players a chance to steal them away.
Soul - Players try to kill members of the opposite team. Once a player dies, their soul comes out and can be held onto by the other team. A team's score constantly increases as long as they holds the soul of their opponents. The more souls held, the faster the score increases.
Color the World - This mode has the players try to touch every single gray block in the level. When a player touches a block, it begins to blink that team's color and eventually solidifies. If the opposing team touches the block before the color solidifies they have a chance to steal it, but solid colored blocks cannot be stolen. Occasionally, the game will reset the color of various platforms, giving the losing team a chance to come back. Final score is determined by number of blocks each team has in their color.
Ball Game - Players grab, pass, and dunk a soccer ball into the opposing team's net to win. The more you pass, the more points you earn for scoring a goal.
King of the Hill - A traditional mode where players standing on designated golden blocks to increase the team's score. The more team members standing on the blocks, the faster the score increases. Players must use weapons and attacks to remove opposing team members from the golden blocks.
Horse - The players must ride their horse into their stables to score points. All the while, players may also steal their opponent's horse to lead them astray.
Muckle - Earn points by beating up your opponents senseless. Use your weapons, throw them into hazards, or even rely on your own two fists to score the most points before time runs out.
Challenge - In this time attack mode, players race through a stage to see how fast they can clear it, or more accurately how much faster they can clear it than others. Work alone or with others to try and achieve the best time.


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